Bahareh Dadras @dr_baharehdadras

Bahareh Dadras @bahar_d





«I love music and one of my best pastimes is listening to music. If you visit my office or my home, there is usually music playing.»


«I turned to writing poems and short stories, which were published in some publications of my country.»


«I participated in an Iranian talent search contest called «Iran’s Golden Lady» and won the first place as a «Education and Research» lady, or better said, the golden statue of the competition.»


«I was able to reach the position Mrs Lady Top of the World Plus Size 2020»


«Being a doctor has made me financially and intellectually independent, and my self-confidence as an independent woman is greater»


«I advise young people, especially young girls, to pursue it if they have a special talent or interest. We only live once, so it is our right to achieve our dreams and fight to achieve them.»


It is an honor to present from Iran the beauty and talent of Bahareh Dadras, doctor, beauty queen with international projection.

Bahareh’s work as a doctor matches her beautiful heart and her nobility, a wonderful woman inside and out.

Bahareh gives me the honor of meeting her, giving me part of her time for a special interview. We talk about everything. We are going to meet a beautiful Iranian woman.

Welcome Bahareh Dadras!!!



First of all, thank you for this valuable interview Perumira


1.- Bahareh , you were born in Iran, What do you like about your hometown in Iran?

I am «Bahareh». I was born in 1976 in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

The name «Bahareh» in my country refers to the spring season and of course I was born in the spring season. I grew up in «Bandar Abbas», a city in the south of Iran, which is located next to the Persian Gulf.

I love my country because of its rich and fruitful culture and history…its beautiful language and literature and of course because of its brave women and youth.


2.- What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or does it give you a lot of joy?

I love music and one of my best pastimes is listening to music. If you visit my office or my home, there is usually music playing.

One of my other hobbies is reading. I like studying history, literature and the history of religions very much. My favorite authors are Payoloquiello and Dan Brown.

The only sport I am good at is swimming.

I am very interested in reading the biographies of great men and influential women.

I usually feel happy and relaxed when I am with my husband.

I also enjoy watching valuable and conceptual films and historical and scientific documentaries.

Spending time with my mother also makes me happy.


3. Beauty Queen, Mrs Lady Top of The World 2020  , When do you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

The answer to this question is a bit long.

Since I was a child, I loved performing and stage. During school days, during national and religious festivals, I wrote plays and performed them with the help of my friends. I often played the lead role in them.

After being admitted to the university, I left the stage and performance….

After some time, I turned to writing poems and short stories, which were published in some publications of my country.

And then I became interested in translating books and I used to translate the contents that were less known in my country into Farsi…..

I was active as a blogger for several years and then I continued my activity in cyber space by publishing book files and audio books

About 3 years ago, I met an Iranian girl living in Italy named «Golshan Brazesh», who won the second place in 2019 in the competition Miss top of the world had won

In 2020, this contest was held online due to the Corona pandemic, and Golshan encouraged me to participate in this contest. I, who had such a dream in my heart since childhood, decided to try my luck

And as a participant in Mrs top of the world plus size from Iran I participated in the competition.

During the competition with Miss Nation of Iran I also met Mrs. «Selena Khademi» online and she also encouraged me to continue this way

I forgot to say that about 6 years ago, I participated in an Iranian talent search contest called «Iran’s Golden Lady» and won the first place as a «Education and Research» lady, or better said, the golden statue of the competition.

Finally, I joined the worthy lady competition….

I didn’t have many facilities….no professional filming….no professional photography….however, I was responsible for all the steps….with all the shortcomings that existed, I was able to reach the position Mrs Lady Top of the World Plus Size 2020

I was very hopeful that I would be able to participate in the competition in 2021 in the «Classic Lady» category, which is for women over 45 years old, but due to the conditions of my country… limitations and not having a sponsor to cover the costs, I gave up participating in the competition.

I hope one day I can participate in these competitions and give this message to the women of the world and my country that «it’s never too late to follow your dreams.»



4.- Bahareh you are a doctor. Why did you choose this profession and make it part of your life? What satisfactions has given you being a doctor?

