Zahra Palmer @zahrapalmerakaqueenz

Zahra Palmer @zahra_palmer_aka_the_body

Zahra Palmer



It is a great to present from the UK, the great talent and extraordinary beauty of Zahra Palmer, international top model, actress, musical artist, presenter, and she shares with us in a valuable interview her great energy, her contagious joy, a truly unstoppable and extraordinary woman. We meet her now!

Welcome Zahra Palmer!




1.- What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or does it give you a lot of joy?

My hobbies are basically music related…My hobbies ARE MUSIC..Music is my life…

I’m in a band and we get together and jam every week. I’m very blessed to be working with such amazing talented musicians and that’s because that’s where the magic happens.

I am in the studio writing and recording new music…music, comes into it somewhere whether its karaoke at home..or singing in the kitchen whilst playing drums on pots and pans or just jamming and writing new music…




2.- – International Model , When do you decide to take your first steps as a model? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

I was approached at the age of 12 at a one of the biggest cultural events in London called NOTTINGHILL CARNIVAL in Nottinghill Gate… I had long golden dreadlocks past my waist with ringlets at the end and at that age i really stood out..

The woman spoke to my mom and asked her if she would consider me being THE FACE OF THE 90’S… I looked at my mom and really wanted her to say yes but sadly she declined… however the reason she declined was because she wanted me to finish school first and get an education..After that I just always wanted to get out there and just knew when i was old enough my time would come…

At age 14 my mom bought me my first going out dress and took some pictures and realised that now was the time to get me into modelling…My mother sent my pictures off to many agencies but many turned me down as i didnt have the right look…

Sadly the look at the time wasnt of mixed heritage… however all was not lost.. it just made me more hungry to want to fight for women of colour to be seen…One day we received a message saying that I has been accepted as a model to an agency in London called FINESSE MODEL AGENCY..

This was a dream come true… Tony Wellington who ran the agency believed in me and believed that I would get my time… and I did..from catwalk to magazines we really got our chance to shine..

The first modelling pictures were taken by top 10 erotic photograher in the world MICK PAYTON whom I still work very closely with today….

The feeling that I have achieving my dreams really is indescribable…The fact that i was made to feel like i wasnt good enough because of the colour of my skin really made me push harder to be the best at what I do…I wanted the world to see that skin colour doesnt matter…

Now the same people that turned me down are the same people wanting to work with me because now because they feel like I have the right look for them..Its incredible really…



3.- Are you an actress and presenter? Do you like the entertainment industry?

I am an actress…I am currently a main character in a new film that we are currently filming called ‘Gangs Of Soho’ …This film does exactly what it says on the tin… it has an amazing cast and I really am proud to be a part of something so phenominal…

Gangs Of Soho also has some of the original SOHO gangsters acting in it and it really is a pleasure to be working with them all..  you can follow us and the movements @gangsof_soho

I also do presenting… It first started out when I was networking in a club and went straight for the DJ…he loved my craziness and invited me to get involved in a talk show where i was one of the people on the panel…was such an amazing time… he then introduced me to his friend who was doing a band new TV SHOW called PRESENTER CAMP..they were on the lookout to find the new ANT and DEC…it really was incredible to be a part of…

I’ve done lots of things from being a judge on a panel to hosting talk shows which really has been an amazing experience…

I am currently filming for a brand series called BENCH BANTER TALK SHOW…We discuss everything from the latest News, Music, Gossip, Sports and whats Popping Worldwide..

I love the entertainment industry… I was born to perform and entertain….I was always the odd one out and was always the funniest and the craziest chick in town…So it was only natural to utilise the nuttiness and put it on camera…



4.- You are a singer. How did Zahra take her first steps in the world of music?

My dad is a percussionist and is really into his music which is where i get it from… As soon as my mom brought me back from the hospital when i was born the first thing my dad did was put his ear phones on me and played me some reggae music…He new from then music would be my life…

I have been writing songs since the age of 5 and have done many theater shows growing up…However the main thing that really opened the door was that I auditioned for a band called Melodi Brown managed by Brown Sugar management…Signed to POLYOR and production company called MURLYN..

We travelled around the country doing tv shows such as T4, THE RALPH LITTLE SHOW, POP WORLD and also did some of the biggest shows from Mardi Gras to Party In The Park

That is where it all began…



5.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Zahra in each activity carried out as a person and model, actress, singer and presenter?

My distinctive unique stamp is the same for each category…not conforming.. being myself… not standing for any sh*t… not giving a damn about what anybody thinksstanding my ground..fighting for what i believe in… and believing in myself…just being me.. myself and I unapologetically…

The one this that really gets me is that the reason why everyone comes to me to work with me is that i brought sunshine in to their life the moment the met me…

I dont take life too seriously…I like to laugh have fun and take the piss and have lots of banter… trust me it goes a long way…



6.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an international model?

Being a model isnt always about looks…Obviously you have to be photogenic but there is so much more to it than that…

Personality really is something the agents look for…they want someone who’s hungry and dedicated.. someone whos punctual..

They are looking for role models… and when i say role models that doesnt mean that they are looking for perfection…

No one is perfect… they love the perfect inperfections… Being a role model myself means that I have lived life… i have gone through heart aches and pains and gone through some of the best and worst experiences in my life… ive been in sheer darkness and somehow found the light and i stand here today… having got through it… sharing my life and experiences giving advice and support to anyone that needs it..

