Lipstick and Luggage


Kelsey Johnson

Kelsey Johnson

Kelsey Johnson

Lipstick and Luggage



Kelsey Johnson – Miss Universe Canada 2020 National Finalist






«Becoming Miss Universe Canada would present me with the opportunity to promote positivity, to be a global ambassador as well as a role model to young girls and teenagers. It is more than just a crown, sash and a title.»


«I have an interest in aviation, fashion and travel, and like to share photos from my adventures as a flight attendant with my online audience. This brings me joy, as well as inspiring others.»


«I would like to think that my positive personality and desire to make people smile is a unique stamp of mine. I enjoy making people laugh and spreading good vibes. Everything is better when you’re laughing!»


«I truly believe that women, anywhere, have the power to change the world. We are strong, powerful beings, who are capable of overcoming any challenge»


«…to believe in yourself. It is not easy and it takes time, but by taking small steps you will get there slowly but surely. Miss Universe Canada has always been a lifelong dream of mine, and it didn’t happen overnight. It is something I have been working towards for years. If I can do it, so can you!»


Absolutely warrior, study, discipline and perseverance. Every day she has persevered in her dreams.

She has traveled to 73 countries on 6 continents, a professional woman with a graduate degree and has worked for charitable foundations around the world.
My guest today is a great human being, a wonderful woman and she is about to conquer her country and the universe.

It is an honor to present from Canada Kelsey Johnson, Finalist to Miss Universe Canada 2020, Bachelor of Arts, Postgraduate Degree in Public Relations, Cabin Crew, Model, Beauty Queen Miss Teen London-World 2011 !!!

Kelsey opens her heart, her experiences, her goals, her career and her great desire to become Miss Universe Canada 2020.

Welcome Kelsey Johnson !!!



1.- Kelsey, you were born in London – Ontario,What do you like about your hometown? What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or does it give you a lot of joy?

Yes! I was born and raised in London, Ontario. I love that it is known as the “Forest City” because it is home to over four million trees and was once a thick forest. Now, London is regarded as a regional centre for healthcare and education with two major schools (University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College) and four hospitals (London Health Sciences Centre Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre, University Hospital and Victoria Hospital).

Growing up, I really enjoyed sports and physical activity. My parents encouraged both my sister and me to be active, so I played competitive fastball and soccer, and also participated in track and field. In university, I played basketball and volleyball on coed recreational teams. Now, I run to keep in shape and live a healthy active lifestyle.

Other hobbies that I have include writing and creating content for my social media channels (@lipstickandluggage). I have an interest in aviation, fashion and travel, and like to share photos from my adventures as a flight attendant with my online audience. This brings me joy, as well as inspiring others.


2.- Are you Cabin Crew? Why did you decide to embrace this profession? What do you like most about your profession? Do you have a very nice web portal: Lipstick and Luggage?

After nearly 5 years of working as a flight attendant with one of the world’s largest airlines, I recently returned to Canada as I was made redundant due to Covid-19.

During my time with the Dubai-based carrier, I had the pleasure of visiting 73 countries, over 100 destinations and accumulating 4,036 flying hours. What I loved most about my job was travelling the world, meeting new people and learning from other cultures.

I also enjoyed being a corporate communications specialist; assisting with the airline’s social media strategy and representing them at various events around the world, such as press conferences, trade shows and sporting matches. It was an amazing experience to represent our multinational award-winning team in this capacity.

At present, I’m focusing on my application with the Canadian Forces, as well as building my blog ( and creating digital content for my social channels (@lipstickandluggage). My most recent Instagram video, entitled “Dear Cabin Crew”, was a goodbye letter to the aviation community, which has been heavily impacted by today’s current events. It has gained over 100,000 views and caught the eye of a few international media outlets.

I originally created my blog to share my journey with others, to travel and to inspire people to follow their dreams. I didn’t expect to build the network that I have today, and I must say it is quite an honour!

Although my career in aviation has been cut short, new opportunities like Miss Universe Canada, has come out of it. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason and I’m excited to see what’s next!


3.- Miss Universe Canada 2020 National Finalist, When do you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized woman today?

My experience with childhood bullying pushed me to take my first steps as a model. It was a way for me to gain confidence. I decided to use the challenges I faced when I was younger as a stepping stone to propel myself forward, eventually entering my first pageant and becoming Miss Teen London-World in 2011.

