Umanda Bamunuachchi @yumi_bmd

Umanda Bamunuachchi



We are honored to present Umanda Bamunuachchi, Miss Internationale Sri Lanka 2023, and a celebrated international model, as our first-ever guest from Sri Lanka on Perumira Global Talent. Umanda is not only the most beautiful woman in her country, but also recognized as one of the most stunning faces on the planet. Her grace, charm, and incredible talent have made her a global icon in the world of fashion and beauty.

Representing a nation rich in culture, history, and diversity, Umanda embodies the spirit of Sri Lanka, a country known for its vibrant heritage and natural beauty. As the face of Sri Lanka, she proudly showcases the strength, elegance, and cultural richness of her homeland to the world. Her journey as a top international model has been nothing short of extraordinary, and she continues to inspire countless women in Sri Lanka and beyond.

In this exclusive interview, Umanda opens up about her experience as Miss Internationale Sri Lanka 2023, her rise in the world of international modeling, and her thoughts on representing such a culturally diverse nation on the global stage. She also shares her insights on beauty, fashion, and the deep connection she feels with her country’s heritage.

Join us as we explore the life of Umanda Bamunuachchi, a true icon of beauty, culture, and elegance, whose influence extends far beyond the runway.




1. – Umanda, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. ,What do you like about your hometown?

I was born and raised in Colombo, the vibrant capital of Sri Lanka. What I love most about my hometown is its fascinating blend of modernity and tradition. Colombo is a bustling coastal city where modern skyscrapers stand alongside colonial-era buildings, giving the city a unique charm.

What I particularly enjoy is the cultural diversity. The city is home to Buddhist temples, Hindu kovils, mosques, and churches, all coexisting harmoniously, reflecting the multicultural nature of Sri Lanka. One of my favorite spots is Galle Face Green, a large seaside promenade where families gather for picnics, and where you can taste delicious local street food like kottu roti and isso wade (shrimp fritters).


2.- What are your hobbies? what makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

I would say that dancing and modeling are two of my biggest passions! I find so much joy in expressing myself through movement, especially in traditional dance styles that reflect my culture. Dancing makes me feel alive and connected, whether I’m performing or just moving to music for fun.

Modeling, on the other hand, brings a different kind of excitement. I love the creative process of working on photo shoots, trying new styles, and showing confidence in front of the camera. It’s also about storytelling, just like dance—each look and pose tells a different story.

What really makes me laugh or brings me joy is spending time with friends and family. We always find a way to make even the simplest moments fun, and their support is something I cherish deeply.


3.-International Model, Miss International Sri Lanka 2023. When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

To be completely honest, my journey into modeling and beauty pageants wasn’t something I had initially planned. It all began when one of my closest friends, who saw potential in me long before I did, signed me up for my very first beauty pageant. I was hesitant at first, unsure of myself, but her belief in me gave me the courage to take that first step. She saw something in me that I hadn’t yet recognized, and that moment changed everything. It sparked a passion for the runway, and from there, my love for modeling and competing in pageants only grew stronger.

I will always be grateful to her for pushing me into this world because it has opened so many doors that I never imagined. From walking on prestigious stages to being crowned Miss International Sri Lanka 2023, each experience has brought me closer to my dreams. This journey has allowed me to not only showcase my talents but also represent my country on an international level, which is a responsibility I take to heart.

Achieving my goals and living out my passions has been nothing short of a dream come true. But what’s even more rewarding is the ability to inspire others along the way. Being

recognized as an influencer and a public figure allows me to connect with people, especially young women, who are searching for their own path. I want them to see that with determination, self-confidence, and the right support system, they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Today, I feel a profound sense of fulfillment. I’ve grown not only as a model but also as a person. This industry has taught me so much about self-expression, discipline, and resilience. It’s an incredible feeling to wake up everyday knowing that I’m doing what I love and that my work has the power to inspire others. There’s still so much I want to achieve, but for now, I’m proud of how far I’ve come, and I owe a huge part of that to my friend who believed in me from the very beginning.


