Ivana Nešić @ivanaa9917

Ivana Nešić


In the world of international modeling and pageantry, few names shine as brightly as Ivana Nešić. Hailing from the stunning landscapes of Serbia, Ivana’s journey to becoming a globally recognized model and pageant finalist is nothing short of inspirational. Crowned Miss Serbia and achieving the prestigious title of Miss Balkan Finalist 2022–2024, she has captured the hearts of audiences with her unparalleled grace, charisma, and radiant beauty.

Renowned for having one of the most beautiful faces on the planet, Ivana’s charm extends far beyond her striking features. Her magnetic presence and dedication to her craft have made her a standout figure in the highly competitive world of international pageantry and fashion. From runways to charity events, Ivana embodies elegance and purpose, proving that true beauty lies in both appearance and actions.

In this exclusive interview with Perumira Global Talent, we delve into the life of this exceptional woman. Ivana shares insights into her modeling career, the values that have guided her journey, and the challenges she has faced as a prominent representative of Serbia on the global stage.

Get ready to discover the story behind Ivana Nešić—a symbol of empowerment, beauty, and resilience. Her journey is a testament to how determination and grace can break barriers and inspire countless individuals worldwide.

Stay tuned as we unveil the world of Ivana Nešić, an icon of international pageantry and a beacon of Serbian pride.



У свету међународног моделинга и такмичења за лепоту, мало имена блиста тако јако као Ивана Нешић. Пореклом из прелепе Србије, Ивана је освојила титулу Мис Србије и заслужено стигла до финала престижног такмичења Мис Балкана 2022–2024. Њена изузетна лепота и харизма чине је једним од најлепших лица на планети.

Ипак, Ивана није само лепо лице. Њена посвећеност, елеганција и магнетна појава издвајају је у свету моде и такмичења, док својим радом инспирише и подржава друге. Од модних писта до хуманитарних акција, она представља Србију с поносом и стилом.

У овом ексклузивном интервјуу за Perumira Global Talent, откривамо живот ове изванредне жене. Сазнајте више о њеном путу кроз свет моделинга, вредностима које је воде и изазовима које је савладала као амбасадор лепоте и снаге Србије.

Ивана Нешић је симбол инспирације и самопоуздања. Њена прича је доказ да се упорношћу и грациозношћу могу превазићи све препреке и оставити неизбрисив траг на светској сцени.



1. – Ivana, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. ,What do you like about your hometown?

I was born in the city of Paraćin. Paraćin is a city in eastern Serbia. It has a rich history, cultural heritage and an important role in the economic life of the region. In my hometown I like that the old customs are respected. Moreover, I like that it is a quiet place and I know that when I am tired I can have a good rest there.


2.- What are your hobbies? what makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

I have passions for modeling, acting, creating wardrobe, reading books, traveling and walking in nature. I enjoy creativity and learning something new.


3.- International Model, Miss Serbia – Miss Balkan 2022 – 2024 Finalist . When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

After many years of desire and following modeling on small screens, in September 2022 I felt and made the decision that I will be the next one to step on the catwalk. That’s how it was. My first appearance was in October 2022. Since then, I have continued to successfully walk the catwalk and win titles. The feeling was indescribable. For many years I wanted to be where I am. When you are chasing your dream, you will most likely not be aware that you are following the paths of success!




4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Ivana in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model?

I believe it is positivity, confidence and self-awareness, no matter what the days are (bad or good)! I often hear people close to me tell me that I am a great fighter and a strong woman, and I would agree with them!


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

I would highlight several basic virtues:

– Prudence is very necessary in order for a woman to manage in various situations that she will go through as a model over time

– Courage is needed for all those beginner fears

And also, it is necessary that a woman is wise, social, analytical, logical. The more she knows, the fewer obstacles she will have to achieve her dreams!

In addition to these virtues, it is important for a woman to have natural beauty and be feminine!


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

The more I work on myself, the more I realise that I am probably a role model for some young girl who has dreams like mine, and I hope she has the courage to realise them!

