MICHELLE CARNEY PORTFOLIO (michellekcarney.com)


Michelle Carney @michellekcarney

Michelle Carney



We are honored to present Michelle Carney, a dynamic actress, host, and model based in Los Angeles, California, whose talent and versatility have captivated audiences worldwide. With a remarkable career spanning across film, television, and the fashion industry, Michelle has consistently demonstrated her ability to bring a unique charm and depth to every role she embraces.

As an actress, Michelle Carney has showcased her range through diverse roles, effortlessly transitioning between lighthearted comedies and powerful dramas. Her work as a host on red carpet events and TV shows has made her a trusted figure in the industry, known for her ability to engage in meaningful conversations and make her guests feel comfortable. On the modeling front, Michelle has collaborated with renowned brands like Toyota, Maxim, and Jacob Meir, and her work has graced the pages of Harper’s Bazaar, Marie Claire, and Elle. Her presence on the runways of New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, and Milan Fashion Week solidifies her status as an international fashion icon.

Beyond her entertainment career, Michelle is a passionate advocate for social change. With an M.S. in Nonprofit Management from Columbia University and experience as a Teach for America educator, she continues to support initiatives focused on educational equity and creating better opportunities for children.



1.- How did you first get started in the entertainment industry?

Growing up, I never would’ve guessed I would one day be an actress or model. While in graduate school at Columbia University studying Nonprofit Management, I was trying to raise money to build an orphanage for children in the township where I taught in South Africa. I saw an ad for the Miss NY USA pageant and thought it would be a great way to raise awareness for my campaign. It was a silly idea. I’d never done anything like it. While I didn’t win the crown, I was suddenly presented with numerous opportunities to model. Every girl dreams of that opportunity, so I certainly wasn’t going to pass it up.

I stumbled into acting quite randomly as well. I used to be very shy, but over the years I was slowly becoming more of a risk-taker. Before I moved to Los Angeles, I spontaneously signed up for an acting class there. I wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone, so I packed my bags and left. In my first class, my coach was shocked it was my first time acting. I was equally as shocked that she thought I was any good! Despite feeling like I had no idea what I was doing, it came quite naturally to me. I had this strange feeling that this was what I was meant to do.


2.- What drew you to acting, and why did you choose to specialize in comedy, romance, and drama?

I’ve always been fascinated by people: the way we live, interact, make decisions, and dream. This interest also led me to study psychology, read excessively, and travel extensively. I’m the type of person who wants to learn about and experience everything. My friends and family always joke that I’ve lived 100 lifetimes in my 29 years. This all translated well into acting. It gave me a way to express everything I’ve experienced and learned about the world.

Each of those genres appeals to a different part of my soul. I try not to take life too seriously. I love to laugh and joke around. Being in love is one of my favorite things about being a human. There is such beauty in the entire course of a relationship, from falling in love to going separate ways. Lastly, I have seen how conflict and challenges allow us to deepen our understanding of the world and evolve into better versions of ourselves.



3.- Can you share a bit about your experience walking in New York Fashion Week, Miami Swim Week, and LA Fashion Week?

Let me tell you about my last NYFW. I was dropped from three shows when I arrived in New York. For one of those, the designer cast me virtually then dropped me when she saw me in person. I attended seven more castings and booked one show. I was then picked up by three designers on the morning of their shows. I was later told I was going to be on a billboard in Times Square and when my family and I watched it go up, I wasn’t on it. That’s only a glimpse into the week.

Fashion week is intense and thrilling and exhausting. At the beginning of the week, you rush to casting after casting, often getting rejected in front of everyone. Then, you go straight into fittings and the shows. However, the feeling you get when you step out on the runway and the pride you feel once you’re done make all the craziness worth it. You’ll wear the most stunning and intricate clothes you’ve ever seen. The hair and makeup teams will transform you into a version of yourself you never imagined you’d get to be. Runway is by far my favorite part of being a model. This year, I was also fortunate enough to walk in Milan Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week. I walked for ten designers between the two. It was an unbelievable experience.


4.- How do you prepare differently for a fashion show compared to preparing for a film or TV role?

Prepping for a fashion show involves eating clean, exercising, a careful skincare routine, and mastering your walk. You want to look your absolute best. Preparations for acting is more internal. To prepare for an acting role, you first have to figure out who the character is, where they come from, and how they view themselves before you can dive into the physicality. Unless you’re playing a character who should look like a model, you’re probably not going to spend your time prepping at Pilates. You’ll be creating a backstory, studying character relationships and the setting, and memorizing lines.