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Umanda in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model?

As a beauty queen and model, I believe my unique stamp comes from being authentically myself in everything I do. Whether I’m on the runway or representing Sri Lanka on an international stage, I strive to bring a sense of realness and confidence. I’m not afraid to show my true self—embracing both my strengths and vulnerabilities. I think this authenticity resonates with people because they see someone who isn’t trying to fit a mold but instead embraces individuality.

Another key aspect of my signature is versatility. I’ve had the opportunity to work across different types of modeling—whether it’s fashion, traditional wear, or high-concept editorials. Each one requires a different mindset, and I love adapting to new styles and challenges. Whether I’m in a traditional Sri Lankan saree or in a couture gown, I bring my own energy and presence to every look, ensuring that I stay true to myself while showcasing the designer’s vision.

Additionally, my deep connection to my cultural roots sets me apart. As Miss International Sri Lanka 2023, I carry my heritage with pride, and I’m always eager to represent the richness of our traditions in my work. Whether it’s through dance, wearing traditional clothing, or highlighting the beauty of Sri Lankan culture, I aim to merge modernity with tradition in a way that’s relatable and empowering.

Ultimately, my goal is to inspire others to embrace their uniqueness and stay grounded in who they are, no matter the platform or stage. I think that’s the distinctive mark I leave behind in every activity I pursue as a beauty queen and model.


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

The main virtue any woman must have to be an international model is resilience. The modeling industry can be incredibly demanding and competitive, filled with challenges like constant travel, long hours, and moments of rejection. Resilience allows a model to stay strong, adaptable, and focused on her goals, even when faced with setbacks.

Resilience also fosters self-confidence, helping a model embrace her uniqueness and navigate through diverse environments and expectations while maintaining a sense of self. It’s this inner strength that often sets successful international models apart and enables them to thrive in such a fast-paced, ever-evolving industry.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

Being aware that I am an influential figure for thousands of girls and aspiring models is both an honor and a responsibility that I take very seriously. It’s incredibly important to me because I know how much role models can shape the dreams and ambitions of young women. I want to be more than just a face in the industry—I want to represent strength, confidence, and authenticity.

For me, it’s about showing these girls that they don’t have to fit into anyone’s expectations to succeed. They can be themselves, embrace their individuality, and still achieve greatness. I want them to know that success comes from hard work, self-belief, and staying true to who they are, not just their appearance.

Being an idol for many young girls and teenagers isn’t just about the glitz and glamor; it’s about using my platform to inspire them to pursue their dreams with passion and persistence, whether that’s in modeling or any other field they’re passionate about. If I can make even a small positive impact on their lives, then I feel like I’m fulfilling my purpose.



7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

The first time I modeled in front of a video camera, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves. There’s something about being on camera that makes every movement and expression feel heightened, and I was very aware of how each little detail mattered. At first, I was a bit anxious, wondering if I would get it right, but as soon as I started moving and connecting with the moment, I found my rhythm. That was when the excitement took over. It was a rush—feeling the energy of the lights, the camera, and the creative process.

My first experience at a beauty pageant was similar but even more intense. Stepping onto that stage for the first time, I felt a surge of adrenaline. It was a combination of pride, nervousness, and excitement. I was representing not only myself but also my values and my background, so there was this deep desire to do my best. There were moments of self-doubt, but as soon as I started walking, I felt empowered. The support of the audience, the energy of the event, and the fact that I was challenging myself in a new way made it an unforgettable experience. It was a turning point where I realized just how much I enjoyed being on stage and how much I wanted to continue pursuing this path.


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

The power of social media today is truly transformative. It has completely changed the way we communicate, connect, and even build careers. For me, social media is a powerful tool that allows people to share their stories, their passions, and their journeys with a global audience instantly.

As a model and beauty queen, I see how social media can create opportunities that didn’t exist before. It gives a platform for creativity, self-expression, and influence,

where you can reach thousands, even millions, without traditional barriers. It’s also a space for building meaningful relationships with fans, brands, and other professionals in the industry.

