
Katherine Kearney  @katherine_fitness_ca

Katherine Kearney  /katherine.kearney.9




«I love knowing I can help influence people to help them be their best, and in this case I hope I can leave an impression that life is worth exploring.»


«My desire to be a personal trainer initatied from asking myself «how can I increse my personal service others» when it came to helping people and their health.»


«The best compliment I’ve received from clients is «Thank you for helping me feel stronger». This is a perfect example of an internal accomplishment and has nothing to do with superficial aspects.»


«Consistency is key for sustainable results and I chose to model because I want to demonstrate the phrase «don’t be afraid to shine».»


«We learn what we are good at through experience, and we might not be good at everything we try to do. What is important about trying new things is that we learn how to trust ourselves more.»


Meeting my guest has been spectacular, an interview full of experience, motivation, energy, joy and health. It is important that she is one of the most beautiful women in her country.

It is an honor to present from Canada Katherine Kearney, Ms Southern Alberta 2021, Ms Calgary 2020 – Ms Alberta North America – Fitness Model, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer . Katherine gives me part of her time and her experiences, tips, feelings and trajectory.

Welcome Katherine Kearney !!!




1.- Katherine , Were you born in Canada, what you like about your hometown? What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or does it give you a lot of joy?

I was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I really enjoyed my community and having fun with all my childhood friends. When I was growing up I was an avid soccer player always striving to be the best. The running, and ability to control a ball along with my competitive nature lead me to branch to other sports.

One example is was when I was in high school I played rugby and really enjoyed it. I was 20 when I hit my first baseball, and 30 when I scored my first goal playing ball hockey. I’ve always been known as a cheerleader on my team and sometimes would receive awards for MVP, most dedicated, or most sportsman-like.

My hobbies include playing sports, weight training, and I enjoy helping the community whenever I can. When I am not working I enjoy being with my family and friends. I get a lot of joy playing and using wordplay techniques with my friends through texting. Especially when the days can get really busy and sometimes feel heavy, having fun with my friends this way makes the day better.


2.- Ms Southern Alberta 2021, Ms Calgary 2020 – Ms Alberta North America – Model. When do you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

I registered for my first pageant in 2020. This was shortly after the first lockdown in Alberta and I had just unexpectedly lost my mother.

It was one Saturday night and the pandemic was was not providing much hope in terms of me having the ability to plan anything or for me to apply myself. The reality of the world was distorted, but I knew that it was important to believe in something, stay strong and connected in my roots. I knew in my heart that I needed to stay true to my vision and continue to believe in myself. That night I came across a pageant post on social media that spoke to me in a way that I heard my mother’s voice «you are enough, you need to do this» and my internal response was me thinking «why not me?». Those were the events that lead me into pageantry. I connected immediately with a local coach, and we started the steps to make it happen.

Any type of competition is about personal transformation. It’s about having a vision, having faith, and being able to influence my dreams into a visible realm. I am grateful I can share my journey, experience, and hope with others as I walk my unique path in life. In the past, I’v studied pageantry principles and concepts from listening to a podcast «Win a Pageant» during my prep for fitness stage competitions in the preceding years. So I had an idea of what I was getting into and the role required of a Pageant Queen. I felt ready to step up into this role. My original platform was to help show the world that optimism and positivity helps with living a productive and rewarding life. I now emphasize the importance of fitness and nutrition as building blocks to self-care, and these principles to help create stronger communities.

The feelings I get when I compete are confirmations that I am on the right path. Having the ability to influence others is a reward because I am breaking through fears. I love knowing I can help influence people to help them be their best, and in this case I hope I can leave an impression that life is worth exploring.



3.- ISSA Certified Personal Trainer: Why did you decide to embrace this profession? What do you like most about your profession?

From my experiences of being in physical pain, and then with the help of professionals and self care I’ve felt the magic from displined and accountability.

I began to love teaching others, and saw the value of helping others be the best they can be to make their days better and productive. I also loved fitness, goal setting and connecting with people. My desire to be a personal trainer initatied from asking myself «how can I increse my personal service others» when it came to helping people and their health. This question arose from my position as a Medical Office Assistance, as a Referrals Coordinator.

I have people approach me with general questions about weight training, but unfortunately, people don’t always acknowledge that a quick question has a series of follow up questions to get to the root of a personal need. It’s in my natural to want to have the answers, because I love solving problems, but most of the time a goal or physical need requires investigating. I know from working in a medical office, physical health isn’t black and white, what works for one person doesn’t mean it’s going to work for another. Part of my job as a coach is to help clients navigate self-actualization and then provide a path for them to follow. It’s really important to me that my clients feel like they can accomplish their goal and work in a capacity that is evidence-based, and personlized.

