María Aguilera @ mariaaguileraartist


Would you like to know more about one of the most beautiful and talented women in Spain? Then don’t miss this exclusive interview with María Aguilera, the model, actress and Miss Grand Antequera 2023 who is triumphing in the world of fashion and show business.

María Aguilera was born in Málaga, a coastal city with a privileged climate and a rich culture.

But María Aguilera is not only a pretty face, but also an intelligent woman, prepared and committed to social causes.

In this interview, María Aguilera will tell us more about her life, her dreams, her projects and her beauty secrets. Don’t miss it, because we’re sure you’ll be surprised and inspired by her story.



1.- María, thank you very much for accepting our invitation. Originally from Spain, what have you always liked about the city where you were born and raised?

I was born in Málaga but I grew up in Antequera, a municipality in Andalusia, located in the province of Málaga. If I had to choose something that captivates me about Antequera, it is that whenever I return from being in large cities such as Barcelona or Madrid, it is the nature, the mountains, the mountain ranges, the tranquility and the wonderful things that one breathes. Antequera is approximately 20 minutes by bird from Malaga, and I also always took advantage of going to the famous Malagueta beach as a child.

What are those lifelong hobbies that Maria continues to practice and can’t stop? What makes you smile or gives you a lot of joy?

The hobbies that I practiced when I was little, as I mentioned before, were enjoying both the mountains and the beach between Antequera and Malaga, with my pet, Nala, and my family. Another of my passions is dance and interpretation. I also love reading and cinema. I could safely say that I am fascinated by the 7 types of arts that exist. And of course, playing sports and stretching my body is something that never goes unnoticed in my daily life.



2.- Model, Beauty Queen, Heading to Miss Grand Malaga 2023 How did María decide to take her first steps in the world of modeling and reigns?

Well, my first steps in modeling were a bit by chance, my sister and my mother saw an advertisement in a shopping center where they were looking for girls for a fashion show and I signed up when I was 12 years old. That was my first show. Since I was little I have been a very curious person, I have always liked to experiment and investigate new challenges.

In the world of reigns, I started last year, in 2022, they proclaimed me as Miss Earth Istán towards Miss Earth Málaga, but due to work reasons I could not attend the event. Although I remember having worked a lot both mentally and physically, because when you go to a beauty pageant there is a myth that says you only have to be beautiful, but when you are really in it you discover that you also have a lot of pressure because of how you have to maintain your presence, like you must speak, etc. There are too many factors at play other than beauty.

What feelings do you have about doing what you like, what you are passionate about? It is easy?

I feel peace and motivation as I assimilate that I have the opportunity every day to do the activities that I like. I am also an event hostess and tourist entertainer and the first time I went «far» from home (to Barcelona specifically) to work on something I was passionate about, I had only turned 18 two weeks ago. Of course it hasn’t been easy and no one has given me anything. It is a job that requires a lot of effort, but I have never given importance to obstacles, I have always felt that there is more to gain than to lose.

For me it is a pride to look back and feel that I have really worked for everything I have obtained.




3.- María, you are aware of your growth as a person, model and beauty queen, every day you will become an Influencer, the opinion leader, especially for the little ones. How do you handle this how would you like to interact with your followers who join you? What is your favorite social network?

I have to say that I only interact on Instagram, with my professional account (@mariaaguileraartist) and I try to take good care of it. Upload content just when it is necessary or relevant. And it is a pleasure but at the same time it is a great responsibility to be a role model for the little ones, since at those ages they are usually questioning who they are, what they want to do in life… but as I said, it is a great privilege because I try to be a better person every day and I would like to inspire others to also fight for their dreams.



4.- What do you think is Maria’s distinctive, unique seal in each activity she does as a person and model?

 Without a doubt, my character and determination. I am a person of great challenges, I am demanding of myself because my dreams and goals are big. I feel totally satisfied and proud of who I am. I work very hard for the things I want because I am motivated by the feeling of satisfaction that is generated once I achieve my goals. I am a witty and approachable person. Although I am objective and focused in the professional and personal sphere, I usually generate a lot of trust in those around me, because I have a sense of humor, which allows me to get people to open up to me and from that I have managed to make good friendships and relationships.



