My story translated into images
Mara Linde van Ouwerkerk @maralinde
Photography by Mara Linde
Photography by MaraLinde
Let me introduce myself

Mara Linde, born 4 November 1992 in Haarlem, the Netherlands, since this year I started Photography by Maralinde. As a little girl I was already fascinated by photographs. I could look at old pictures for hours and found it very special that I could experience certain emotions and feelings while looking at these images.
Also, this year I am participating in Mrs. Netherlands Universe 2022!
So in my mind, this course was the icing on the cake. You are challenged to invest in yourself and to show a certain growth.

I also knew a dark period, in which I was allowed to rediscover myself completely. This was accompanied by a process of much letting go and loss.
I had developed a certain survival mechanism that allowed me to sustain myself, of course this cost me dearly.
I was dealing with eating problems, hair loss and physical unexplained ailments. My body was saying «STOP!»
I was stuck in every area of my life, having healthy connections in the area of love and having the right Mindset!
Having to endure multiple blows, I lost my foundation, structure and control over my own life. Through various consultations and examinations, my body appeared to have been taken over by panic attacks.
I needed time for myself, to reflect what was happening in and with me. I spoke with an expert to help me with this, to hold up a mirror and to look for solutions together. In order to become and be the best version of myself!
My goal for 2021, «The best version of myself.»
Confident, balanced and fully in control!
By focusing on things that really make me happy, there was an upward trend in my own healing process. By engaging in photography, I became connected with beautiful people who brought me inspiration and brought out the best in me.
Dancing with Rony Louanne, what a power woman! Back in your power by dancing! Following the Strong Woman Academy, led by Diana Yussupova, another woman full of power and wisdom. Searching together for the true version of myself!
As a result, the weekend was a tense time of emotions.
During this process I also got to meet Shanti Schiks, the author of the book the power of self- love. I was tasked with writing a letter to my future self.
How intense! So the letter was on the mat during the trajectory of Mrs. Netherlands Universe 2022. From this moment on, everything is moving forward! I have goals to achieve, dedicated, confident and fully in my own power, I am so ready for all that is to come!

How did I show myself in the new adventure, Mrs. Netherlands Universe 2022! «Tick it off!»
- Selling20 tickets for the live stream of the
- YvesBerendse, thank you! My sponsor who is assisting me in the
- National costume: MARA LINDE BY DIËGO BELAIR WARDROBE «Unique clothing line forwomen». We threw all our ideas on the So we chose to design all the items I am wearing at the finale ourselves. So after the final show of the Mrs. Netherlands Universe 2022 on June 5, some of the items will be for sale in the store!
- Stopdomestic violence against Contribute to the collection of clothing and items for shelters for women and children in the Netherlands. My last assignment where I am still grateful to everyone who supported me with the collection action. No less than 15 bags full! Besides that I have brought a lot of stuff, I was able to participate in the first day of the giveaway store in this organization. With a beautiful smile I could cut the ribbon. The store was opened on international women’s day.
«Please always put yourself number one and listen to your gut when you think something is wrong.»

The story of the lady who inspired me so much:
I was struck by a specific story that the victim confided to me. The strength she exuded in leaving everything behind for a better life. I admired her for that. We both had a tear on our face and I gave her a big hug with the words; if you believe in yourself you can achieve anything. She felt heard and understood. I made her a promise to keep in touch. One thing is for sure this day will stay with me! Everyone deserves a smile on their face. Share with each other, be good to each other, give each other the love that each person deserves
Something in me said I wasn’t ready yet. «I’m translating my story into images. I would like to stand to be a role model for other girls. It will show 4 pieces from my life. My growth over the past few years, how hard I have had to work. It will show that if you believe in yourself that you can achieve anything. I will go back to the emotions of that moment, I will expose myself by showing my vulnerabilities, the story that Facebook and Instagram does not tell. A True Realistic Image. In ode to the girl who shared her deepest sorrow with me, a source of inspiration of this self- designed project.
So I want to thank my team immensely! Without you, my image would never have become a reality. My video and photo line can be viewed on my social media pages.

