German history is a complex and rich tapestry that spans several centuries. During the medieval period, Germany was composed of a number of small feudal states and kingdoms, with the Holy Roman Empire as the overarching political entity. The Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806 by Napoleon Bonaparte.

In 1871, the German Empire was established, under the rule of the Prussian monarchy. This period was marked by rapid industrialization, territorial expansion, and colonial empire-building.

During World War I, Germany lost the war and was forced to accept the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles. This led to political and economic instability, which paved the way for the rise of the Nazi Party and the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.

During World War II, Germany invaded and occupied much of Europe, committed numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity, and was ultimately defeated by the Allied powers. After the war, Germany was divided into two states, the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).

In 1990, East and West Germany were reunited, and the country has since become one of the most prosperous and influential nations in Europe. Today, Germany is a federal parliamentary republic, with a stable democracy, a strong economy, and a leading role in the European Union.


January 2023 Germany

01 – German New Year

06 – Epiphany

22 – Franco-German Day

27 – Day of Remembrance of the Victims of National Socialism


February 2023 Germany

14 – Valentine’s Day

16 – Celebration of the Fast of Hizir Bremen


March 2023 Germany

01 – Carnival

08 – International Women’s Day

17 – St. Patrick’s Day

18 – Anniversary of the March Revolution

21 – Halevi New Year


April 2023 Germany

23 – German Beer Day

28 – Girls’ and Boys’ Day

30 – Walurgis Night Celebration


May 2023 Germany

01 – Labour Day

05 – Europe Day (European Council)

08 – Anniversary of the End of World War II

09 – Europe Day (European Union)

23 – Constitution Day


June 2023 Germany

01 – International Children’s Day

03 – European Bicycle Day

16 – Corpus Christi

24 – St. John’s Day

25 – Architecture Day

29 – St. Peter and Paul’s Day


August 2023 Germany

08 – Peace Festival


September 2023 Germany

01 – Anti-War Day

10 – Day of the German language

09 – Day of the German language

10 – European Heritage Days, monumental buildings open to the public

17 – Oktoberfest

20 – World Day of the German Child 


October 2023 Germany

01 – German Food Bank Day

02 – Harvest Festival

03 – German Union Day

09 – Grandparents’ Day

31 – Reformation Day

31 – Halloween


November 2023 Germany

01 – All Saints’ Day

02 – Day of Silence

09 – Fall of the Berlin Wall

09 – Kristallnacht

11 – St. Martin’s Day

19 – National Day of Mourning (Victims of War)

22 – Day of Prayer and Repentance


December 2023 Germany

06 – St. Nicholas Day 

08 – Immaculate Conception

19 – Day of Remembrance of Roma and Sinti killed by genocide  

24 – Christmas Eve

25 – Christmas Day

26 – St. Stephen’s Day

31 – New Year’s Eve



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