However, it also comes with responsibility. The way we use social media can influence people’s perceptions and self-esteem, especially for younger audiences. That’s why I believe it’s important to use these platforms positively, to promote confidence, authenticity, and kindness. Social media is an incredible tool when used with intention, and it gives everyone a voice, but it’s how we choose to use that voice that really makes an impact.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I love interacting with my followers on social media in a genuine and engaging way. It’s important for me to create a connection beyond just sharing photos or updates. I enjoy responding to comments, answering questions, and sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of my life. Whether it’s through Instagram stories, live Q&A sessions, or posts where I can connect more personally, I want my followers to feel involved and appreciated.

My favorite social media platform is Instagram because it’s such a visual space. As a model and beauty queen, I love how it allows me to showcase my work creatively, but also share more personal moments—whether it’s a fashion shoot, my travel experiences, or just a candid moment in my day. Instagram stories and reels are great for keeping things fun and interactive with my audience.

Ultimately, I see social media as a two-way conversation. It’s not just about sharing my life, but also about listening to my followers, supporting them, and inspiring them in any way I can.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

To young people with talent but who are hesitant to take the next step, my advice is simple: believe in yourself and take the leap. I know how scary it can feel to step out of your comfort zone, but your talents are worth sharing with the world. Every successful person has felt fear or self-doubt at some point, but what sets them apart is the courage to push through. You don’t need to have everything figured out before you begin—just start, take that first step, and let your passion guide you. Even if you fail, you’ll learn something valuable and grow stronger. You never know how far you can go until you try.

For parents who may be hesitant to support their children’s talents, I would encourage them to look beyond the traditional paths of success. Every child has unique gifts, and it’s important to nurture and support those, even if they don’t fit the conventional mold. Your belief in your child can be the difference between them chasing their dreams or letting them fade away. Encourage them, listen to their passions, and let them explore their talents. Success doesn’t always come in the form of a stable career or predictable outcomes, but when someone is doing what they love, they are more likely to find fulfillment and success in their own way.


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

The world of fashion and beauty pageants has taught me some invaluable lessons, both personally and professionally. One of the most important lessons is the power of confidence and self-belief. Whether you’re walking on a runway or standing in front of a panel of judges, you have to own who you are and believe in yourself fully. Confidence isn’t just about appearance—it’s about being comfortable in your own skin and staying true to your values, no matter the environment.

Another lesson is the importance of resilience. The fashion and pageant industries can be highly competitive and sometimes critical. I’ve learned that setbacks, rejections, and challenges are part of the journey. Instead of letting them discourage me, I’ve used them as opportunities to grow, improve, and come back stronger. Resilience is key to longevity in these fields.

I’ve also learned the value of authenticity. In an industry often driven by trends and standards, staying authentic to who you are makes you stand out. People connect more deeply with those who embrace their uniqueness, and that’s what I strive to do—whether I’m on stage or behind the camera.

Finally, the industry has taught me the importance of grace and kindness. While competition is part of the process, supporting others, showing kindness, and maintaining grace under pressure are what truly set you apart in the long run. It’s not just about winning titles or landing jobs; it’s about building relationships and inspiring others along the way.


12.- Umanda, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?

Being a model hasn’t always been easy; I’ve faced significant challenges along the way. One major obstacle was dealing with rejection, which initially felt personal. However, I learned to see each “no” as a stepping stone toward the right opportunity, realizing that every experience is a chance to grow.

Another challenge was the pressure to conform to certain beauty standards. I overcame this by focusing on my unique qualities and surrounding myself with supportive friends and mentors who encouraged me to embrace my individuality. Ultimately, these experiences taught me resilience and adaptability, empowering me to keep moving forward, no matter the difficulties I encounter.



13.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

Yes, I have thought about being an actress! The entertainment industry fascinates me because it combines creativity, storytelling, and the ability to connect with audiences on a deeper level. Acting allows for a different kind of expression, and I love the idea of bringing characters to life and exploring various roles.