5.- What is your favorite genre to act in—comedy, romance, or drama—and why?

Comedy. Hands down. There’s nothing I love more than making other people laugh. Our world needs more of that. Being on a comedy set is an absolute blast. You’re surrounded by people who love to joke around, so jokes are flying whether the camera is rolling or not.


6.- Can you tell us about one of your most memorable acting roles to date?

My most memorable role was the first comedic role I booked. It was a very small part, but it solidified my love for this work. I played a crazy, unpredictable woman on a date. There was one scene where I was entirely emotionally unhinged and unpredictable. When the director yelled cut, everyone on set burst out laughing. The director actually had to step away because he couldn’t hold in his laughter and didn’t want to disrupt the scene. It was so fulfilling to see everyone smiling and laughing. Afterward, I called my mom and told her that’s how I wanted to spend every day of my life.


7.- What do you enjoy most about the modeling aspect of your career?

Outside of introducing me to many talented and inspiring creatives, modeling has helped me grow as a person. It’s made me substantially more confident and comfortable in my own skin. That might seem counterintuitive since there is constant rejection and the industry can be superficial, but the positives have far outweighed any negatives. I never really believed in myself when I was younger, and my accomplishments as a model have helped change that. If I can fly to Italy and get cast in multiple shows in Milan Fashion Week, I feel like I can do anything.


8.- How does your experience in modeling enhance your acting skills, and vice versa?

Both push the limits of who I am or who I think I can be. They push you to take on new mannerisms, move your body in ways you typically wouldn’t, and consider how someone different from you would operate in that situation. I’m not edgy, but if a designer’s look calls for that type of posing and facial expression, I need to be able to portray it. I can later translate those movements or that attitude into a character who is dark or tough and vice-versa.



9.- What has been the most challenging role you have taken on, either in acting or modeling?

I once played a stalker and that role required me to take a hostage, accidentally shoot the love of my life, and get arrested. Originally I had no idea why the casting director chose me. I certainly don’t look like a violent or aggressive person. I also never yell, so I really had to push myself to go there. There was a lot of emotional range to explore in a short amount of time. Afterward, the writer told me that my performance was everything she could’ve hoped for. It was a proud moment.


10.- How do you balance your career as a model, actress, and host?

I wish I could say I have balance, but the truth is that it’s very difficult to do it all. I work incredibly hard, but because I love this work so much and want to see how far I can go in life I’m okay without balance. To be successful in such a competitive industry, you have to make sacrifices. There is no shortcut or overnight success. I’ve worked too many 15+ hour days to count. I’ve missed gatherings with friends and families for roles. It’s a tradeoff you have to make if you’re serious about having a successful career in the entertainment industry.


11.- What advice would you give to aspiring models and actors who are just starting out?

Tell yourself that you are beautiful and worthy and deserve to be part of this industry every single day. It can be cut-throat and you’ll be rejected over and over and over. Everyone in this industry is. Don’t take it personally. You can be absolutely incredible and talented, but you might not be the right fit for a role. All you can do is try to be the best version of yourself, be proud of your progress, and enjoy the ride.



12.- How important is versatility in the entertainment industry, and how do you achieve it?

Versatility is crucial if you want to build a long-term career. Building your skill set is one of the best ways to increase your range. I’ve taken stunt classes, horseback riding lessons, dance classes, etc. I also act, model, host red carpets and TV shows, and create content. The more you can do, the more opportunities open up to you and the more desirable you are. I recently booked a role as a “motorcycle chick”. I never would’ve gotten that role if I didn’t have my motorcycle lisence.


13.- How do you approach comedy differently from romance or drama in your acting roles?

No matter what genre I’m working on, I approach it from a place of truth. If it’s truthful, the lines will give the audience whatever feel they are intended to. Of course, you’ll make different choices to play up the genre, but truth is the basis. If you think about it, the reason a situation is funny is because, for the character, it’s entirely serious. The character is truly angry about something absurd, and that’s why we laugh.


14.- What have been some of your favorite projects in your modeling career, and why?

