Maeve Kalwij – Photo by @joerisonck_photography



Maeve Kalwij @_gemmaeve




Maeve Kalwij, a strikingly beautiful and culturally rich personality, is captivating the world as a Miss Aura Netherlands Finalist. Her journey to this prestigious platform is as unique as her radiant charm. A celebrated Petite Alternative Model, Maeve combines elegance, creativity, and sensuality to redefine modern beauty standards, proving that grace comes in all shapes and sizes.

Hailing from the Netherlands, a country renowned for its cultural diversity and artistic heritage, Maeve embodies the spirit of her homeland. Her magnetic presence, both on and off the runway, is a testament to her dedication and confidence. With every stride, she represents not only the grace of a beauty queen but also the individuality of a true artist.

Maeve’s modeling career reflects her passion for alternative fashion, blending edgy aesthetics with timeless elegance. This dynamic fusion has earned her a growing following and set her apart in the competitive world of pageantry and modeling. Her ability to embrace and celebrate her uniqueness resonates deeply with audiences worldwide, inspiring others to embrace their true selves.

In this exclusive interview, we delve into Maeve’s inspiring journey, her preparation for the Miss Aura Netherlands competition, and her thoughts on beauty, culture, and empowerment. Discover the story of a woman who is not just a model but a muse, redefining sensuality with authenticity and flair.

Stay tuned as we uncover the essence of Maeve Kalwij, a rising star who is poised to make her mark on the world stage.

Maeve Kalwij, een prachtige en unieke persoonlijkheid, schittert als finaliste van Miss Aura Netherlands. Met haar uitzonderlijke schoonheid, creatieve stijl en natuurlijke elegantie heeft ze een plek veroverd in de wereld van modellenwerk en missverkiezingen.

Als Petite Alternative Model brengt Maeve een vernieuwende visie op schoonheid, waarbij ze traditionele normen doorbreekt en laat zien dat echte elegantie in alle vormen en maten voorkomt. Haar Nederlandse achtergrond, gecombineerd met een passie voor mode en zelfexpressie, maakt haar tot een inspirerend voorbeeld voor velen.

Maeve straalt niet alleen door haar uiterlijk, maar ook door haar authenticiteit en charisma. In deze exclusieve interview ontdek je haar reis naar de finale, haar visie op de modellenwereld en haar dromen voor de toekomst.

Maeve Kalwij is een naam om te onthouden – een ster die blijft stijgen en harten verovert, zowel nationaal als internationaal.


1. – Maeve, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. ,What do you like about your hometown?

I was born in Haarlem, but raised in Almere. Haarlem is a fairly old and beautiful city, and still to this day my favourite city to visit. It has cute independent shops, landmarks, and so many good restaurants and cafes. My family still lives there so I still visit regularly, and it does feel like home. Almere is very different. It’s a lot newer, and some of the neighbourhoods are not even finished building yet! It looks a lot more modern or even ‘futuristic’, which definitely has its own charm, and the public transit system is amazing.


2.- What are your hobbies? what makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

Honestly, I have too many hobbies to count! Of course, I sew and design, but besides that I love doing things like embroidery, diamond painting, baking, and even knitting and crocheting. I also go to a lot of concerts, and love doing karaoke with my friends. I try to find joy in little things, like lighting a scented candle on a rainy day, taking a walk in nature or hosting small dinner parties for friends. My friends and family are super funny so we’re always making each other laugh.


3.- International Model – Miss Aura Netherlands Finalist . When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

My first ever steps were as a cosplayer in 2018, which is a little unconventional. After a while I started becoming more curious about fashion modelling and did a shoot with a photographer friend of mine, which connected me to a wider audience of photographers that I then also started working with, and in 2023 I signed with an agency for the first time.

Because of that agency I found out that pageants aren’t as inaccessible as I originally assumed, so I started doing some research, and when I got scouted for Miss Fashion in early 2024, I thought: “I HAVE to take this chance!”. I haven’t fully achieved my dreams yet, but I understand that I’m working as hard as I can to reach my goals, and it makes me so proud that I’ve come this far already. I wasn’t – as we say in Dutch – “raised with the golden spoon”, and I’ve faced my fair share of challenges. Knowing that I overcame that and am now at a place where I understand my life is filled with love and laughter and growth, and I’m on the right track, only gives me more motivation to keep going, and I hope it gives others motivation as well.


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Maeve in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model?

I tend to think out of the box and pay a lot of attention to detail. When I get told to do something, I have a tendency to do it differently than initially expected. Sometimes this gets me strange looks and whispers, but I always get to the end goal.