I am living proof that no matter what you go through… you can get up.. you can get out and you can acheive anything you want to in life..




7.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

It really is an amazing feeling for the younger generation to see me as an idol… I have messages sent daily on how I inspire people to fight for what they believe in…

I want people to learn from what I’ve done and take my advice when i say believe in yourself & follow your dreams because you can achieve anything you want to in life…


I was young once and looked up to many people…I never listened to people that said i can’t do it…I went out there and proved them wrong…

There is a lot of pressure on teenagers to be a certain way in society…

My advice…

Be yourself… never try to be anyone or anything else but yourself.. forget trying to fit in… be different, be unique, be original… BE YOU..

That is what’s going to make you stand out from the rest…Lastly, enjoy what you do… love and live life to the fullest…have no regrets…



8.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera?

Being in front of a camera for me is like second nature…ever since i was a child i was always very extroverted and loved to be center of attention..

That has never changed… It’s like something happens to me when I am in front of a camera… I became alive… and I love it…

I jump at any chance to get in front of a camera… It’s where I have the most fun.



9.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

It’s crazy how social media runs our life these days…Social media has helped elevate my career and I am very thankful for that…I went from being an artist and model in the UK and now I am recognised all around the world… It really is a great feeling…


10.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media?

I am very hands on when it comes to my followers and fans…

I love to say hi and message them if they message me because I really love my fans and want to show them that I really appreciate them being there…

It’s nice to know they appreciate and love what I do…


Whats your favorite social media?

I looovveeee tik tok…. I love the fact that it brought the world together through dance and music… I can spend hours watching Tik Tok…I’m also into what’s really going on in the world and there are plenty of conspiracy theorists out there letting the world know the truth…

I’m a big fan of Facebook as that’s where all my friends are.. whether I’m happy or sad I can post it and get the best advice people can give… I have best friends that i have never ever met on facebook… they are incredible…

Insta is also amazing and is a place where I connect with people all around the world and for that I am grateful for…




11.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

I always remember being at school and never wanting to be there…infact I HATED school…

My advice is.. if your children are creative and have a talent or if there’s something they really want to do… Let them do it…

I always wanted to perform and wasted many years trying to satisfy people in doing what they wanted me to do… in the end I did what I always wanted to do.. so I felt like I wasted many years when I could have been doing what I always loved many years ago…

I’d say to anyone, always choose what you love…enjoy going to work everyday doing the things you enjoy…make the most of it… we never know how long we have on this planet so spend your time loving the things you do… for you.. no one else…



12.- Zahra, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?

There have been many obstacles and there always will be…

Mainly the colour of my skin… but that has made me even more determined to show the world that we are all the same…The colour of my skin does not define the person that I am… it’s my character that defines me and how i treat others…Treat others with love, honesty, loyalty and respect and goodness will follow.



13.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

Having suffered with abuse in the past myself for being a woman… This deeply saddens me that today in this society this behavior still exists..I believe in equal rights… and I stand up for what I believe in…I have fought for my rights to be here and to be successful in what society calls a man’s world…

Women deserve the right to achieve, work and be successful…We deserve the right to do whatever we want to and be whoever we want to be in life…

I used to be weak… but now I am very strong minded…I BROKE FREE and STOOD STRONG…

I decided that I would have that voice…The voice that would help others…

The voice that tells women to be strong and that THEY ARE worth something and that they can achieve anything they want to in life..

I am living proof that you can do this…. LET’S TAKE A STAND….We should all stand united no matter what gender, colour or race…WE ARE ALL ONE…We all deserve the right to live in a world where we can all live in peace, happiness and eqaulity …


14.- Zahra , what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation is the creator for giving me life… for helping me wake up every morning …For giving me breath… for giving me life…Also my family for being my biggest fans and have been my biggest supporters…

They have put their life on hold to support me and my music career…Without them I really dont know where I would be or what I would have done…

I just love the way they believe in me and show me that I am worth it and I can do anything I put my mind to…




15.- Zahra , Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know?

I love to travel… my favourite place is jamaica first and foremost..Montego Bay is like heaven for me… that will never change… I have travelled many places from Hackney to Hollywood…All very different and exciting in different ways…I love meeting new people and learning about the country and their culture..

I also love travelling around the Uk as there are many beautiful places to go and see..I really want to go to bora bora.. also dubai is top of my list of places to go and shoot…I’d really like to tour America and perform with my band out there as I really believe that they would really enjoy the music that we do…


16.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your  mind.


>> – Marriage – Happiness

>> – Childrens – Never

>> – Love – Forever

>> – UK – Home

>> – Travel – JAMAICA

>> – Abortion – For

>> – Dance- Passion

>> – Sing – Euphoria

>> – Europe – Cold

>> – America – Jackpot

>> – Sport – Boring

>> – Money – Irrelevant

>> – Parents – Adore

>> – Dreams – Singing

>> – Passion – Creating

>> – Madness Percentage – 100

>> – Character – Wild


17.- Zahra , your last words or final tips

Stand up for what you believe in… fight for your rights!!!!










Zahra Palmer

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Zahra Palmer – UK

English language

Zahra Palmer Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email : Zahra Palmer – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Zahra Palmer – Perumira – Jaime William


Jaime William - Perumira
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Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.