While my focus has primarily been on modeling and beauty pageants, I’ve always been open to new opportunities in the entertainment world. I enjoy the collaborative aspect of film and theater, where you get to work with diverse talent and bring unique stories to

life. It’s something I’d love to explore further, as I believe acting could be another way to inspire and engage with people while pursuing my passion for performance.


14.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

The evolving role of women worldwide is a powerful and necessary movement. While it’s encouraging to see many women gaining prominence and breaking barriers, we must acknowledge that there are still societies where women face significant challenges and abuse.

In the future, I believe we will continue to see a shift toward greater empowerment and equality for women, even in the most challenging environments. As awareness grows, more individuals and organizations are advocating for women’s rights, leading to social and cultural changes. Education and economic opportunities for women are crucial in this transformation, as they provide the tools needed to challenge the status quo and assert their rights.

However, it’s essential to understand that change takes time and often requires sustained effort from both women and allies within these societies. As women continue to unite and support each other, they will build stronger communities that foster equality and safety. I am hopeful that through continued advocacy, education, and support, we will see a brighter future for women everywhere, where they can thrive free from abuse and discrimination.


15.- Umanda, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation stems from a deep passion for empowering others and making a positive impact. As a model and beauty queen, I am driven by the opportunity to inspire young women to embrace their individuality, pursue their dreams, and believe in themselves. Knowing that I can play a role in helping someone feel more confident or encouraging them to chase their aspirations keeps me motivated every day.

I also feel grateful for the support of my family, friends, and mentors who have believed in me throughout my journey. Their encouragement fuels my determination and reminds me of the importance of having a strong support system. Every day, I appreciate the small moments of joy—whether it’s connecting with my followers, participating in meaningful projects, or simply enjoying time with loved ones. These moments keep me grounded and remind me of why I do what I do.

Ultimately, my motivation and gratitude come from a desire to make a difference, celebrate individuality, and uplift others along the way.


16.- Umanda, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

Absolutely, I love to travel! Exploring new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes is one of my greatest passions. I’ve been fortunate enough to visit several countries, including Spain, Italy, England, Malaysia, Japan, France, Belgium, and Germany. Each place has its unique charm and offers different experiences.

In the future, I would love to explore countries like Greece for its stunning islands, Thailand for its vibrant culture and food, and Canada for its natural beauty.

As for my home country, Sri Lanka, I highly recommend visiting the beautiful beaches of Unawatuna, the ancient city of Sigiriya with its stunning rock fortress, and the lush tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya. Don’t miss the vibrant city of Colombo for its rich history and modern attractions. Sri Lanka is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural heritage, and I feel lucky to call it home!


17.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.


  • Marriage Commitment

  • Childrens → Joy

  • Love Connection

  • Travel → Adventure

  • Abortion Choice

  • Dance → Freedom

  • Sing Expression

  • Europe → History

  • America Diversity

  • Sport → Energy

  • Money Power

  • Parents → Support

  • Dreams Ambition

  • Passion → Drive

  • Madness Percentage Creativity

  • Character → Integrity


18.- Umanda, your last words or final tips

My last words of advice would be: Believe in yourself, stay authentic, and never be afraid to chase your dreams. Life is full of challenges, but every obstacle is an opportunity to grow and become stronger. Surround yourself with people who support you, but always trust your own instincts and passions.

Take risks, learn from your failures, and celebrate your successes—both big and small. Whether in fashion, modeling, or any other path you choose, remember that your uniqueness is your greatest asset. Stay grounded, be kind, and use your voice to inspire others.

Ultimately, success isn’t just about what you achieve; it’s about who you become along the way. Keep pushing forward, and never stop learning.






Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Umanda Bamunuachchi – Sri Lanka

English language

Umanda Bamunuachchi Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Umanda Bamunuachchi – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Umanda Bamunuachchi – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
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