I also have a bit of an alternative style which, even when I try to dress ‘normal’, can raise some eyebrows. I used to not be generally liked because of – and reprimand myself for – these things, but over time I’ve realised that for every strange look I get there’s an elderly woman reminiscing about her youth, someone with whom I will form a genuine connection, or a young girl that realises she doesn’t have to fit inside a box her whole life.

One time a friend of mine said; “That’s just Maeve, always a little strange, and we love it!” and that stayed with me. That’s the long answer, the short answer is: I’m unapologetically myself and trust my own judgement, even when it gets me weird looks.


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

Elegance, I think. Elegance is not just how you look and how you move, but also how you act. How do you treat others? How do you treat people who are different from yourself? You have to be pleasant to work with and with a big platform you have the responsibility to set a good example.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

I don’t think I’m that influential yet haha. I would love to, one day, set an example for young girls. What I’ve been saying at pageants is also: “I want to be the representation I didn’t have growing up”. When I was younger, people like me didn’t have a platform.

One day I want to get to a point that young girls can see me, a disabled neurodivergent woman that grew up in a difficult situation and turned her life around, and be reassured that it’s worth holding on and working through things to see what the future holds.


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

The first time I modelled, I was so nervous! I didn’t know what I was doing and didn’t think I was good enough. Thankfully I’ve been reassured since then haha.

The first time at a beauty pageant, I had a bit of that same feeling at the start, but quickly started having so much fun and becoming friends with the girls. When I stepped on stage at the finale, I was scared, and then the first song was over and I thought: “Wait, this is so much fun!”. I did underestimate it though; I did not realise how intense and busy it would be!


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

Social media has a lot of power. Like I said earlier, I think that with a big platform, you should be setting a good example. Many people don’t do this, and only show the amazing things they get to do which makes people feel inferior and competitive. Of course, the audiences keep getting younger as well, and especially children are easily influenced by this.

I think we should use the power of social media for good, for spreading awareness, and to help each other.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I like to react to (positive) comments, and do little story games. My favourite platforms are Instagram and TikTok, Instagram because of the opportunities to interact with people more and TikTok because of the creative and informative side of it.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

Take a leap into faith! The worst that can happen is that it doesn’t work out, but if it does it’ll feel amazing. In both scenarios you’ll be happy you tried. Parents: please do not be your child’s first bully. I’m not saying you should be allowing anything and everything they want, but you can at least help them do research and support them if something doesn’t work out. And remember: kids are smarter than you think! They’ll find a way eventually; the only thing you can control is if they can come back to a safe home after it.


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

That women are seriously strong. Beauty and femininity can, and do, coexist with strength and intelligence. That, and that it’s not as outdated as commonly believed.

Pageantry is a place where young women can grow, form friendships and solidarity, and overcome insecurities. It’s so much more progressive and uplifting than many people think.


12.- Maeve, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles? How did you overcome obstacles?

It has not been easy. Of course, I’m not very tall, which already limits my options in the fashion industry, and I’m alternative, which makes people feel a little on the fence. I’ve had to fight to get to where I am, and I’m definitely not at the ideal point yet.

At one point I wanted to give up because I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere, but I’m so glad I decided to keep going.


13.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

I love the entertainment industry! I’m not so sure about being an actress, but I did dance for almost 15 years, and I love performing and being on stage. It asks a lot from you, but it’s so much fun that I think it’s worth it.


14.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

My opinion is that every woman in every society should have the right to live her life authentically, free of abuse.


15.- Maeve, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

I feel grateful for the love and laughter in my life, the small things, and how far I’ve come despite everything. That is also a big part of my motivation to keep going.


16.- Maeve, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

I would like to travel more in the future. I haven’t seen much of the world yet, and I have so many places on my bucket list. From my country I’d definitely recommend Haarlem!


17.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.


• Marriage – love
• Childrens – innocent
• Love – laughter
• Travel – culture
• Abortion – choice
• Dance – free
• Sing – friends
• Europe – travel
• America – big
• Sport – strength
• Money – work
• Parents – family
• Dreams – achieve
• Passion – creative
• Madness Percentage – 90%
• Character – unique


18.- Maeve, your last words or final tips

Thank you for including me in this, and I just want to say to everyone that’s in a difficult situation that it really is worth sticking around to see what the future holds. It sounds cheesy, but it does get better. Take a leap into faith, you have the power to turn your life around. If I can do it, so can you!







Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Maeve Kalwij – Netherlands

English language

Interview authorized : Maeve Kalwij – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Maeve Kalwij – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
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Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.