Yes. I am a doctor. My parents were both doctors. It is not surprising that I became interested in this field because of living in an environment where the majority of people around me were doctors.

After graduating from the university in the field of «skin care» and «beauty» as well as alternative treatments such as «hot stone massage» in a number of international courses that were accessible in my country, for example, the courses of the German company «Clop» I joined

I was working in the same field for several years…but I really couldn’t get the feeling of peace I wanted with the field of «skin care»…

So, I registered for the «Genetic Counseling» course and took the «Sexual Health Therapist» course at the same time and finally got the certificate of both courses.

But now, after receiving the degree of «addiction therapist» for about 6 years, I have been working in the field of addiction treatment in a clinic and I have the position of technical manager.

The reason I work in the drug addiction clinic is the financial benefits

The field of genetic counseling is not very well-known and practical in my country, and there are not many job positions available for it….

But sometimes I have clients for counseling in the field of genetics or sexual health…..

Being a doctor has made me financially and intellectually independent, and my self-confidence as an independent woman is greater, although when I was a child, a medical character named Ramon Cajal, whose life series was broadcast on TV, made me interested in becoming a doctor. did…..

I didn’t become a famous scientist….. but in the end I am happy that I have chosen the field of medicine to study


5.- What other passions and skills does Bahareh have? Would you like to professionally develop any hidden skills?

I have loved music all my life. When I was a teenager, I played the piano to some extent….I even made 3 simple melodies…but I didn’t continue playing the piano later, unfortunately… and playing and singing have always been my dream…..

I am also interested in writing…..maybe I haven’t written a big novel yet, but I wish to write my own biography one day before I die.



6.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Bahareh in each activity carried out as a person?

Maybe my only characteristic signature under the work is that if I love something, I do it with love, and if I don’t like something, it shows my disinterest in the way I do it.


7.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be a beauty queen?

I think every woman is beautiful from the inside….you don’t have to be a beauty queen….believe in yourself….believe in yourself and be your true self…..

Every person has a special talent….. one is a writer….. one is a composer….. one is a skilled designer….. one is a tailor and…..

Find that inner gem of yours… of course you will be able to cultivate it


8.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

Of course, I am not a model. All the photos I have taken for modeling were either for the competition or because of my personal interest. So I can’t give professional advice. But I want to say that you don’t need to be a model or an actress to become rich or famous…. You can shine and be an influential person in any field you work in or are interested in…. Except «Coco Chanel» is a designer Wasn’t it a dress? But the whole world knows him…..

In today’s world, modeling or acting is not the only way to be seen and famous.

For example, in my country, a mathematician named «Maryam Mirzakhani» was the greatest female mathematician in history… Although she died of cancer at the age of forty, she is a role model for many women and girls in the world today…

I am not a role model, but I advise young people to choose role models according to their own taste, talent, and preferences…..

Your friend’s role model may be an actress…but your role model is because of your interest in classical literature, for example, «Bronte sisters».



9.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

I have never modeled professionally. So I have no answer to this question. But in the beauty pageant and worthy lady: when I participated in the «Golden Lady of Iran» pageant, I had good and high self-confidence and I knew that I would get a high position because I had a strong resume compared to my competitors…..because I was not surprised to win the first place in «Golden Lady of Education and Research».

But about the race «Mrs Top of the World» because I didn’t have any professional facilities or financial sponsors, my self-confidence was not strong, but it was an interesting experience for me to meet capable women from other countries…..I found good and capable friends in both of these competitions and gained a lot of experience.

10.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

In my opinion, the role of social media in this era is very strong and undeniable, and it can play a decisive role in enlightening and civil activities as well as collective knowledge.


11.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I have many virtual friends that we interact with. We are in touch with my school friends on social networks. My favorite social networks are Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp and Twitter



12.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

I advise young people, especially young girls, to pursue it if they have a special talent or interest. We only live once, so it is our right to achieve our dreams and fight to achieve them.