I love my job as a personal trainer. It’s the most rewarding job I have ever done because my clients work hard in life, and they deserve unique programs to help them reach their goals. This means countless hours of research and developing training days so they can make the most out of their gym time.

Consistency is key toward making any changes, and I respect that not everyone loves going to the gym. When clients make the effort and then they start seeing changes is when I feel like I have done my job.

The best compliment I’ve received from clients is «Thank you for helping me feel stronger». This is a perfect example of an internal accomplishment and has nothing to do with superficial aspects.


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Katherine in each activity carried out as a person, model, personal trainer?

My enthusiasm toward all my endeavours. I am known in my communities as being a hard worker and having a positive attitude. My smile is something I am proud to display, because of all the hardships I have endured over the years, I am truly blessed in my life and there is no reason to hide my high spirits. My peers know me as someone who is happy, organized and self aware.


5.- What is the main virtue that any woman must have to be a beauty queen?

Strive to be one’s authentic self and give yourself permission to be your best. It’s a lot to put yourself out there, and the right people will present themselves when you are true to your convictions. I would tell anyone that they are born unique and there is no reason to limit oneself to sterotypes or to how they think the world sees them. In other words, be who want to be.

Another important note, especially when it comes to social media is: if you don’t know what you stand for, you will fall for anything. Unfortunately, there are also people out there who will tell you «you are not enough» in so many words. Therefore when you know what you bring to world, it’s easier to recognize that those aren’t your people.

The faster you can recognize that, the more space you have in your life to welcome those who are meant to be in your life and you can continue to move forward with your passions, while giving grace to those who crossed your path.



6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for manygirls and teenagers?

It’s important for me to show women, and girls that they don’t have to settle for anything less than they want.

I value the ability to be connected dispite physical proximity. I strive to be judged by my motivation not by a final outcome. That’s another reason why I emphasize goal setting. Having a goal then taking the steps to accomplish that goal is a battle worth facing everyday. It’s important to have goals that can’t be measured by outside sources. However, if I can connect with people and help them by demonstrating compassion and understanding, that is win for me.

I am encountering my ability to meet and influence more and more each day, and yes, I am aware because I get messages. I am blessed that I get to know these women. It is important to me that they see and witness my experiences (the good and the hardships), because I hope to inspire people to want to be their best.

I want women to know that I am not competition. I train and practice toward my next goal to enhance my life, not define it. It’s important that people can see that they don’t need to settle for anything less than their dream. You win, you don’t win what you want, but you keep going if that’s your dream.

Sometimes the word «no», means «not right now». Consistency is key for sustainable results and I chose to model because I want to demonstrate the phrase «don’t be afraid to shine».


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

The first time I modelled in front of a video camera, I remember feeling awarded from all my hard work. I remember thinking » I deserve to be here», because when I proceeding to my second year of fitness modelling I knew that I put my goal as a priority. It was a documentation of my hard work from sacrificing everything that made me comfortable, and I would do it all again because of the rewards of life experiences and lessons that presented themselves along the way.

I felt courageous with earned confidence.

I am reminded about a time when I was younger and  I was trying out for the Calgary Selects soccer team. I had a coach tell me «you deserve to be here». That was 21 years ago and I took those words to heart. I did make the ‘A’ team that year, and those words are carried with me when I need a boost of confidence. My first beauty pageant provided the opportunity for me to fully explore who I am as a person and what I believe in most.

It was amazing to be awarded in Pageantry, and I am so excited to keep going. I found a new passion and it involves being more available to my communities with clarity and purpose.


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

Social media  has an ability to unite people and provide a powerful source of connection around the world.  It’s a very powerful source for both positive connection and unintentional negativity in my experience. Most of my interactions are with good intensions. In positive ways,  Social media has a provided access to knowledge, businesses, and opportunities. There are so many events that interest me, that I would not have otherwise had access to or know about.

I use social media as on outlet to for marketing, helping my legacy projects and admiring those who are working hard on their own journeys. I emphasize (re-post and tag) companies that are supportive along my journey and also non profit organizations that make meaningful impacts in our community. At the end of the day, ‘in-person’ connections are indispensable. I love meeting up with friends for walks along the river and just talking about life and upcoming aspirations and ambitions.



9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social networks? Whats your favorite social media?

My favourite social media outlet is Instagram. I have a lot of support on IG. It’s been demonstrated through various competitions as well as genuine comments when I post something that is both sentimental or displays my hard-work as a model. I have a connection of friends who I only see through stories, but we know we are cheering for each other. During lockdown last year, I was able to participate in events that confirmed the power of social media to keep connections meaningful and rewarding.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

Be mindful to where you are getting your advice and critism from. To the younger genaration, I emphasize that they have faith in their desires. God gave us passion for a reason and it’s a gift, so focus on what can go right. It can be easy to get caught up with other’s opinions toward how one needs to live, or what life needs to look like, but at the end of the day what matters is how you feel about yourself. It’s OK to be brave, and explore your purpose to learn what makes you feel fulfilled.