5.- What values, care and habits are important to have/adopt in order to be a model?

 I would summarize it as having a lot of desire, a lot of enthusiasm and a lot of curiosity to learn more, being humble, and I would also highlight being creative and having an open mind and of course, working hard. The first time I did a modeling casting I was 12 years old and it went pretty well. Two years ago, I tried to pick it up and start New Faces and I didn’t get any emails back. With this I mean that as a model, rather as an artist that I am, I must be open to the noes but that does not justify my worth. As an artist you must be a little narcissistic in the sense of saying «here I am, look at me, look at my work.»



6.- What feeling did you have the first time you modeled in front of a photographic and video camera? What did you feel the first time in a beauty pageant?

As I said before, my first casting was when I was 12 years old, and logically the feeling was spectacular, I felt like never before. Spotlights, catwalks, clothes, crowds of people watching him… definitely that day, I discovered a passion that I had hidden within me. I often say this, «if an artist doesn’t get nervous before doing his work, he’s not a real artist.»

In the case of beauty pageants, I already have the experience of the previous year (2022) as a candidate for Miss Eart Málaga, and I just found that pageant because at that time I was quite involved with the environment, and on that day I got a advertising where they said you could live an experience where you mixed beauty queens with the environment, and I thought it suited me like a glove. I presented my candidacy.

I attended catwalk classes, public speaking classes, continued to prepare my English, and was crowned Miss Earth Istan. Right on the date of Miss Grand Málaga, my heart was divided in two; They offered me a job in Girona and I left. I have to say that it was very difficult for me to make this decision because, for both things, I had worked a lot.



7.- Maria, would you like to venture into the entertainment industry at some stage of your life, such as TV, radio, or perhaps more oriented toward acting, film, theater? Have you always been extroverted?

 Yes of course. I am currently studying professional training in camera acting in which I am expanding my career in this case as a professional actress. In this area, I would love to make a film. In all areas I really want to go as far as possible and leave my comfort zone as many times as necessary to be able to make the most of myself in all areas.

No, I haven’t always been so spontaneous. But as I just said, I am a woman of great challenges, and although in my personal life I tend to be quite shy in relationships with friends and such, in my professional life I love taking on this challenge of being more «crazy», let’s say. I like to get up in the morning and say: «María Artista, up!».



8.- Maria What do you think of the power exerted by social networks and new technologies?

Honestly, it seems to me that we have to be careful. As long as we use them well, they can help us a lot, but if we start to depend on them or misuse them, they can harm us a lot. Generation Z, a generation that arrived with smart technology, with the appearance of smartphones, you see an increase in anxiety that parallels that of social networks.

I’m not saying that social networks are entirely to blame, I’m just saying that they are consuming ten thousand messages a day, scrolling through data… I believe that our minds are not prepared to assimilate so much information, which causes us anguish, stress and depression.



9.- What would you say to parents who do not support their children’s talent? And what advice would you give to young people who, having talent and ability, do not dare to take the next step?

First, I would quote Tim Elmore’s phrase that I like the most, which is: «prepare your child for life, not your son’s life.» I can tell you that the second thing you should do is observe your children, see what they like, what they are passionate about, and motivate them to develop it. If they like to paint and they enjoy it, buy them painting materials and let them experiment with it. If it’s music, first find out what catches their attention and leave them free to enjoy it in the time they have left. Many times, motivating involves paying attention to them, seeing their works, whatever they may be, and giving yourself the time to freely explain what they have done. It is not necessary for you to say that everything they do is divine, but it is important that Give them tools to express themselves, children are creative by nature and those expressions should be free of judgment.

And the advice I would give to young people like me, I think that all artists have at some point been in that situation where we hesitate to continue with this hobby that we like so much just because we need validation from others (parents, friends, likes, etc) to continue doing it. This is not healthy. Really, if you want to do it, you will do it because you need to. For example, I love and loved to dance since I was 12 years old, I have always done it, but just this year due to X problems I stopped dancing for a while, now I am resuming my training because I need to do it.

