peru history inca colonial period




You can read it in Spanish: 10 datos curiosos que no sabías de la Época Inca y Colonial del Perú




We are proud to be part of the rich history of the world, Peru has much of South American history from the Incan to the colony and we are recognized as the most imposing culture in this part of the American continent.

There are data that are not in the books, and may prove to be simple anecdotes or for many data that humanize our history and culture more.

We present 10 curious data that little or nothing they tell you when visiting Lima and Peru, and I hope you will travel and know more about us, our ancestors and our, each time, more beautiful country.

1.- The average number of children who had an Inca was 25, children died very fast due to the diseases of childhood and the medicine of our time, a flu could kill them. The Incas had many children to see how many they lived and to maintain the descendants of their family.

2.- The average life in both the Inca and Virreynal times was approximately 30 years. What would you do if you knew that you were going to live so little? . Our people of those times lived life to the fullest and wished to leave that legacy that surprises us today with such spectacular constructions and forts, platforms and discoveries.

3. The most important priests wore gold-clad tunics, which weighed about 8 kilos. The priests were only 1.50 meters high.

4. By catholic belief imposed in the virreynal time by the Spaniards, there was the idea and custom, that the eldest son or eldest daughter had to be priest or nun to bless the whole family, whereas the last daughter had to remain single for Take care of parents. In addition the longer you had the name + surname was believed more fortune would have.

5.- The Peruvians since the Spanish invasion and the imposition of the Catholic religion until before 1821, are buried in churches and chapels, since it was the nearest place to heaven, and to be buried outside them was hell. After that date our first cemetery “Master Priest” in order signed by Don Jose de San Martin would be the deposit of the human remains of our citizens, although some cheated and continued to bury in churches. Only Archbishops and Cardinals are currently buried within ecclesiastical buildings.

6.- The Cathedral of Lima and Cuzco are made of 100% wood and stone being the most outstanding of LatinAmerica, every 10 years are carefully remodeled by the best architects and specialists in the world.

7.- A tunic of the Catholic Pope and today Saint John Paul II is in the Cathedral of Lima, being the only ones in America to have part of their clothes.

8.- In the Colonial period, Lima was only square and called “Damero de Pizarro” and a small part of the district of Rímac, there were only 30 thousand inhabitants and this caused almost everyone to know each other, among them our Peruvian saints Fray Martin de Porres, Isabel Flores de Oliva or Santa Rosa de Lima and the Peruvian – Spanish Toribio de Mogrovejo, they were very friendly.

9.- The parish priests and workers who arrived from Mexico in the Virreynal period by orders of the King instilled our love for the Virgin of Guadalupe, and today our feasts and homage in their honor grow every year and it is not false to say that we are going To overcome the very Mexico in devotion.

10. The homily or priestly speech lasted an average of 03 hours during Mass, not counting the other parts, it was not convenient to be late and hear it standing, right?

** We want to thank the different tour guides Lima and Cuzco who with great joy and passion tell us and talk about our history – Peru.






10 Curious Facts that you did not know about the Inca and Colonial Period of Peru, is a translation of our publication 10 datos curiosos que no sabías de la Época Inca y Colonial del Perú created on February 01, 2016. Both publications belong to Jaime William and PMD PeruMira Digital.

The link in Spanish is at the beginning of this post

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