Lidia Lobodina @lidia_lobodina_official



We are excited to introduce Lidia Lobodina, a breathtaking international model and one of the most beautiful faces in the world. Hailing from Ukraine, a country rich in culture, history, and resilience, Lidia embodies the grace, elegance, and strength of her homeland. In just a short time, she has risen to prominence in the world of beauty pageants and modeling, captivating audiences with her stunning looks and radiant presence.

Lidia’s journey began in 2023, when she competed in her first beauty pageant and walked away with not one but two prestigious titles: 1st Vice Miss Charity Queen of Ukraine 2023 and Mrs. Top Animal Saver 2023. Her impressive achievements did not stop there; she also earned the honor of being recognized as the Pride of the Country 2023, further cementing her status as a true Ukrainian icon.

In this exclusive interview, Lidia shares her experiences in the beauty industry, what it means to represent Ukraine on the international stage, and how her passion for animal welfare plays a significant role in her life. As Ms. Top Ukraine 2024, Lidia continues to inspire with her beauty, dedication, and love for her culture.

We are thrilled to have Lidia Lobodina grace the pages of Perumira Global Talent and look forward to sharing her incredible story.


Ми раді представити ЛІДІЯ ЛОБОДІНА , приголомшливу міжнародну модель та одну з найкрасивіших жінок у світі. Лідія походить з України, країни, багатої на культуру, історію та стійкість, і втілює грацію, елегантність та силу свого народу. За короткий час вона здобула визнання в індустрії краси та моделінгу, підкорюючи аудиторію своїм вражаючим виглядом та чарівністю.

Шлях Лідії розпочався у 2023 році, коли вона взяла участь у своєму першому конкурсі краси і одразу здобула два престижні титули: 1st Vice Miss Charity Queen of Ukraine 2023 та Mrs. Top Animal Saver 2023. Її вражаючі досягнення продовжилися, коли вона отримала титул Гордість Країни 2023, що ще більше утвердило її статус справжньої ікони України.

У цьому ексклюзивному інтерв’ю Лідія ділиться своїм досвідом у індустрії краси, що означає для неї представляти Україну на міжнародній арені, та як її пристрасть до захисту тварин відіграє важливу роль у її житті. Як Ms. Top Ukraine 2024, Лідія продовжує надихати своєю красою, відданістю та любов’ю до своєї культури.

Ми раді бачити ЛІДІЯ ЛОБОДІНА на сторінках Perumira Global Talent і з нетерпінням чекаємо, щоб поділитися її неймовірною історією.



1.- Lidia, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. ,What do you like about your hometown?

 I was born in Donetsk, known as the city of a million roses. I love it for its beautiful nature and many warm memories. Unfortunately, I had to leave it in 2014, and I haven’t returned since. Now I live in Kyiv, and I also love this city very much, especially for its beautiful streets and historical places. It inspires and doesn’t let you get bored.


2.- What are your hobbies? what makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

My job is my hobby. I am a veterinarian, I do charity work and help animal shelters, I am planning to open my own charity. I am also a theater and film actress, I write music and songs, I love modeling and beauty contests. I am happy that I can realize myself in different areas.


3.- Pride of the country 2023 – International Model, Ms Top Ukraine 2024. When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

My first beauty pageant was in 2023, where I received 2 titles at once – 1st Vice Miss Charity Queen of Ukraine 2023, Mrs. Top Animal Saver 2023. After that, I began to receive invitations from modeling agencies. My long-awaited victory and the title of Ms Top Ukraine 2024 opened up invitations for me to fashion weeks not only in Ukraine, but also in Europe. A year ago, I wouldn’t have believed that I could achieve such results, but faith in my dreams, determination and hard work gave results. Now I am happy, motivated to reach new heights and inspire others with my example.



4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Lidia in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model?

The main thing is to be yourself, to be distinguished not only by your beauty, but also by your inner qualities, kindness, nobility, decency.


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

Be self-confident, work hard on yourself and your fears.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

My goal is to popularize the power of women and their importance in modern society. I strive to show that Ukrainian women are not only beautiful, but also spiritually strong, brave and smart. Inspiring others is priceless.


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

I have been performing on stage since childhood and am not afraid of cameras. My main idea is «dreams come true». My first beauty contest made me understand that I am worthy of the main titles and I have room to develop in order to achieve new goals.



8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

Social networks are certainly important. Therefore, I try to broadcast in them not only beautiful photos, but also my achievements, participation in charity events. I want users to feel inspired and happy at least through my profile.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I love Instagram, because a few years ago I had a blog about aesthetics and took a lot of photos. I try to actively maintain a profile, but I don’t always have enough time for it.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

You need to believe in yourself and the beauty of your dreams, look for like-minded people and projects in which you can reveal your talent. Parents should accept and support the child’s hobbies, try to reveal as many talents and abilities as possible. I can say from my own experience that my parents were against a creative profession, but now fate has brought me back to the stage, I act in films, play in the theater. Therefore, if something does not work out, you cannot miss chances and give up.



11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

It is important to remain yourself, to be noble, decent, even if the people around you are not like that. Regarding appearance, I do not support plastic surgery and excessive injection cosmetology without necessity, since every woman loses her uniqueness after them.


12.- Lidia, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles? How did you overcome obstacles?

My big problem was doubts and self-doubt. To overcome them, I thought only about the goal, why I am here.


13.- Are you actress and singer? Do you like the entertainment industry?

I have been involved in music, vocals and ballroom dancing since childhood. This year I recorded my first trial single, starred in 7 TV series and played in a theater. I am madly in love with art and am happy that I am now a part of it in full.



14.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

Women should have more freedom, the right to education, self-development and self-realization. Without political and cultural-social changes, attracting the attention of international organizations, women will continue to suffer. Every year in Ukraine, women hold various actions against violence, thanks to some of them, it was possible to punish the offenders. I hope that such changes will still happen all over the world.


15.- Lidia, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

I am motivated by my goals and dreams that I want to achieve. I am grateful for my experience, the difficult path that taught me to be strong and showed that I deserve the best.


16.- Lidia, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

I love to travel, but I haven’t been to many countries yet because I’m busy. My list of visited countries includes Eastern European countries. I dream of visiting France, Italy, the USA, Egypt and the Balkans. In Ukraine, I recommend seeing Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv – beautiful cities with a unique atmosphere.



17.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.


– Marriage – reliability

– Children – hope

– Love – happiness

– Travel – impressions

– Abortion – grief

– Dancing – passion

– Singing – wings

– Europe – castles

– America – freedom

– Sports – endurance

– Money – opportunities

– Parents – support

– Dreams – stars

– Passion – fire

– Percentage of madness – 50%

– Character – strength


18.- Lidia, your last words or final tips

I wish all women to believe in themselves, maintain their uniqueness, be generous and follow their dreams






Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Lidia Lobodina – Ukraine

English language

Lidia Lobodina Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Lidia Lobodina – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Lidia Lobodina – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
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