Jasper de Laet: videographer of studio fourteen Rene Rollema: photographer of portraits by Rene
Chantal Moens: make-up artist and Hairstylist: Moons Beautylab Rowan Cornet: from R. Styling
Charelle CB & Lexy Montana : vocals & music Clothing by: Diego Belair wardrobe
Mike van den Berg: from Mikes bikes store
GianCarlo: model and also photographer of THIS IS KAREL Hans van Ouwerkerk: my father and also a photographer Max Wiekens: graphic designer of MW Visuals
Rivellino Tahalele: all-around graphic/web designer from Wicked Webdesign And me Mara Linde: model and photographer of Photography by Maralinde
Also, I can now proudly say that I became second runner up with the finals of Mrs. Netherlands Universe 2022!
Interview Perumira Global Talent with Jaime William
1.- Mara, you were born in Netherlands, What do you like about your hometown in Netherlands?
The Netherlands is a relatively small country but has many bustling cities, cozy villages, historic buildings, museums and beautiful nature with forests, heaths, dunes and beaches. We are known for our typical Dutch flowers, wooden shoes and windmills, which are often visited by tourists.
2.- What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or does it give you a lot of joy?
If you ask me what I like to do the most, then that is photography, in this I can fully stand for what I am. I have also been modeling since I was little and I am now developing myself more as an actress.
3.- Model, Beauty Queen – 2nd runner up Mrs. Netherlands Universe 2022- When do you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?
I have always done modeling but believing in myself only came in the last year, but this time I putting myself in the first place. When I was in the trajectory of Mrs. Netherlands Universe 2022 I learn believe totally believing in myself, this gave me strength to develop myself and to be an example to other women. In my opinion, everyone is unique, which is why it so important to put yourself in place number 1.
4.- Your great passion is photography. I have always said that teachers and photographers are universal professions, teachers teach all the professionals around the world, and photographers show the art, talent and beauty around the world. How did you decide to make photography part of your life and passion?
For this question we go back in time, my grandfather was a lighting man and my father’s uncle was a stage master. My father and grandpa had a great passion for photography which has been transferred to me. Actually , I come from a family that is very creative, my brother graduated from the conservatory as a musician, guitar player, we like to creatively pursue our dreams, which our parents have always supported us 100 percent.
5.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Mara in each activity carried out as a person, model and photographer?
If I have a goal I go 100 procent for something, I also think if you believe in yourself everything can be achieved.
6.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be a model and photographer?
You have to know what you story is, what you want to say on screen and radiate your strength in it.
7.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?
Actually I don’t want to be seen that way because in my eyes everyone is equal, I stand for believing in yourself and too have been through times when I was insecure about my own self, what I will confirm is that you have to go for your goals and that you love yourself and in my eyes is that the most important thing.
8.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?
I can’t recall the feeling of the first time because I was still a young girl then and then we talk about many years back, but I thing it gives a certain kick of you can be there and stand in your own strength.
9.- What do you think about the power of social media today?
At the moment social media is the platform to promote yourself in the right way because that is the time we live in now.
10.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?
I myself use Instagram and Facebook the most, I think it’s important that you stay yourself, that you dare to be ugly and show that not everything in life is rose scent and mane appearance.
11.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?
In which parents have to support you, you also have to support yourself, when you stand in front of the mirror you have to be able too say that you can be there, that you are worth its, that you radiate strength and that you can also be who you are.
12.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?
Never let anyone say you’re not good enough, never let anyone make you feel insecure radiate the power in front of you and that will be enough.
13.- Mara, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?
I have certainly had obstacles I have had an eating problem and didn’t believe in myself at all, had to go through a certain growth to be where I am now.
14.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?
Last year, after my own films; I translated my story into images. I found out that I really like acting, I really get a kick of this and I really want to continue in this. At the moment I have acting lessons and I only want to grow in this.
15.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?
I think that men and women are equal, in my opinion the inequality should also disappear completely. Why should gender matter in value in which a person stands? No, and this is also what I stand for that empowers women completely.
16.- Mara, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?
I think you should appreciate that you have been given a day in which you are healthy in which you receive love from the people close to you.
Also I have a life motto:
It’s true about the eyes being the window to the soul. Your face can be etched with worry, and twisted by aging, but the eyes tell the true story of who you are.
17.- Mara, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from Netherlands?
I love the beach I live 10 minutes from the beach and I like walking on the beach and looking at the sea and the ocean, and then being able to create your own story, because it is infinite you can do it completely shape yourself with your dreams. I would like to see a lot of the world. Asia is definitely on my list! A must where I have been myself and looked around with amazement was really New York.
18.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word ago create and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.
- Marriage
- Childrens
- Love
- Netherlands
- Travel
- Abortion
- Dance
- Sing
- Europe
- America
- Sport
- Money
- Parents
- Dreams
- Passion
- MadnessPercentage
- Character
Definitely DREAMS and also PASSION!
19.- Mara, your last words or final tips
So if you believe in yourself, everything is the achieve, go for your goals and always put yourself in place number 1.
Big love from,
Mara Linde van Ouwerkerk
Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Mara Linde van Ouwerkerk – Netherlands
English language
Mara Linde van Ouwerkerk Contact: Instagram – Email
Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email : Mara Linde van Ouwerkerk – Perumira – Jaime William
All Rights Reserved in the name of Mara Linde van Ouwerkerk – Perumira – Jaime William