It is very important to me that young girls can follow my efforts and my work to achieve something I want, to encourage them to work hard for their desires and to be ambitious and independent! I try to be a good example for women, especially for those who want to follow the path of fashion and the public world. Although I have not been in this world for a long time, I am very often asked on social media to share my experience – I am very happy about that!



7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

Seeing myself in a glamorous long dress on the red carpet and the audience applauding me, I knew that I had taken the right step because after many years of thinking, I still had the courage to fulfill my dream and be noticed in public! I felt that it was actually me who was full of self-confidence, and not that little girl who often sat in front of small screens and fantasized about all that. The feeling was extraordinary! I believed in myself!




8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

Social media has a lot of power today. They influence communication, information, marketing and social activism, but they carry risks such as the spread of misinformation, cyberbullying and privacy issues!


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I mostly communicate with my dear followers by exchanging messages. Although, I prefer physical communication!
For now, I mostly use the Instagram platform where I share my works and some moments from everyday life.


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents?

I would advise young people to have the courage to get to know themselves and not to be afraid of risks. If they don’t try, they may never live the life they dream of. Life can change very quickly, you just need faith in yourself.
Don’t be afraid to try new things. Aim high, but don’t be afraid of failure and other people’s opinions. If you fail, don’t give up, change the plan, not the goal. Focus on your path. Only you live your happiness and your life! Have your own attitude!

I would advise parents to give their children a chance and support them to be an even better version of themselves and strive for success, no matter how old the children are and in whatever environment you live (it can be an environment of people who are not used to certain things). If you don’t do that, there is a possibility that that chance or opportunity will never happen again and that could mean a big failure, primarily in the brain of that child!


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

As I already mentioned, for me the world of fashion was one big dream that I dreamed for many years. There comes a time in life when you need to choose yourself and you have to find what makes you happy. From that I learned that I should not be afraid to follow and realize my dreams because if I don’t try and take risks, I will remain just a little girl who is afraid of the «dark». Since then, I have become a woman who is full of self-confidence, which is very important for an independent woman, not only in the world of fashion, but in general!



12.- Ivana, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?

I can’t say it was easy, after all, in the world of fashion there are a lot of sacrifices involved, but dedication to yourself is definitely welcome! Investing in education and personal development is always profitable! We have obstacles in our everyday life, even in becoming a model, but it is very important to manage and solve the obstacle. While I was solving them, I somehow enjoyed all of it, because life is like a wavy sea. When you are determined to fulfill your dreams, be ready to face the world! I overcame my obstacles because I always went straight, because of such circumstances, fear and insecurity from obstacles was not an option.

«You can’t control the wind, but you can adjust the sails» which would mean, it’s not important what happens to you, but how you react to it!




13.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry? Are you dancer?

Oh yes! I attend acting school! Appearing in one of the Serbian series influenced me that I should invest a lot of study, work and effort in the future. I will admit that becoming a successful and famous actor is very difficult, but I decided to try myself in that field as well!



14.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

The role of women in the future depends on the fight for rights, education and legislative changes! I believe that over time it will become more equal, but the key is persistence and global support!


15.- Ivana, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation is that the more time I spend dedicating myself and my works, the more successful I feel! Also, I noticed that my personality became stronger. I am grateful that in addition to my fulfilled dreams, I have my wealth in my small hometown, more precisely, my family!


16.- Ivana, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

Traveling is also one of my passions! I like to meet different cultures. I would like to get to know a lot of countries!


17.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.

– Marriage – Togetherness
– Childrens – Joy and love
– Love – Connectivity
– Travel – Adventure
– Abortion – /
– Dance – Harmony
– Sing – Expressing
– Europe – Culture
– America – Diversity
– Sport – Energy
– Money – Means
– Parents – Protection
– Dreams – A vision
– Passion – Enthusiasm
– Madness Percentage – Extrem
– Character – Personality


18.- Ivana, your last words or final tips

You don’t have to fit into the vision that others have for you, you create your own direction. -If they don’t understand you, they will see you!








Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Ivana Nešić – Serbia

English language

Interview authorized : Ivana Nešić – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Ivana Nešić – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
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