Going towards your dreams is not always easy….you have to pay for it….this cost is not always material…..if you have an interest, you must spend time and time to develop your talent….then You can taste the sweet fruit of reaching your goal

I also request dear parents, if your child has a talent or is interested in a certain field, help him to walk towards his goal. Guide your child towards his individual interest and not your own interest….because he should have his own life and not the life you want….


13.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

The world of fashion and beauty made me more aware of myself, my body and my beauty. I want to love myself and my body more, and after these competitions, I care more about myself and my body’s health and fitness and the beauty of my skin.


14.- Bahareh , being a beauty queen for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?

No. To reach the status of a worthy lady and a beauty queen, I have gone through a very difficult path. Due to the special conditions of my country, I was alone all this way and I did it at my own expense. One of my biggest obstacles in this path was the laws of my country and the laws of cyberspace, and the next issue was funding… Of course, not having a sponsor made it impossible for me to take many professional photos or high quality videos… but Finally, I was able to overcome all the obstacles on my own…..with personal budget….by reading about these competitions and gaining experience and information….I finally succeeded.



15.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

To tell you the truth, I have always been interested in acting… one of my dreams is to write a story or a novel about my experiences that will be turned into a movie or a series and I will play a role in it… even though Until today, this wish has not been fulfilled.


16.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

Women are half of the world’s population. They have many talents. There are many leading women in the world who can be role models. Societies that have oppressed women and their demands must accept that oppressing women no longer works and must change their ways.

Of course, women should also strive to achieve their intellectual and financial independence.


17.- Bahareh , what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

I always live with hope for the future. The love between me and my wife is one of the things in life that makes me able to continue.

Every morning when I wake up, I thank God that I am healthy and alive and that I have a kind wife and that I was born in an intellectual family and that I had the chance to study.


18.-  Bahareh Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from Iran?

I love to travel. So far, I have traveled to Turkey, Dubai, Bulgaria, Russia, Germany, India, Thailand, Japan, and Syria.

I am very interested in traveling to Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, and all other European countries. I am very interested in seeing Petra and Machu Picchu. I am interested in seeing «Three Pyramids» and «Sphinx» and «Wall of China»…

And I also like to see «Louvre Museum», «Eiffel Tower» and «Disneyland Paris» as well as the whole country of Italy.

Of course, I wish to be able to travel to Germany again

I advise tourists in Iran to definitely visit Shiraz, Isfahan and Kish Island



19.- What feeling do you have of being an ambassador of Iranian beauty, of the wonderful Persian woman?

I hope that I can be a good representative as an Iranian woman in international competitions in the future…. Maybe one day I can participate as a representative in «Classic Lady» competitions and this is one of my dreams.


20.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.

Marriage…. is the best thing in my life

Children…….. Unfortunately, I don’t have any children

Love…… is the reason I am alive

Iran…… is my homeland


Abortion is a difficult choice for a mother


Singing……..a dream that did not come true

Europe……..a dream

America…..very far away

Sports…..I’m sorry I didn’t pay much attention to it

Money…..solver of problems

Parents…..our roots

Dreams…….hope to be alive

Passion and excitement……..interesting and attractive

The degree of insanity… sometimes necessary

Character……characteristic of each person


21.- Bahareh ,  final lines are your

Finally, I want to thank you for this interesting and exciting interview. I would like to wish that one day all the women of the world have the chance to live a healthy life and be able to realize their dreams…….

I wish love for the whole world… I wish lasting peace and freedom







Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Bahareh Dadras – Iran

English language

Bahareh Dadras Contact: Instagram – Whatsapp

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Whatsapp: Bahareh Dadras – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Bahareh Dadras – Perumira – Jaime William





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5 thoughts on “Bahareh Dadras – Doctor – Beauty Queen – Iran”
  1. She is very clever and kind,,
    So she is the medical doctor,
    I have ever seen.

  2. Dear Bahare is a woman who has reached the position she deserves with her efforts. And therefore worthy of respect

  3. This is a useful and worth reading interview with one of the Influential women in iran, excellent 👌

  4. My dear and gorgeous Dr.Bahareh Dadrad you are always my hero and role model.

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