Joanna Andr @joannaandrofficial


Joanna Andr



In the captivating world of fashion and entertainment, Joanna Andr stands out as a prominent figure. This talented international model and Miss & Ms Essex GB 2024 Finalist has garnered global attention with her charisma and exceptional skills. Born in Essex and raised in Greece, Joanna has seamlessly blended her diverse cultural heritage into a unique and inspiring persona.

Joanna Andr’s journey in the fashion industry has been nothing short of spectacular. Her elegance and grace on the runway have made her a sought-after model internationally. As a Miss & Ms Essex GB 2024 Finalist, she embodies beauty, intelligence, and dedication, inspiring many aspiring models around the world.

Beyond her modeling career, Joanna Andr has also made significant strides in the film and television industry. She is an awarded Greek-British actress, known for her captivating performances that resonate with audiences worldwide. Her dual background enriches her acting, bringing a depth and authenticity to her roles that few can match.

Joanna’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and success. Her achievements in both modeling and acting highlight her versatility and commitment to her craft. As a film and TV actress, she has received numerous accolades, cementing her status as a distinguished artist in the industry.

In Perumira magazine, we celebrate Joanna Andr not only for her stunning beauty and modeling accolades but also for her outstanding contributions to the film and television world. Joanna’s dedication to her passions and her ability to inspire others make her a true icon. Congratulations, Joanna!



1. – Joanna, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. ,What do you like about your hometown?

I was born in Essex and raised in Greece during my teenage years. What I love most about Essex is the strong sense of community and the warmth of the people. Greece, with its stunning landscapes and rich culture, added a unique and enriching dimension to my upbringing. Both places have shaped who I am today and hold a special place in my heart.


2.- What are your hobbies? what makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

I love walking and spending time with my puppy, Molly. She has such a playful spirit and always makes me laugh. Spending time with my family also brings me a lot of joy; their love and support mean the world to me.


3.-International Model, Miss & Ms Essex GB Finalist 2024. When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

I always loved watching models on the runway as a young teen, even though I never thought I was tall enough to do it myself. But I’ve always been a girl who says, “Let’s do it!” I love challenging myself and promoting diversity and uniqueness. I started as a catwalk model at the age of 35, after working behind the scenes as a makeup artist.

Being in beauty pageants wasn’t really my thing, but as I said, I love a challenge. At 41, I saw it as a great opportunity to show women that you can feel confident at any age or in any form. Achieving dreams and goals is the best feeling in the world because you realize you can do anything you set your mind to. My passion mostly lies in storytelling and acting, and inspiring others. I truly hope I can inspire and influence women to feel confident, as that is the key to beauty within.



4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Joanna in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model?

I believe the distinctive, unique stamp I bring to each activity as a beauty queen and model is my authenticity and passion for promoting diversity and confidence. My background in acting allows me to connect with people on a deeper level, telling stories through my work. I always strive to inspire others to embrace their uniqueness and feel confident in their own skin, regardless of age or form. This genuine approach and dedication to empowering others set me apart in everything I do.


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

The main virtue that any woman must have to succeed as a model is resilience. In the modeling industry, resilience allows you to navigate challenges, setbacks, and competition with determination and grace. It’s about staying true to yourself, maintaining confident in your abilities, and continuously evolving both personally and professionally. Resilience enables a model to handle the demands of the industry, embrace diversity, and adapt to different situations, ultimately paving the way for long-term success and impact in the field.



6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

I’m not entirely sure if I’m influencing thousands of girls or elder ladies like myself, but if I am, it’s genuinely humbling. The idea of being an inspiration to women of all ages is incredibly meaningful to me. In today’s world, where social media and societal pressures can be overwhelming, I believe in the importance of promoting confidence, embracing individuality, and pursuing dreams with resilience. If my journey can empower others to feel more confident and capable, regardless of age, then I feel fortunate to have that opportunity.


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

The first time I modeled in front of a video camera, I felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. It wasn’t entirely new to me because my first experiences on camera were actually as an actress. I started there and built my confidence over time. Modeling brought a different dimension to expressing myself visually, and that initial experience was both thrilling and a bit nerve-wracking. It marked a significant step in my journey, blending my love for performance with the artistry of modeling too.
As the 1st time participating in a beauty pageant for Ms Essex , I felt a rush of nerves and excitement togetger. It was a new experience for me, stepping into a world that was different from acting and modeling. The atmosphere was electric, All the girls were amazing, and surprisingly, I didn’t even feel like we were competing; it felt more like we became a big united family. I remember feeling a sense of empowerment, knowing that I was showcasing not just my appearance but also my personality and confidence on stage. It was a memorable moment that fueled my passion for challenging myself and embracing new opportunities in the Pageant world too 🙂