It’s part of me, dancing heals me, helps me, educates me, heals me. This is what I mean by «if you want to do it, you will find or create a way back to it.» I would say this to my 14-year-old self: Never stop believing in yourself, if others do, it’s okay, trust yourself and most importantly work hard, when time passes and you look back, even if you still You haven’t gotten where you want, you probably aren’t in the same place you were years ago either, and all of that will be thanks to yourself because you believed in yourself and didn’t give up.» I believe that all people come to life for a reason, we all have something. good and great to contribute, you just have to look inside yourself and bet on it every day.



10.- What lessons does all this experience leave you every day in a world full of glamour, designs and beauty as a person, as a human being?

One of the most teachings that I reflected on a few days ago was this. I share it with you; The empowered woman is the one who strives to achieve her goals. The ones she decides, which is why she is free. And if a beauty pageant is among your desires, you have the right to pursue it.



11.- What is your opinion of the empowerment of women in recent years, reaching leading positions around the world? How to improve this situation?

It is essential that women have a voice and vote in all areas so that they can participate on equal terms in dialogue and decision-making, to be able to influence the decisions that will determine the future of their families and their country. When we talk about empowerment we refer to greater autonomy for women, their recognition and the visibility of their contributions. UN Women and the United Nations Global Compact published the Women’s Empowerment Principles that offer the private sector some practices and policies on how to empower women in the workplace. Some of these principles are the following;

Treat men and women equally at work, Evaluate and disseminate the progress made in favor of gender equality, and Respect and defend human rights and non-discrimination. Which I consider should continue to be focused this way because for girls to understand that they are owners of their future, experts agree that from the different agents of socialization (family, school, media, etc.) self-esteem and empowerment from an early age, through keys such as communication, leadership or negotiation, among others.



12.- Maria, what motivates you and why do you feel grateful every day?

 My driving force when I wake up is to want to be a better person every day for myself and for others. I would like to inspire people to follow their dreams, especially girls who are growing up in an environment with thoughts of the Last century. Answering the next question, I feel grateful for life and the lessons I draw from it every day. My mother always told me when I was little: «never go to bed if you haven’t learned something during the day.» And I think he is absolutely right.

The day you stop being curious, life becomes cloudy. You must play like a child but being aware that you have an adult life. I also feel grateful to have met all the people who came into my life to teach me something and others to stay and those who are always supporting me in my goals. Thank you for having a roof, food and family. Thank you for being born in one of the most beautiful places in the world, my Málaga. Thank you life in short.



13.- Do you like to travel? What countries do you already know? What other countries would you like to visit and what places do you recommend visiting in Spain, your home country?

I am always willing to travel and discover new places, different cultures and customs, and gastronomy. Whenever I go away from home I tell my grandmother: «I am a girl from the south and the world.» I have had the opportunity to know France and Italy and Spain, logically. And I hope that this prosperous 2024 gives me the blessing of knowing many more.

As recommended places, I would say Antequera (City of Malaga) and I not only say this because it is the city where I grew up but because it is beautiful and since 2016 it has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I also recommend the north, my beloved Barcelona and Girona, which I fell in love with. When you visit it, you will discover why… hehehehehe



14.- Would you like to play a little ping pong? I’ll tell you a few words and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind, okay?


 Marriage – Loyalty

Abortion – Responsibility

Best Film – Mr & Mrs Smith

The worst – It

Chlidren – Love

Dance – Life

Sing – Freedom

Machismo – Fear that women are better

Policy – No comments

Favorite food – Dish from the Montes de Málaga Character – person

Crazy percentage – 70%

Big love – Nala



15.- These lines are yours Maria, thank you very much.

The pleasure is mine. Thanks to you for inviting me and to the readers for getting here.








Maria Aguilera

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Maria Aguilera – USA

English language

Maria Aguilera Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Maria Aguilera – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Maria Aguilera– Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
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Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.