Model: Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard // Designer: GioKyka Courture By Tishana Meyers // Instagram: pinkqueen_world //Bookings: @ [email protected]


Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun  @pinkqueen_world


Model: Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard // Designer: GioKyka Courture By Tishana Meyers // Instagram: pinkqueen_world //Bookings: @ [email protected]


It is our pleasure to present an exclusive interview with the talented Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun, a professional teen model and brand ambassador who has made an indelible mark on the fashion industry. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Jacqueline radiates a unique beauty and grace that has catapulted her to success in the modeling world.

From her first steps on the runway to her role as a brand ambassador, Jacqueline has demonstrated exceptional versatility and talent that distinguishes her as one of the most outstanding models of her generation. Her ability to represent a wide range of styles and brands has made her a sought-after figure in the industry.

In this interview, we will explore Jacqueline’s journey to success in the modeling world and her role as a brand ambassador. From her experiences as a teen model to her most recent projects, Jacqueline will share her thoughts, dreams and aspirations with poignant sincerity and palpable passion.

In addition to her success in show business, Jacqueline is a source of inspiration to young people around the world, proving that with hard work, determination and a positive attitude great things can be achieved. Her presence in Perumira magazine is a testament to her lasting influence in the industry and her role as a role model for future generations.

Join us in celebrating the legacy of this extraordinary woman. With Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun as our guest, this interview promises to be a tribute to beauty, determination and talent in the world of teen modeling. Don’t miss the opportunity to meet this stunning young woman from Brooklyn, New York: we are honored to have her with us!


Model: Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard // Designer: GioKyka Courture By Tishana Meyers // Instagram: pinkqueen_world //Bookings: @ [email protected]


1- Jacqueline, you were born in USA, What do you like about your hometown in USA?

Well I was born in Brooklyn, New York and moved to Jacksonville, North Carolina. What I love most about my hometown is that it’s a small respectful military town


2.- What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or does it give you a lot of joy?

My hobbies are painting, writing books, playing chess but my real passion is playing the piano. The things that brings me a lot of joy is spending time with my three little sisters watching movies, cartoons and just clowning around.


3.- Professional Teen Model – Brand Ambassador. When do you decide to take your first steps as a model? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer young woman today?  

 This is very funny because growing up I’ve always been very tall and everyone always would ask do I play sports and I would say no, then people would suggest I become a model. By age 13 God blessed my mom by being at the right place and time, a celebrity designer lived in my town asked my mom if I would like to audition for a fashion show, this was my first experience ever and so I auditioned only to cast for FTM Fashion Week Season 9. So basically everything just fell in my lap.

I feel extremely grateful and blessed to be where I am today. My humble beginnings were filled with abuse , depression,  and low self esteem. It took me years to finally accept and love myself. Yes I’m extremely proud for what God has done in my life.


Model:Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard Robert // Designer: Margret’s Collection By Margaret Ehikhamenor // Instagram: pinkqueen _ world // Bookings: [email protected]


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Jacqueline in each activity carried out as a model?

My Unique stamp is that I am DHH ( Deaf Hard Of Hearing) so when I walk it’s not just for me but I represent all of the DHH Community. My signature pose is covering both my ears to let my invisible disability shine through because we are always left out. I do my best to show the world that everyone is beautiful and wonderfully made.


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

For me it would be to always remain humble. When a a person is humble they attract positive energy and knowing that titles mean nothing but character does.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential young woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

I honesty all I ever wanted is to do the right things in life, follow God’s words , and encourage all of my peers.

I would never consider myself an idol but an average teen that wants to be a positive influence for example from what I wear, what type of music I listen to, my surroundings, keeping my character clean, making sure that my social media accounts are clean and safe. Remember a model is his or her own brand everyone is watching.


7- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera?

My very first feeling was sheer panic because I had no training at all and In my mind I was screaming OMG how did I get here.


Model:Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard Robert // Designer: Margret’s Collection By Margaret Ehikhamenor // Instagram: pinkqueen _ world // Bookings: [email protected]


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

Social media is extremely powerful. It can either be a great tool or a can be someone’s downfall depending on the individual’s mind set. I’m 15 years old and my mom controls my account because she has blocked and deleted negative comments and people, even for me it very overwhelming.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I interact with a kind few words if anyone replies to my content but I’m more focused on my school work more than anything. My favorite platform is Instagram because I follow a lot of fashion designers, and faith motivational quotes when I am on it.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step?

My advice would be to be bold and do it, at least try something different like picking up a paint brush, trying to play a different instrument, singing, dancing , cooking or acting. You never know what hidden talent God  has blessed you with unless you do it.


What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

 I would just speak to their hearts and say Every day is a struggle but to find joy in discovering a child’s talents is priceless. To find peace in what they love in today’s world is a treasure. Every child deserves to smile with their heads held high chest full of pride knowing that they accomplished something they never knew they had.


Model:Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard Robert // Designer: Margret’s Collection By Margaret Ehikhamenor // Instagram: pinkqueen _ world // Bookings: [email protected]


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion?

  • – Be yourself, never allow your surroundings to dictate what got you this far
  • – Listen to understand, often times we think that we’re doing everything right but sometimes we need words of wisdom to be great.
  • – as a model we are the canvas that helps the designers creations come to life
  • – always maintain a positive mindset, attitude and behavior


12.- Jacqueline, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?

Modeling has had its upsides and sometimes downsides. My main obstacle is being that I’m DHH (Deaf Hard Of Hearing) I get disrespected a lot because most conversations are happening and I’m not aware of what’s going on so everyone automatically thinks that I’m being rude or have a nasty attitude. On the other hand when people are speaking and I’m kind of close to their face and they’re like pushing me away yelling and screaming not knowing that I’m only trying to read their lips. So I’ve learned to speak up before I do any runway or print work before I do anything that way everyone has a clear understanding of me.


Model: Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard // Stylist: MCW Original By Michelle Collins-Windle // Instagram: pinkqueen _world // Bookings: [email protected]


13.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

Actually I love horror films and yes I would love for one day to act as the scary character. I’ve never been in the entertainment industry but I would love to try it out.


14.- Jacqueline, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation is my faith in God, representing all the youths that fell invisible and making my family proud.

I am grateful for proving the enemy wrong every day, when man says no my God says yes


15.- Jacqueline, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from USA?

I love to travel and take in all the different scenery. My favorite place and recommend is The Big City Of New York City . There so much to do in the City That Never Sleeps, from dining to entertainment one could never be disappointed.

I would love to travel to, Italy, Japan, all the Caribbean Islands and basically the entire world.


Model: Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard // Stylist: MCW Original By Michelle Collins-Windle // Instagram: pinkqueen _world // Bookings: [email protected]


16.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.

– Marriage  – future.  

-Children -2.   

-Love- life

– USA- ok

– Travel- adventure

– Abortion – death

– Dance-  happiness

– Sing – life

– Europe- cultural

– America- history

– Sport- best

– Money –

– Parents – love

– Dreams – Truth

– Passion – love

– Madness Percentage – 1  

– Character- clean


17.- Jacqueline, your last words or final tips.

My final tips are keep God first in everything you do, no dream is to big or to small to accomplish, love your self and lastly “Go For It”!!!



Model: Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun // Photography: Contrast Photography By Alfred Kennard // Stylist: MCW Original By Michelle Collins-Windle // Instagram: pinkqueen _world // Bookings: [email protected]



Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun – USA

English language

Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun Contact: Facebook – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Facebook – Email: Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Jacqueline Sasha Destiny Mombrun – Perumira – Jaime William


Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
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Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.