8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

I think the power of social media today is immense and far-reaching. It has revolutionized how we connect, share information, and influence others globally. Social media provides a platform for voices to be heard, causes to be championed, and creativity to flourish. However, it also comes with responsibilities and challenges, such as managing online presence, navigating through misinformation, and dealing with societal pressures. As someone in the public eye, I see social media as a powerful tool for promoting positivity, diversity, and empowerment. It allows me to connect directly with my audience, inspire others, and advocate for important issues. Yet, it’s crucial to use it thoughtfully and responsibly to harness its potential for good while maintaining authenticity and integrity.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I genuinely enjoy interacting with my followers ( don’t like calling ppl followers I preferred supporters or friends ) on social media, particularly on Instagram, which happens to be my favorite platform. It’s a wonderful space where I can connect with people, share moments from my journey and theirs and spread positivity through it. I find it fulfilling to respond to comments, messages, and support everyone who engages with my posts. Building this community means a lot to me because it allows for meaningful connections and exchanges of ideas or inspirations.



10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

For anyone, regardless of age, who has talent but hesitates to take the next step, I would advise believing in yourself and embracing challenges as opportunities to grow. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage your aspirations. Remember, decide, learn, and commit as you go. There’s no perfect plan—taking action and adapting along the way is key to achieving your goals.

To parents, I would suggest listening to your children’s passions with an open mind and supporting their talents wholeheartedly. Nurturing their interests builds confidence and resilience, setting the stage for their success and fulfillment. Encourage them to decide on their path, embrace learning, and commit to their journey, knowing that the process itself is invaluable.


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

From the world of fashion and beauty pageants, I’ve learned invaluable lessons: the power of confidence in oneself, the strength to bounce back from challenges, the beauty found in diversity, the joy of supporting others as a team, and the importance of staying open to change. These experiences have touched me deeply, teaching me to embrace life with warmth and humility while inspiring continuous growth and learning.



12.- Joanna, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles? How did you overcome obstacles?

Being mostly an actress, being a model hasn’t always been easy for me. Like anyone, I’ve faced obstacles along the way. Whether it was dealing with rejection, navigating the competitive industry, or balancing personal and professional commitments, challenges have been part of my journey.

I’ve learned to overcome these obstacles by staying resilient and focused on my goals. Surrounding myself with supportive people has been crucial, as their encouragement and guidance have helped me navigate difficult times. Additionally, I continuously work on improving myself, staying adaptable to changes in the industry, and learning from setbacks to emerge stronger and more determined. Each obstacle has been a learning experience, shaping me into the person I am today.


13. – Are you a Film/TV Actress Awarded ? Do you like the entertainment industry?

Omg! Absolutely, I am deeply passionate about the entertainment industry, especially as a film actress. Being awarded in 2018 was an incredibly exciting moment for me, and it ignited a fire within me to strive for more. Winning awards, including a prestigious BAFTA, is a dream that I am wholeheartedly pursuing with determination and passion.

The entertainment industry is undeniably tough, and it has taught me valuable lessons about resilience and perseverance. It’s a world where you constantly face challenges and learn to navigate through highs and lows. Trust isn’t always easy to come by, but each experience has made me stronger and more adept at taking on new roles and pushing boundaries.

For me, acting is not just a profession but a calling. It allows me to immerse myself in diverse characters, tell compelling stories, and connect with audiences on a profound level. The thrill of bringing a character to life on screen and evoking emotions is what drives me every day. I am committed to honing my craft, exploring new opportunities, and making a lasting impact in the entertainment industry.



14.- What kind of characters do you like to play or feel most comfortable playing?

I thrive in roles that challenge me and allow me to explore complex characters with depth and intrigue. Playing villainous roles is particularly fascinating because it allows me to delve into the motivations and complexities of characters who may be misunderstood or conflicted. Bringing depth to such roles is both thrilling and rewarding.

Additionally, I have a deep admiration for period drama series like Bridgerton. The opportunity to immerse myself in historical settings, elegant costumes, and intricate narratives would be a dream come true. I am drawn to stories that captivate audiences and resonate emotionally, whether through drama, romance, or suspense.

As an actress, I am committed to versatility and authenticity in my performances. I enjoy portraying characters who undergo significant transformations or who challenge societal norms. Each role I take on is an opportunity to push boundaries, connect with audiences, and contribute meaningfully to the art of storytelling in film and television.


15.- Which famous artist would you like to perform with or share the stage with?

If given the chance, I’d jump at the opportunity to perform with Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Ian Somerhalder. And honestly, the list goes on—I could be here all day naming more! But these stars, each with their unique talents and charisma, would make any collaboration an unforgettable experience. Plus, imagine the behind-the-scenes banter , it would be an absolute blast!



16.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

The role of women in society is pivotal and should be viewed through the lens of empowerment and equity. While significant progress has been made globally, it’s undeniable that many women still face egregious forms of abuse and discrimination. As advocates, it’s imperative to champion policies and initiatives that dismantle systemic barriers, promote gender equality, and protect women’s rights universally.

