Nicole Peters

Nicole Peters

Lauren + Nicole – The Peters Twins

Peters Twins

The Peters Twins

Peters Twins


Nicole Peters – Miss Universe Canada 2020 Finalist



«My name actually means “victory” and “victory of the people”. I have my fingers crossed that this might be foreshadowing the Miss Universe Canada pageant!»


«I think it is really important to have someone to look up to so I hope to be that for others as well!»


«I think the fact that everything I try/do, I do so with a positive attitude! I know that is very simple but positivity goes such a long way, and I believe that if we are not enjoying life, we are doing it wrong!»


«Acting is so exciting but although you may be great for a role, there are so many external factors you can’t always control»


«I’ve actually predominantly done film/tv acting ever since I was little. I am always up for a new experience but do LOVE what I have currently been doing.»


«Acting is one of the few things in my life that has the power to take away all of my stresses. It is something that means so much to me and lights a fire inside of me!»


«…if you believe in yourself there is no stopping you and you can make it happen! We all need that extra push from time to time and I would love to give that to others!»


Canada has two suns, we first met Lauren and now it’s her twin sister’s turn.

She has wonderful vitality and joy, she is a great admirer of her father, outgoing, funny, smiling, friendly, noble and extremely beautiful.

It is an honor to present from Canada Nicole Peters, actress, Miss Universe Canada 2020 Finalist. Nicole competes alongside Lauren, her twin sister to be the sovereign of Canada and the world.

Ncioe gives me an incredible interview before being designated Miss Canada Universe 2020 !!!




1.- Tell us about the culture you come from, Canada.

I LOVE Canada!  I know everyone says that and you should be proud of your own country but I believe Canada is very special in that it is beautiful, inclusive, and filled with amazing people.


2.- Do you know the meaning of your name? If so, what is it? What origin does it have? What nicknames do you have?

My name actually means “victory” and “victory of the people”.  I have my fingers crossed that this might be foreshadowing the Miss Universe Canada pageant! 

It is also quite ironic that Lauren (my twin sister’s) name and my name both actually mean basically the same thing (and my parents had no idea about that when they named us)!


3.-How did Nicole decide to take her first steps in the world of YouTube? What feelings do you have to do what you like, what you are passionate about? It is easy?

I think my love of YouTube stemmed from my love of acting and my love of doing things together with my twin sister!  We have both done acting ever since we were little and Youtube in a way allowed us to do even more of that.  We build off of each other’s energy and I just love entertaining others!

Since it is something that I love, it definitely makes it a bit easier but since I am so passionate about it, I do put a lot of time and effort into videos so for those reasons it can be difficult!



4.- Nicole, are you aware of your growth as a person, Youtuber and Actress, will you become an Influencer every day, an opinion leader especially for the little ones? How do you handle this? How do you like to interact with your followers who join you? What is your favorite social network?

I think it is really important to have someone to look up to so I hope to be that for others as well!  I always like to view things as a “half glass full” rather than a “half glass empty” and I hope I can share this positive mindset with others!  Ultimately, I think as long as I am being true to myself , I will be able to handle anything and inspire those around me.

Though there are pros and cons of different social networks I would have to say my three favourites are Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok (as of recently).  I LOVE being able to share pictures and stories with instagram, YouTube allows me to create and share amazing videos, tiktok is super fun as it’s super cool being able to reach such a large audience.  My twin and I started an account together called the PetersTwins and we have so much fun with it!


5.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique hallmark of each activity that Nicole performs as a person ?

I think the fact that everything I try/do, I do so with a positive attitude!  I know that is very simple but positivity goes such a long way, and I believe that if we are not enjoying life, we are doing it wrong!


6.- What values, care and habits are important to have / adopt in order to be an Actress?

There are many values and habits that come to mind in terms of what is needed to be an actress but I’d say the three most important ones are having a love for it, being hard-working, and having a thick skin!  Acting is so exciting but although you may be great for a role, there are so many external factors you can’t always control that result in you not booking the job and it is important to get right back up after a rejection and tackle every new audition with the same great energy!



7.- Who inspires you every day?

There are many people that inspire me but if I had to pick one I would say my dad.  He is so giving, always puts others before himself, and is extremely hard working.  He is always there for me and through his words and actions he continually pushes me to go after my dreams!  I would not be where I am today without him.


8.- What feeling did you have the first time you modeled before a photographic camera and a video camera? What did you feel the first time

Excitement!  Every time I model/act , you cannot wipe the smile off of my face.  It is my passion and lights a fire inside me every time I step in front of the camera!


9.-Nicole, would you like to venture into some stage of your life in the entertainment industry, such as TV, radio, or perhaps more oriented to acting, cinema, theater? Have you always been outgoing?