We learn what we are good at through experience, and we might not be good at everything we try to do. What is important about trying new things is that we learn how to trust ourselves more.

A few questions I would ask a parent in this case are :»What are you afraid of? How does your child’s need to do this, affect you?«. There’s generally more to the story than a simple «no», and I would welcome the opportunity for a parent to look within themselves to determine what their reasoning is. For some reason when we get older, we embrace and entertain fear more often than making attempts and learning to push through fear.


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

Confidence comes from within, and that is not negotiable. I do feel that fashion and personal hygiene is important. Self care is not universal, but if there are investments to be made, it’s OK that it is toward something that helps you feel comfortable and confident.

To be beautiful means to accept yourself. Fashion and what we chose to wear complements our unique character. It completely acceptable to want to look a certain way, or emphasize characteristics. You do You. Whether it is welcomed or not, we are judged by our appearances. It doesn’t have to be identified negatively. We always think about what are we going to wear. I personally have fun finding outfits and dresses to wear – I love that. In many cases, I welcome the opportunity to be judged, so I put careful consideration towards how I want to be seen.

Having a specific wardrobe to compliment which job I do sets me up for a more confident day. Knowing and planning what I am going to wear is part of the preperation for success. For example, fitness modelling – the suit needs to be specific to my chosen category. When I do my practice posing I am visualizing my success on stage.

Pageantry holds the same perspective. None he less, each competition is a polished version of my best self that requires a specific presententation. The clothes and suits I wear, accompanied with accessories, are to accentuate all the hard work I have done. In these cases, I want to be looked at, and not looked over.



12.- How was kfit.issacertifiedtrainer.com born? What goals does kfit.issacertifiedtrainer.com have in the medium and long term?

I love my journey as a Fitness Model and Pageant Queen. I knew since the day I committed to myself «this is what I want to do», that there were going to be sacrifices, but I didn’t know what they all were. My ultimate goal was to be a personal trainer but I wanted the credentials of being a fitness model. The reason for that was because the fitness industry is a very competitive industry. I felt that if I had the credentials of a fitness model, I would be in a postion of leading by example . The concept behind needing to be on stage was to first prove to myself «I have what it takes» in the knowledge and skills to help others.

Before formal education, I looked online to find out when the next fitness model competition was. I found 2 local ones that were a few weeks apart and in only a few months! So I registered, attended the workshop and googled/searched to read everything I could about «Fitness Model Competitions». The reading was done during cardio and I felt I made good use of my time.

The first time I stepped on stage was a liberating experience. I continued with fitness model competitions to see how far I could go. In 2017, a year after my first competition I won the title, «Pro-Elite Fitness Model». Furthermore, I was in a position to continue and try to earn the dream title «International Pro Elite Fitness Model». 2018 came, I competed, and I didn’t win it. I did receive feedback that left me in shock after the competition to why I lost marks. It was identified that I didn’t show sportsman-like behavior and although it didn’t make a lot of sense to me at the time, it made sense when it was explained to me. I remember thinking «that’s not who I am, how did that happen». To keep the story short, it involved stage etiquette. I read somewhere that walking up to the top and centre of the stage would emphasize confidence, but in the judge’s eyes, it looked bad. I took the following year off, as scheduled, to focus on my studies and I was excited for my next stage competition.

After I received my certification in personal training and nutrition, my journey was dedicated to my next stage presentation and I worked hard toward that. When it was taken off the table due to COVID, my heart was broken over the fact my vision was no longer on the calendar and much ike other people, I went into a ‘fight or flight’ mode. The phrase that scared me most that was becoming socially acceptable was «closed indefinitely» throughout the nation. I am a coach, a leader, and a determined athlete. Life was different, and because of the state of the nation, accompanied by multiple personal heartbreaks, it felt that the right thing to do was emphasize positivity and optimism. I couldn’t personally fold into negativity, I couldn’t justify not trying my hardest and doing better than my best. So I woke up every day with a clear intention that I was going to stay fit and eat healthy then I would be ready to follow my dreams.

My goals for my business is to continue to be available to other’s to help them either get into shape, or help offset the determental effects COVID has presented with respect to health and body image. I want to enrich the lives of others with my knowledge and coaching to help with sustainable fitness goals and results.


13.- Katherine, being Model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles? How did you overcome obstacles?