In societies where women continue to experience abuse, our collective focus must be on fostering environments that uphold dignity, safety, and justice for all individuals. This involves not only enacting and enforcing laws that safeguard women but also investing in education, healthcare, and economic opportunities that empower them to thrive independently.

Looking forward, the future of these societies depends on our commitment to amplifying women’s voices, addressing intersectional challenges, and fostering inclusive communities where every woman can live free from fear and fulfill her potential. As advocates for change, we must remain steadfast in our efforts to create a world where gender equality is not just an aspiration but a reality for every woman, everywhere.


17.- Joanna, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation comes from a genuine love for storytelling and a desire to positively impact others through my work as an actress. Each day, I am grateful for the chance to pursue my passions, share my creativity, and connect with people in meaningful ways. I deeply appreciate the support and encouragement I receive from my loved ones, friends, and supporters, which inspires me to continually grow and improve. Gratitude grounds me and reminds me to appreciate the journey, embracing every opportunity with humility and a sense of wonder.



18.- Joanna, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

I absolutely love to travel! Exploring different countries and immersing myself in diverse cultures is a passion of mine! I’ve been fortunate to visit several places, including Prague, France, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Spain etc . Each country has offered me unique experiences and insights.

As for places I still dream of visiting, there are countless! I’m particularly drawn to the Maldives and Japan and Dubai for their stunning natural beauty, rich traditions, and unique cultural experiences.

From my hometown of Chania in Crete, Greece, I highly recommend visiting. It’s a picturesque blend of beautiful seas, stunning landscapes, and rich history. The old town’s narrow streets, the Venetian harbor, and the warmth of the local hospitality make it a truly unforgettable destination.

Traveling allows us to discover new perspectives, connect with people from diverse backgrounds, and create lifelong memories. It’s an enriching experience that I treasure and look forward to continuing throughout my life.


19.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.

Sure, let’s play!

– Marriage: Commitment
– Children: Joy
– Love: Fairytale
– Travel: Adventure
– Abortion: Choice
– Dance: Rhythm
– Sing: Harmony
– Europe: Culture
– America: Diversity
– Sport: Competition
– Money: Security
– Parents: Support
– Dreams: Aspiration
– Passion: Fire
– Madness Percentage: Excitement
– Character: Integrity



20.- Joanna, your last words or final tips

My parting words to you all:

Dare to dream boldly and pursue your passions relentlessly. Let your challenges be stepping stones, your setbacks be lessons, and your triumphs be milestones of your strength. In every moment, find courage, resilience, and unwavering belief in yourself. Your journey is yours to shape—embrace it with unwavering determination and make every step count towards the extraordinary life you envision.

Thank you for having me today. I thoroughly enjoyed your questions and the opportunity to share my journey with you. Keep shining bright and chasing your dreams!

Here are my upcoming projects:

Film Premiere: On September 10th, catch me as Penny Davies alongside Adam Astill in “Mr. Hyde.”
Catwalk Model: I’ll be modeling for Lingerouche Fashion on September 21st.
22 Creations Influencer Awards: Nominated for Best Actress on September 22nd.

And more exciting projects to come!

Signing off
Much love
Joanna Andr



Joanna Andr

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Joanna Andr – Great Britain

English language

Joanna Andr  Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram  – Email: Joanna Andr  – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Joanna Andr  – Perumira – Jaime William



Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
CEO & Founder at Perumira | Website

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🔷 2nd Honorary Place 2013 : Presidency of the Council of Ministers - President of the Republic - Contest "Tramite de Mas" Expert in Projects.

🔷 "Cesar Vallejo"  Award 2024 - UHE Union Hispanomundial de Escritores - Business Excellence by Perumira Global Talent

🔷 "Paloma de Oro"  Award 2024 - International Director Perumira

🔷 CEO of Perumira Global Talent Magazine : Interviews to Misses, Beauty Queens and Top Models around the World. Interviews to talents and professionals around the World


🔷 TOP Interviews to Finalists of :

✅Miss Universe Canada 2020
✅Miss World Costa Rica 2020
✅Miss World Canada 2022
✅Miss World Uruguay 2022
✅Miss South America Lima South Peru 2023
✅Miss Continental España 2023
✅Miss Intercontinental Galicia 2023
✅Miss Intercontinental España 2023
✅Miss Universe Danmark 2023
✅The Miss Globe Spain 2023
✅Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024
✅Miss Planet International 2024
✅7ma Edicion Reina Nacional de la Revolucion Argentina 2024

🔷 Writer - Amazon Author of :

✅ Poetry (Un Trozito de Poesia)
✅ History (Zaña Colonial)
✅ Education (Des-Enredando la Educacion)


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🔷 Columnist for Multimedios Puntocero. Me Radio Argentina
🔷 Community Manager and Content Creator since 2011.

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Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.