Deborah Thomas @mrs_atlantic_2023

Deborah Thomas



With great excitement and reverence, we dive into the fascinating world of Deborah Thomas, a true jewel in the British crown and the incandescent ambassador of beauty as Mrs. Atlantic United Kingdom 2023-2024. Originally from the historic land of the United Kingdom, Deborah was born in the picturesque city of Salford, a place where grandeur is intertwined with the authenticity of her heritage. Her presence radiates a unique elegance, a harmonious fusion of grace and determination that sets her apart on any stage.

Beyond titles and achievements, it is her unparalleled beauty that ignites the hearts of those who have the privilege of crossing her path. Endowed with a gaze that reflects the depth of the seas and the serenity of the skies, her eyes, a window to her soul, captivate with their mystery and charm. With no need to mention color, her gaze transcends the physical, revealing the very essence of her being.

In this exclusive interview, we will explore the most intimate corners of Deborah Thomas’ life, from her inspirations and aspirations to her deepest thoughts about the world around her. Prepare to be captivated by the grace and charisma of this distinguished lady, whose radiance illuminates both the runway stages and the hearts of those who have the privilege of knowing her. Welcome to an encounter with elegance personified!


1.- Deborah, tell me about the city where you were born and raised.What do you like about your hometown?

I was born in a town called Salford, but I grew up in another town called Stockport. Most of the towns is within the historic boundaries of the historic county of Cheshire and we have tones of culture. Our former hat factory is now home to one of our museums called the Hat Works, we have Stockport Air Raid Shelters from World War II and even a grade II listed medieval townhouse called Staircase House which is Stockport Story Museum. As a town we have a history within the music and sporting industries too.


2.- What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

I will always have a love for the sport of gymnastics. I started at the age of 4 and retired when I was 17 after competing for many years. My highest achievement was being part of the Regional Team Champions in 2003. Over the last few years I have found joy in gardening and growing my own fruits and vegetables which paved way to my platform ‘Grow Your Own, Pick Your Own, Make Your Own’ where I try to promote the mental and physical benefits of growing your produce, the fun of watching them grow and picking them when ready before getting in the kitchen to be creative and learn some new receipts to share and enjoy. I also enjoy relaxing by going for walks in the countryside, going to the movies, baking, and listening to music.


3.-International Model, Mrs Atlantic United Kingdom 2023/24. When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling did you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer of woman today?

I first delved into modelling in 2008, but it was only 10 years later in 2018 that I found I was opening myself up to more opportunities. Some of my most recent has been modelling for designers such as Earing Envy, Nadine Marabi, To the Nines, Red Carpet Ready, Full Length & Fabulous and Quinlan Couture in a range of location photoshoots and runway events. I feel so much joy and gratitude for the journey I have been on for the last 6 years being a part of the pageant community. I have made some life-long friendships and inspired many in a variety of ways such as motivational encouragement at a time of need.


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Deborah in each activity carried out as a beauty Queen and model?

I am a very humble and caring person and I believe this shows when attending events not just as a Queen, but even prior as a finalist. I always find time to speak to people as opposed to just snapping a few photos and walking away. I like to have a catch up with them to see how they are doing in themselves and how their own journey as finalist or queen is going, or even catch up with their mums too.


5.- What’s is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an international model?

Virtues are the essence of a person’s character and for me, I am loyal, kind, selfless and trustworthy to a few. I believe that a virtuous woman is a force of power, to help guide and encourage others but to be humble in the journey that they have been on and find reward in watching other succeed.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

I have had several young impressionable girls and ladies say to me over the years that I am role model to them which I find very endearing, and I am honored to be thought of in that way. I would not consider myself an idol and find the definition to be an object of extreme devotion, which I believe is very strong and not a realistic stature to place a person. I am grateful to know that me being me is acceptable and that my journey has inspired others in theirs


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

The first time being on stage competing in a beauty pageant knowing that it was being steamed live on to social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram was very daunting. At the time I was in one of my most insecure mental states as I was at the time battling with depression and anxiety. However, as the event went on and being encouraged by others, I found being on stage very empowering. Part of many pageants there is a swimwear round and although some people may find it very degrading, I found and explained several times that it is one of the most empowering moments you can have on stage. That feeling of showing your figure for what it is and loving yourself for it, or being in the process of learning to love yourself is one of the greatest gifts I found while being on stage.


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

Social media today can be used wisely but in turn can be very disruptive and damaging. I believe the power of social media used in positive way can help friends, family and loved ones stay in communication especially for those who are long distance. I also believe that social media is a great platform for companies and charity organizations etc. alike to help promote what the stand for and share information and knowledge to suit their demographics.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? What’s your favorite social media?