Paris Fashion Week was undeniably the highlight of my modeling career. It was something I put on my vision board and thought, “That’ll never happen, but I’ll put it on there anyway.” I walked for 8 designers. I wore the most incredible outfits. I was published in Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, and Marie Claire. It was a fairytale moment for me. The best part was that my mom flew out to support me. It meant the world to me.



15.- Can you share any funny or interesting stories from your time on set or at a fashion show?

Oh boy, where to begin… In one runway show at New York Fashion Week, I was given pants that were three sizes too big. With every step I took, I silently prayed “Please don’t fall down. Please don’t fall down”. I once played a demon in a horror film. I wore white contacts and I couldn’t see anything the whole time. I also had black charcoal powder oozing out of my mouth. I was unrecognizable. I booked a Kid Laroi music video and I was excited thinking I’d get to play the beautiful love interest. Instead, I had to chase him around looking like a crazed fan.


16.- How do you handle the pressures of being in the public eye as a model and actress?

I’m extremely comfortable in my own skin. Other’s opinions of me honestly don’t affect me. If I am happy with myself and proud of myself that’s all that matters to me.


17.- What role does social media play in your career as an actress and model?

To be honest, I don’t like spending time on social media or my phone, but it has been crucial to booking jobs, making connections, and gaining exposure. It gives me space to share my work and connect with other creatives in my line of work. Social media also allows me to build my personal brand and show the world what makes me unique.



18.- How do you maintain your personal style while also adapting to various fashion trends for different shows and shoots?’

I spend a lot of time thinking about the type of person I want to be, so when I get dressed, I always consider what impression my outfit gives. I like to be classy and put together, but life is short, so I don’t pass up a chance to wear sparkles or statement pieces. I find inspiration in my travels, my favorite fashion influencers, and the pieces I get to wear at shoots.


19.- What are some of the biggest lessons you have learned throughout your career in acting and modeling?

You have to believe in yourself, even when no one else does. People will love you more when you stay true to yourself. A successful career takes many years and many failures. Kindness and a good heart will take you far. In short, it all boils down to “dream big, be a good person, and never give up.”


20.- How do you stay motivated and inspired in such a competitive industry?

I certainly have moments where I sit there and think, “omg what am I doing with my life? I am crazy to think I can succeed in this industry.” However, if the alternative is that I give up and work a regular 9-5, then I am so glad I am crazy. Life is short and we only get one shot. I am going to continue to take risks and pursue my dreams until the day I die. Even when I’m getting rejected, I know that I am learning and making progress. I never compare myself to others. I’m too busy focusing on becoming the absolute best version of myself.



21.- What are your future aspirations in the entertainment industry, and are there any specific projects you are excited about?

Acting is my life’s passion. I believe that’s what I was meant to pursue. I also see it as my avenue to positively impact others’ lives. The farther I go as a shy girl who grew up in Ohio, the more I can inspire others to chase their dreams. My goal is to make the world a better place by adding more laughter, love, inspiration, and connection.

I’ll admit I get embarrassingly excited about every role, no matter how small. Like, jump on the bed excited. I have several TV and film roles coming up that I can’t wait to get started on. They are bigger roles that will allow me to explore a greater range. I’ve also recently started hosting red carpets. It’s been so much fun to meet and interview talented actors, directors, and artists. I’m constantly stepping into new roles and projects. You’ll have to keep following me to see what’s next!




Michelle Carney

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Michelle Carney – USA

English language

Michelle Carney Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Michelle Carney – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Michelle Carney – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
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🔷 CEO of Perumira Global Talent Magazine : Interviews to Misses, Beauty Queens and Top Models around the World. Interviews to talents and professionals around the World


🔷 TOP Interviews to Finalists of :

✅Miss Universe Canada 2020
✅Miss World Costa Rica 2020
✅Miss World Canada 2022
✅Miss World Uruguay 2022
✅Miss South America Lima South Peru 2023
✅Miss Continental España 2023
✅Miss Intercontinental Galicia 2023
✅Miss Intercontinental España 2023
✅Miss Universe Danmark 2023
✅The Miss Globe Spain 2023
✅Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024
✅Miss Planet International 2024
✅7ma Edicion Reina Nacional de la Revolucion Argentina 2024

🔷 Writer - Amazon Author of :

✅ Poetry (Un Trozito de Poesia)
✅ History (Zaña Colonial)
✅ Education (Des-Enredando la Educacion)


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