I’ve actually predominantly done film/tv acting ever since I was little.  I am always up for a new experience but do LOVE what I have currently been doing. 

According to my parents, I have always been super outgoing!  I can and will talk with everyone I meet, have always been the first one to raise my hand to join any activities, and ALWAYS have a smile on my face!



10.-What are your goals for the future ?

I have many goals for the future and so many of them align with going after my passion–which I believe is very important!  I want to pursue acting further, move down to LA for some opportunities as well and continue YouTube with my twin sister. Ultimately I just want to be happy!


11.- Do you like acting, tell us about this facet of Nicole.

Acting is one of the few things  in my life that has the power to take away all of my stresses.  It is something that means so much to me and lights a fire inside of me!  It allows me to delve into characters and situations, which I find so exciting!


12.-Nicole What do you think about the power that social networks and new technologies exert where we can, for example, discover great talents on platforms such as YouTube, learn programming from the age of three, have greater visibility of our business on Pinterest, from our personal brand on Instagram, or being a recognized videogamer on Twitch?

I think social media is amazing in that it has the power of connecting people, allows people to express themselves, and great talents are indeed discovered!  There are SO many talented people in our world and I love how social media allows the opportunity to express oneself/one’s brand.



13.- What would you say to parents who do not support their children’s talent? And what advice would you give to young people who, having the talent and ability, do not dare to take the next step?

The biggest thing that my parents have done and continue to do with me is give me their support and tell me they are proud of me.  I think the reason I have accomplished what I have is greatly attributed to them.  Therefore, I would explain to them about the power that my parents support has had on me and thus, it is extremely important.

The advice that I would give to young people that do not dare to take the next step is that if you believe in yourself there is no stopping you and you can make it happen!  We all need that extra push from time to time and I would love to give that to others!


14.- What is your opinion of the empowerment of women in recent years, reaching positions of the first order around the world?

Female empowerment is actually one of my main platform points for the Miss Universe Canada pageant I am competing in this week!  Though there is still quite a ways to  go, I truly do admire seeing women break barriers, and lifting each other up in the workplace, in friend groups, social media, and among society at  large.  As women, we are FIERCE, we are POWERFUL, and it is important to rise up together!


15.- Nicole What motivates you and why do you feel grateful every day?

What motivates me everyday is the feeling of achieving a goal.  Though there is always more I would like to go after, we have all experienced even small achievements in our lives and that feeling of achieving something you have worked so hard at is truly like no other!  On a separate note, I feel grateful everyday that I have my family and friends around me to love and support me.



16.- Do you like to travel? What countries do you already know? What other countries would you like to visit and what places do you recommend visiting in Canada, your native country?

I LOVE travelling.  Being able to immerse yourself in a new atmosphere and culture is such an eye opening experience.  I have been to many places in the U.S. such as Hawaii, California, and New York to list a few (which are all amazing)!  I have also been to some places in the Carribean which are wonderful as well–to be honest, I don’t think there has ever been a travelling adventure that I haven’t loved!  Though I am fortunate to have travelled where I have there are still SO many places I would like to visit.  Australia and Europe are definitely the next two I have my sights set on!  I do LOVE travelling but there is also nothing like your native country.  Canada is a lovely place with lovely people.  I would definitely recommend visiting Muskoka, Ontario.  This is a beautiful cottage area filled with amazing lakes, great people, and good times!


17.- It seems to you if we play a little ping pong. I tell you a few words and you tell me the first thing that comes to mind, okay?

– Marriage – Love

– Abortion – distressing

– Best film – A Simple Favor 😉 …this is the movie I was just recently in with my twin sister that was out in theatres! hehe

– The worst – LOVE ALL MOVIES!

– Children – happy

– Dance – fun

– Sing – shower hehe (best place to sing)

– Machismo –

– Politics – Decisions

– Favorite food – Ice cream

– Character – Goofy (he spreads a bit of happiness to us all)

– Percentage of Craziness – 50% (I think everyone needs a bit of crazy in them to be bold enough to go after their dreams)!

– Love – Caring

-Fun – Friends

-Happiness – Smiles

-Wish – Shooting-star (I wish on every single shooting-star)!

-Goal – Determination

-Education – Learning

-Fashion – Expression

-Sport – Teamwork





Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca & Gabriela Alejandra Benítez Morris with Nicole Peters – Canada

English language

Nicole Peters Contact: Instagram – Email 

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Nicole Peters   – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Nicole Peters  – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
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  • Miss World Canada 2022
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  • Miss Teen of Flevoland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Friesland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen Gelderland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Noord-Brabant 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Utrecht 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Zuid-Holland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Gelderland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Limburg 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Noord-Holland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe of Utrecht 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Zeeland 2025 Netherlands
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