Pageants are an opportunity to build a platform and to stand for something you truly believe in. I built my platform based on self-love and acceptance; proving that it is possible to overcome any obstacle if you truly believe in yourself.

The love, support and encouragement I have received from my friends and family as well as my online community, have helped me to be successful. It is because of them that I feel as though I really have accomplished my dreams and made an impact. I cannot put into words how thankful I am to have them. Since returning to Canada and sharing my participation in MUC, I have been overwhelmed with THOUSANDS of kind messages wishing me well. It brings tears to my eyes, in a heartwarming way of course! I am extremely grateful and incredibly humbled.



4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Kelsey in each activity carried out as a person?

If anything, I would like to think that my positive personality and desire to make people smile is a unique stamp of mine. I enjoy making people laugh and spreading good vibes. Everything is better when you’re laughing!


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be a beauty queen?

That’s a tough one! There are many virtues that come to mind, like courage, honesty and compassion. Having to select one, I would have to say kindness. Kindness reflects acts of generosity, consideration and concern for others, without expecting any sort of praise or reward in return. It is something we are all capable of and is deeply embedded into my personal platform.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for many girls who want to be beauty queen? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

Becoming Miss Universe Canada would present me with the opportunity to promote positivity, to be a global ambassador as well as a role model to young girls and teenagers. It is more than just a crown, sash and a title.

Growing up, I didn’t really have anyone to look up to. There wasn’t anyone that I personally identified with. I pushed myself to be the best person that I could be to fill that void. To be that person for someone else.

Being a role model to young girls is incredibly important to me, because it is personal. I was bullied in school and called names. I skipped classes because I  didn’t  want erasers and insults thrown at me by my peers. I know what it’s like to experience that hardship. I can relate to all of that.

With the support of my school’s guidance counsellor, as well as my friends and family, I was able to turn my life around; graduating with honours and being accepted to university. I want young girls to know if they are experiencing these challenges, they can persevere too. If you have a dream, you can accomplish it!



7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

Nervousness! I have never enjoyed being the centre of attention, so it took a lot for me to get used to being in front of a video camera. As confident as I am now with the years of practice that I have, it can still be intimidating. Especially standing on a stage with a live audience!

When I feel this way, I try to remind myself of all the hardships that I have overcome to get to where I am. In my head, I repeat “I deserve to be here, and I am capable”. If I don’t believe that, others certainly won’t. Confidence is key!


8.- What do you think about the power of social networks today?

As someone who has a Postgraduate Degree in Public Relations, I am a huge fan of social networks. I think it’s incredible that we have the power to reach so many people all over the world with the simple click of a button. Of course, this comes with a cost and we do often see people abusing these online platforms. We need to ensure they are used in moderation, and that we are aware of the consequences of engaging in harmful interactions.


9.- Whats your favorite social network?

I love Instagram! As a frequent traveller, it is one of the best platforms to share photos and videos on. Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to build an online community of over 82,000 on the application. It has allowed me to interact and communicate with like-minded individuals, brands and and other content creators who share similar interests as me in fashion, travel and aviation. Like all social networks, it does have its downsides, but when used correctly it can have a positive impact on society.



10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

It’s always a challenge to put yourself out there. Even myself in preparing for Miss Universe Canada, I have at times doubted my capabilities. This is why it is important for me to have the support of my friends, family and community. They help to lift me up when I feel down, and push me to be the best person I can be.

My advice for young people, who have talent but do not dare to take the next step, would be to believe in yourself. It is not easy and it takes time, but by taking small steps you will get there slowly but surely. Miss Universe Canada has always been a lifelong dream of mine, and it didn’t happen overnight. It is something I have been working towards for years. If I can do it, so can you!

I would advise parents who do not support their children’s talents to take the time to listen to them and hear them out. Love and encouragement play a significant role in a child’s development, and having their parents behind them will make things much easier!


11.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

Yes! I have thought about it. I have been in a few commercials and music videos when I was younger, but it’s not something I would see as a career. At least right now, anyway. Never say never!


12.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the  role of women in the future in these societies?

I truly believe that women, anywhere, have the power to change the world. We are strong, powerful beings, who are capable of overcoming any challenge. To be successful, especially in countries where women are still being abused, we need to love, support and encourage one another. Empowerment is key, and we need to focus on lifting our sisters up. I am confident that our current and future generations will continue to do their best to spread this message of hope and positivity, to impact the role of women in these societies.