My preferred social media platform would be Facebook as I have more family on this service, however my most used social media platform is Instagram as I am able to link the two together and therefore friends, family and other social media followers on either platform can keep up to date with my on-goings.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

I would advise young people who have a talent not to give up. Determination and hard work will always prevail and to never pass by a great opportunity. Embrace those around you who support your dreams, who cheer you on and console when things do not turn out the way you want. Learn from your mistakes, take criticism, and let it make you a strong, better person in the future.

For parents who do not support their children, I would empathize with those who possible do not understand or agree with the path that they have chosen but advise those parents to not let that dampen their child’s spirit and say that they are not good enough or it will never happen. If you can’t support, find someone who can in the best possible way either through family, friends, or organization.


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

One of the most important lessons I have learned over the last few years is to be happy with yourself. A huge saying is that no-one is you and that is your superpower and I therefore believe that being your own unique self is worth far more than trying to be someone else. Be proud of who you are, the journey you have been on and work hard to be the best version of you the next day and the next and so forth. Focus on yourself and your loved ones, look after your own mental and physical health first so you can be stronger to help those around you if needed and to surround yourself with positivity. There is a lot of body positivity entering the world of pageantry where the colour of your skin, your body size, shape, and height nor even your cultural background are questioned. Yes, I understand that there are some organizations that have set criteria and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It might not suit your views at that point, but there is always and alternative available.


12.- Deborah, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles? How did you overcome obstacles?

I would say that modelling for me has not been easy at all and I did struggle at the beginning. I found that I was too small in height, not the right look etc. However, as modelling was not a career path for me albeit disheartening, I continued when an opportunity arose. I found that since being a part of pageantry, especially in the last couple of years I have been opening myself up to the opportunities of location and charity photoshoots and catwalk where I have been lucky to model designer gowns.


13.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

I have always wondered what life would be like as an actress, but this is not a path that I would follow albeit I have been a music video at one point. There are some aspects and the entertainment industry I do like but I also believe in turn that it is also very demanding both physically and mentally.


14.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

One of oldest human rights battles to this day is still genders connection to power which over time has changed based and will continue change for all woman and girls worldwide. There are individuals and organizations around the globe that are working on projects to help aid those woman and girls in societies where they or either less heard or not heard at all and I am a true believer in standing up for what you believe to be right, do the right thing and fight for a better future for your children and your children’s children


15.- Deborah, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation currently is the journey I am sharing with my husband to become not just first-time home-owners, but also first time parents. Our parental journey is not easy and full of challenges, but I am so grateful to have such an amazing supporting husband along with family and friends. When I met my now husband and not long since joining the pageant community, I was not in a great place mentally. With the support of trained professionals, my husband, and those special people who made an impact on my life when I needed it, I would be in a very different place in my life.


16.- Deborah, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

I love to travel lucky to have been able to travel to a variety of countries such as America, Canada, Denmark, Italy and South Africa. I am open to travelling to new countries to take in their history and customs with one on my bucket list which is South Korea and to also head back to Italy.

The UK is full of rich history. We have the Royal Residence in Windsor, idyllic countryside in the Cotswold’s to name one of many, stunning scenery from the Lake District with hundreds of locations around the country, Medieval Cities, castles, and ancient wonders such as Stonehenge, Roman ruins, and the myths of Loch Ness. Any one of these locations would not disappoint and would be suitable for anyone from those looking to relax or learn more about our history.


17.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.


– Marriage – Love

– Children – Future

– Love – Eternal

– Travel – Memories

– Abortion – Tough

– Dance – Expression

– Sing – Chior

– Europe – Countries

– America – States

– Sport – Gymnastics

– Money – Greed

– Parents – Home

– Dreams – Achievable

– Passion – Drive

– Madness Percentage – Crazy

– Character – Building


18.- Deborah, your last words or final tips

 My time as Mrs Atlantic UK 2023/24 has been incredible and I am so proud of the journey I have been on to get to where I am today. I am looking forward to what lies ahead of me on my new journey that has now begun. I will be back one day Pageant Land and to those who have supported me, I will be forever grateful for the love you have given me. I hope I have made you all proud.






Deborah Thomas

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Deborah Thomas – UK

English language

Deborah Thomas Contact: Facebook – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Facebook – Email: Deborah Thomas – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Deborah Thomas – Perumira – Jaime William


Jaime William - Perumira
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