When I was in school, I wasn’t confident with my appearance, and there were some kids who joked about the way I looked to my both face and directly behind my back so I could hear them. Now when I hear people being or feeling bullied I am reminded about my struggles and I hope they find a door that can help them rise above. The door as an analogy, because happy people and confident people don’t go around making others feel inadequate.

I still battle with bullying even as adult. I am fortunate to have an amazing circle of friends who don’t hesitate to remind me who I am, I what I can offer the world, and what I am capable of. God gave me those people, and they take precedence over any negativity that I’ve encountered, that’s for sure.

With respect to my adulthood and competitions, I would emphasize the following:

Don’t let fear take control of you.

It’s OK to be rejected, it’s OK to lose. Both are opportunities to learn and grow.

If you are constantly getting what you want, it’s likely because you aren’t aiming high enough. We need the space after competitions to identify if that is something we really want, and if it is, then seek out the resources to attain your goal. If it’s not something we want to continue with, then it’s the opportunity to learn what it is that will create happiness.

Give yourself permission to be uncomfortable and grow, because as soon as you are on the right path you will know and it’s a feeling in your heart that no one can jeopardize or take away from you.

With that being said, personal affirmations are an inside job and a personal responsibility.  The words of Ralph Emerson, «What lies behind us, what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us». I can argue that life is a constant cycle of visualizing, changing, and working.


14.- Katherine, are you TV Host and Actress Do you like the entertainment industry?

I am not an actress or a TV host. I do treat my stage presentations as performances. It’s carefully constructed preperation from hours of practice and visulization. Being a competitor requires a certain mindset, dedication and heart. Actors work hard, but with respect to the entertainment industry, I question it’s authenticity. I do have admiration to the craftsmanship behind the story that is being told.



15.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

I strongly encourage women to continue striving for what they believe is right for them. God gave us passion for a reason, and it’s important to act on that. I do pray for women’s rights around the world in a manner that isn’t volient.


16.- Katherine, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

I am grateful for God’s grace. My main source of gratitude and inspiration comes from the Bible and attending Church, as I know there is always a meaningful message to be heard. On June 13th, 2021 I gave myself to GOD and made the commitment to walk the life of Christianity.

I have various channels of podcasts I listen to including, but not limited to «Fearless Motivation Official», «Win a Pageant», and «Coming up Next Time» when I need an extra source to stimulate enthusiasm.


17.- Katherine Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from Canada?

My grandmother once recited Mark Twain and told me, «Don’t let schooling interfere with your education». She wanted to take me to Europe when I was in grade 12, and we did. We travelled to Paris, London, France and Amsterdam. She took me to museaums, live plays and we explored the streets, shopping as well as fine dining. This was one of the most memorable experiences I will be always be grateful for. Two years after that trip, we spent 2 weeks in Ireland and I had an opportunity to explore my heritage. I couldn’t imagine doing that with anyone better than my Grandma Kearney.

I would love to explore the Ruins of Greece and also travel to Italy.  Going to Fiji islands is also on my to do list.



18.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.

– Marriage – Tradition

– Childrens  – Purity

– Love – Unity

– Travel – Suitcases

– Abortion – Reason

– Dance – Expression

– Sing – Loudly

– Alberta – Beautiful

– Canada – Home

– Europe – History

– America – Next Destination

– Sport  – Fitness

– Money – Green

– Parents – Guides

– Dreams – Reachable

– Passion  – Pursue

– Madness Percentage – Something to recognize

– Character   – Develope


19.- Katherine, these final lines are your

Stay Positive. It helps us attain more information, can keep us more resiliant, creative and engaged in many situations of life challenges. Maintaining positivity is a practical attitude to have






Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Katherine Kearney – Canada

English language

Katherine Kearney Contact: Instagram – Email 

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Katherine Kearney   – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Katherine Kearney  – Perumira – Jaime William


Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
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🔷 CEO of Perumira Global Talent Magazine : Interviews to Misses, Beauty Queens and Top Models around the World. Interviews to talents and professionals around the World


🔷 TOP Interviews to Finalists of :

✅Miss Universe Canada 2020
✅Miss World Costa Rica 2020
✅Miss World Canada 2022
✅Miss World Uruguay 2022
✅Miss South America Lima South Peru 2023
✅Miss Continental España 2023
✅Miss Intercontinental Galicia 2023
✅Miss Intercontinental España 2023
✅Miss Universe Danmark 2023
✅The Miss Globe Spain 2023
✅Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024
✅Miss Planet International 2024
✅7ma Edicion Reina Nacional de la Revolucion Argentina 2024

🔷 Writer - Amazon Author of :

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✅ History (Zaña Colonial)
✅ Education (Des-Enredando la Educacion)


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Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.