13.- Kelsey, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

I am thankful for many things! My successes and my struggles. My friends, my family and my community. My travels, my memories and my experiences. All of these things have made me who I am today.

What really keeps me motivated is my strength, determination and desire to empower others, as well as my passion to be a role model to young women. I want them to realize their full potential, to believe in themselves and to pursue their dreams too.

Over the years, I have sought out opportunities that have allowed me to give back to the community that has given me so much. I’ve had the pleasure of working with various charities and nonprofit organizations around the world, including the Maria Cristina

Foundation (Dhaka, Bangladesh), Rumah Yatim (Jakarta, Indonesia), The Emirates Airline Foundation (Dubai, United Arab Emirates), Me to We (Toronto, Canada) and London Celebrates Canada (London, Ontario).

This year, I will be raising funds for Toronto, Canada based charity Feed It Forward. They are a Canadian not-for-profit with two main goals: to feed Canadians that are food insecure, and to reduce food waste.


14.- Kelsey What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from Canada?

As a flight attendant, I have had the privilege of visiting over 70 countries across 6 continents. I truly believe that every place is beautiful in its own unique way, and outside of my home in Canada, every place is worth visiting.

Some of my most memorable experiences took place in Kenya, Nepal, South Africa, Thailand, Philippines and Bangladesh. I won’t go into details about my time in each, but I will say that I really enjoyed what they offered in terms of nature, sight-seeing, and culture. These countries each gave me a different perspective on life and taught me so much.

It’s one thing to read a book and learn something new, but it’s another to travel and experience it for yourself. I wish for everyone to be able to see what lies beyond their own borders.



15.- You  and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.

  • Marriage – Family
  • Childrens – Family
  • Love – Happiness
  • Canada – Freedom
  • Travel – Discovery
  • Dance – Fun
  • Sing – Karaoke!
  • Europe – Architecture
  • America – Politics
  • Sport – Hockey!
  • Money – Wealth
  • Parents – Love
  • Dreams – Passion
  • Passion – Dreams
  • Character – Personality


16.- Kelsey, these final lines are your

Thank you for taking the time to share my story with your audience! I’m looking forward to Miss Universe Canada and the chance to represent my country on the international stage.







Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Kelsey Johnson – Canada 

English language

Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Kelsey Johnson – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Kelsey Johnson – Perumira – Jaime William


Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
CEO & Founder at  | Website |  + posts

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🔷 2nd Honorary Place 2013 : Presidency of the Council of Ministers - President of the Republic - Contest "Tramite de Mas" Expert in Projects.

🔷 "Cesar Vallejo"  Award 2024 - UHE Union Hispanomundial de Escritores - Business Excellence by Perumira Global Talent

🔷 "Paloma de Oro"  Award 2024 - International Director Perumira

🔷 CEO of Perumira Global Talent Magazine : Interviews to Misses, Beauty Queens and Top Models around the World. Interviews to talents and professionals around the World


🔷 TOP Interviews to Finalists of :

  • Miss Universe Canada 2020
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  • Miss World Uruguay 2022
  • Miss South America Lima South Peru 2023
  • Miss Continental España 2023
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  • Miss Intercontinental España 2023
  • Miss Universe Danmark 2023
  • The Miss Globe Spain 2023
  • Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024
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  • 7ma Edicion Reina Nacional de la Revolucion Argentina 2024
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  • Miss Beauty of Overijssel 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Friesland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Gelderland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Flevoland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Groningen 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Limburg 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Noord-Brabant 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Zeeland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Noord-Holland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Groningen 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen Limburg 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Flevoland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Friesland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen Gelderland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Noord-Brabant 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Utrecht 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Zuid-Holland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Gelderland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Limburg 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Noord-Holland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe of Utrecht 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Zeeland 2025 Netherlands
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  • Australia Galaxy Pageants 2025


🔷 Writer - Amazon Author of :

✅ Poetry (Un Trozito de Poesia)
✅ History (Zaña Colonial)
✅ Education (Des-Enredando la Educacion)


🔷 SEO Specialist
🔷 Columnist for Multimedios Puntocero. Me Radio Argentina
🔷 Community Manager and Content Creator since 2011.

Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.