Noa Jansen @noajansennn

Noa Jansen @noaajansen





At just 15 years old, Noa Jansen is already shining brightly as a finalist in the prestigious Miss Teen of Utrecht 2025 competition. Representing the cultural heart of the Netherlands, Noa embodies youthful elegance, determination, and a deep connection to her roots in Utrecht, a city known for its picturesque canals, historic charm, and vibrant energy.

Noa’s journey to becoming a finalist is a testament to her unwavering dedication and poise. Despite her young age, she carries herself with a confidence that captivates those around her. Her beauty goes beyond appearances, reflecting her warm personality and her passion for making a difference.

Growing up in a city where history meets innovation, Noa has embraced the diversity and cultural richness of Utrecht. She sees this competition not just as an opportunity to showcase her grace but also as a platform to inspire others her age to dream big and strive for excellence.

Balancing her studies with her ambitions, Noa is a true example of resilience and focus. She is eager to use this experience to grow personally and represent her beloved Utrecht with pride and authenticity.

Discover the inspiring story of Noa Jansen as she shares her dreams, challenges, and aspirations in this exclusive Perumira interview. Prepare to be inspired by her remarkable journey and her vision for the future



Met slechts 15 jaar is Noa Jansen al een veelbelovende ster als finaliste in de prestigieuze Miss Teen of Utrecht 2025 competitie. Als vertegenwoordiger van het culturele hart van Nederland straalt Noa jeugdige elegantie, vastberadenheid en een diepe verbondenheid met haar roots in Utrecht uit, een stad bekend om zijn schilderachtige grachten, historische charme en bruisende energie.

Noa’s reis naar de finale getuigt van haar doorzettingsvermogen en uitstraling. Ondanks haar jonge leeftijd weet ze zichzelf met een indrukwekkend zelfvertrouwen te presenteren dat iedereen om haar heen weet te betoveren. Haar schoonheid gaat verder dan het uiterlijk; ze weerspiegelt haar warme persoonlijkheid en haar passie om een verschil te maken.

Opgegroeid in een stad waar geschiedenis en innovatie samenkomen, omarmt Noa de diversiteit en culturele rijkdom van Utrecht. Voor haar is deze competitie niet alleen een kans om haar gratie te tonen, maar ook een platform om anderen van haar leeftijd te inspireren groot te dromen en naar excellentie te streven.

Met een balans tussen haar studie en ambities is Noa een waar voorbeeld van veerkracht en focus. Ze kijkt ernaar uit om deze ervaring te gebruiken om persoonlijk te groeien en haar geliefde Utrecht met trots en authenticiteit te vertegenwoordigen.

Lees het inspirerende verhaal van Noa Jansen in deze exclusieve Perumira-interview en laat je meenemen door haar opmerkelijke reis en toekomstvisie.



1.- Noa, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. ,What do you like about your hometown?

I was born and raised in Houten, a beautiful town in the Netherlands. What I like most about Houten is the nice surroundings and the friendly environment. In the last few years, the town has been growing and getting bigger, but it still feels cozy and familiar.


2.- What are your hobbies? what makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

I love staying active, which I do by working out and running. Dancing has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember, and performing is something I’ve always enjoyed. Besides that, I really like cooking and baking. What brings me the most happiness is spending time with my friends and family. Whether it’s doing fun activities, having a meal together, or just hanging out, those moments truly bring me joy.


3.- Model – Miss Teen of Utrecht 2025 Finalist When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

I saw Miss Beauty of Utrecht on social media, and it immediately caught my attention. It seemed like something that truly suited me. When I also got scouted, I knew for sure that I wanted to participate. I am incredibly grateful to be part of this journey and to have the opportunity to grow through it.

I am proud of myself for achieving this and for taking the step to follow my dreams. This pageant has already made me feel much more confident and brought me so much happiness.


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Noa in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model?

What makes me unique is my authenticity. I always aim to stay true to who I am, while inspiring others to do the same. I face every situation with a positive mindset, and try to be the best version of myself everywhere. Even in tough times, I focus on the lessons and opportunities that each challenge brings.


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

I believe the most important virtue for an international model is confidence. It’s important because it helps you stand out, allowing you to embrace your unique features. Confidence also gives you the strength to face challenges and stay strong in an industry that can sometimes be tough.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?Yes, I’m aware that I am an influential woman for other girls, and that means a lot to me. It’s important for me to show other girls that they can achieve their goals, no matter how big their dreams are. If I can be a positive influence in their lives, that’s one of the most rewarding parts of my journey.


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

The first time I modeled in front of a camera, I was nervous but very excited. I felt a bit unsure at first. But as I got into it, I started to enjoy the moment. I focused on being myself and letting my true energy shine.

This is my first beauty pageant, and it’s really exciting. I get to make new friends, develop myself, gain confidence, and experience amazing things. 


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

I believe social media today holds immense power. It allows us to connect with people from all over the world, share our voices, and showcase our talents. It’s also a platform where we can inspire and influence others. However, this also comes with responsibility. It’s essential to use it to spread positivity and build meaningful connections rather than focusing on negativity.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I love interacting with my followers by sharing insights into my daily life, showing moments of my journey, and chatting with them through direct messages. Instagram is my favorite platform, because it’s a great way to stay connected and share moments with my followers.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

My advice to young people is to remember that you only live once, so make the most of your talents. Start with the first step, no matter how small, and ask yourself: what’s the worst that can happen? We often fear more than we need to, and the opportunity to grow and succeed is always worth taking.

I would advise parents to take the time to understand and support their children’s talents, even if it’s not what they expected. Encouraging their passions builds confidence and helps them grow. Mistakes along the way are important lessons that lead to growth and success.


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

I’ve learned that the key to achieving the most is staying true to myself and showing the real me. When I embraced my authenticity, everything else simply fell into place. You are beautiful just the way you are.


12.- Noa, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?

This is my first time being a model, and so far, I haven’t encountered any big obstacles. I’m still learning and growing in this new experience. I know there may be challenges ahead, but I’m ready to face them and keep improving.


13.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

Yes, I have thought about being an actress because I love performing. However, I don’t think acting is quite the right fit for me. I enjoy other forms of performance that feel like a better match for me than acting.


14.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

I think the role of women will keep getting stronger, even in societies where they face challenges now. For change to happen, education and support are essential. When women are respected and treated equally, they can accomplish incredible things for their societies.


15.- Noa, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation comes from my dreams and the desire to make the most of every opportunity. Every day I feel grateful for the chance to keep growing and learning. I’m also deeply thankful for the kind people around me who support me in everything I do.


16.- Noa, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

I love traveling! I’ve been to some European countries but my all-time favorite is Greece. I go there almost every summer and each time we try to explore different places and islands. I love the culture, the kind people, and the beautiful surroundings.

I would love to explore more East European countries, as they each have their own beauty and culture.

Many cities in my country are worth visiting, each offering something unique. I love the sea, so the coastal spots in the Netherlands are my favorite.


17.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.

– Travel Adventure

– Dance Fun

– Sing Expression

– Europe Culture

– America Diversity

– Sport Health

– Tatoo Art

– Money Opportunities

– Parents Love

– Dreams Aspirations

– Madness Percentage Fun

– Character Positive


18.- Noa, your last words or final tips

Always follow your dreams and do what you truly love, be kind to others, and remember that being kind to yourself is just as important. Stay true to yourself, keep a positive mindset, and never give up! 




Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Noa Jansen – Netherlands

English language

Interview authorized : Noa Jansen – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Noa Jansen – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
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