Photo : RGJ Fotografie @rgjfotografie



VOTE FOR ISABELLE – Finalist Miss Universe Noord-Brabant 2025


Isabelle-Alexandra @izzie.ah2006x

Isabelle-Alexandra @izziesmodelingportfolio



Isabelle Alexandra, a rising star from the Netherlands, is making waves as a Miss Universe Noord-Brabant 2025 Finalist. Hailing from one of the most dynamic provinces in the country, Isabelle-Alexandra epitomizes the rich cultural heritage, elegance, and contemporary sophistication of the Netherlands. Her journey in the world of beauty pageants is a testament to her ambition, intelligence, and drive to inspire others.

At a young age, Isabelle-Alexandra has already showcased her multifaceted talents and dedication to personal growth. Her passion for representing Noord-Brabant shines through her advocacy for embracing diversity and celebrating cultural values. Known for her radiant beauty and engaging personality, she embodies the modern Dutch spirit—a perfect blend of tradition and innovation.

Beyond the stage, Isabelle-Alexandra is deeply committed to causes that align with her values. As an advocate for empowering young women, she strives to encourage others to embrace their uniqueness and pursue their dreams fearlessly. Her presence in the Miss Universe competition highlights her mission to inspire and uplift, using her platform to bring visibility to important issues within her community.

With a dazzling smile and a heart full of ambition, Isabelle-Alexandra is not just a contestant but a role model. She represents the beauty, intelligence, and cultural richness of Noord-Brabant, making her a formidable contender for the Miss Universe Netherlands title in 2025. Stay tuned as she continues to shine and captivate audiences worldwide.


1. – Isabelle, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. ,What do you like about your hometown?

I am from a village near Eindhoven the Netherlands, however I grew up alot abroad and went to international schools. The town that I live right now is in the south of the Netherlands near the border of Belgium. Eindhoven is a very diverse town with lots of cultures, psv as our national football team and also is the town of Phillips (known as the city of light. Furthermore we also have glow which is our towns annual light celebration. In the area where I exactly live Nuenen (a suburb of Eindhoven) is where the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh is from.


2.- What are your hobbies? what makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy?

From a young age I used to do theatre and perform a lot. I always loved acting, being creative and also musical. Sports wise I used to do volleyball, ice skating and dance for a long time of my life. However one of my biggest passions is art; specially makeup and fashion design. I would always experiment with my hair, makeup looks and also outfits. One of my dream careers is be to become a makeup artist and do makeup for different events. Growing up with a political background I also did a lot of debates back in secondary school and have a weird interest in geography. Furthermore I love going out with my friends, concerts and traveling just like a typical 18 year old girl.


3.- Model – Miss Universe Noord-Brabant  Finalist . When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today?

My modeling career started all in May 2023 when me and my family were out in Brussels, suddenly I got scouted to participate in the casting of Top model international. Before that I never imagined myself being a model and thought it was an unrealistic dream. Yet I decided to participate as a joke and see where this goes. Suddenly I got qualified for the semi finals in Antwerp, and then the grand final in Monte Carlo. Furthermore, due to Top Model international my modeling career has developed substantially in the span of almost 2 years. I got signed with different agencies, participated in multiple fashion shows, collaborated with photographers and also participated last year with Miss teen of Limburg. Unfortunately I did not win any title in that pageant competition however it has taught me a lot of skills of how to speak in public, how to be more confident and also how to dance. The feeling and privilege of modeling as well as being a miss/influencer makes me feel very thankful for what I have experienced. Yet also much more confident and loved, in which I hope I can make other young women feel empowered too.


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Isabelle in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model?

Since a young age I always grew up feeling a bit differently. Never fitting in and having to deal with people wanting me to be a person who I am not. Therefore throughout my childhood and teenage I always tried to experiment and discover my identity. Thats why I think that my unique approach to different clothing styles, different hair yet also my story represents my identity. Which gives a different approach in modeling which just like art also needs to have abstractness and creativity. I also believe that beauty pageants represent each unique individual with different looks and also different story to create a global impact.


5.- Whats is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an internacional model?

The most important virtue every young women must have to be an international model is not looks, height or specific connections. However it is the passion they have by heart and story they can represent. Without passion and art everything is the same and boring. Therefore I believe no matter your race, disability, ethnicity or any different features if you have the dream of being an international model it is possible if you keep the determination.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers?

As from a young age I was diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder. I always felt ugly like and like a black sheep in society. With girls already from a young age they are raised with plenty of expectations, that they have to look a certain way or they are not allowed to act a certain way because it is not feminine. Especially in autism spectrum disorder (which is more commonly accepted and diagnosed within males) young girls and women are never taken seriously with this disorder. A lot of autistic girls hear on a daily basis “well you don’t look autistic”. As this saying is very common because women from a young age are taught to act like the social norms and as an autistic individual it is already difficult to fit in. Unfortunately when a young girl does not act a certain way they always get scolded and told to act more normal comparing when a small boy with autism acts the same they face the saying with “boys will be boys”. Not only for autistic girls but also neurotypical girls and women face so many standards in society created by men. Such as them being expected to look perfect 24/7, being extremely thin but at the same time also have curves, being expected to please men all the time, always being told to not stand up for themselves to be polite and also being expected to work while raising a family. These standards cause lots of women to be insecure of themselves, face eating disorders, burning out to please others, being to scared to ask for help and even putting their health aside. That’s why it is important for me to inspire young girls and women for them to believe that they matter. As an autistic individual I also want to make a safe space for young women and girls who feel different or have a disability/mental illness and destigmatise the concept of “social norms” or the tabooness of getting help/treatment.


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modeled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant?

When I first went to the casting of Top Model International I had no idea what it was gonna be like. I was very excited but also experienced happy nerves because it was a completely new experience. I remember me and my mother went quickly to some random store in Brussels to buy a pair of heels and a swimsuit to head to the casting. I was lucky since I did dance and figure skating, therefore I did have the balance to walk on heels. Unfortunately I was very nervous because the casting was held in French and French was not my mother tongue, making me scared to make grammatical mistakes. Luckily since the judges cared more about my modeling skills and who I am as a person instead of my language skills that did not matter much. I tried being myself as much as I could and treated everyone with respect. Turns out the casting was a success. With my first beauty pageant on the other hand I did not have any prior pageant experience and I was also very afraid of putting myself out there on social media. Luckily before the casting my older half sister Catalina Filip (Miss Universe of Romania in 2010) gave me tips and helped me with the catwalk. Which gave me a lot of emotional support and reassurance since I always looked up to her.


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today?

The power of social media in these days has a substantial influence on a persons daily life. Social media can either be a very safe space and community where people find friends along with inspiration. Yet social media can also be extremely dangerous full of predators and online bullying. Plenty of people may regret posting on social media since posting one thing once and you can never remove it again. Plenty of young girls also feel very insecure since social media also promotes social norms and beauty standards. Making plenty of girls to change their identity to fit in. However there is also a beautiful side to social media such as, the new friends you can make, the career/marketing opportunities it gives you, the connections you can make but also that you can inspire someone and make their day by saying something nice to them. Especially in these days so many communities, references, fashion trends and careers are made through social media.


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media?

I am not very famous on social media and did not do a lot at first. Therefore I would only post pictures when I would travel or go out with my friends. However due to my modeling and pageant career I need to use social media much more to interact with people and have connections. Therefore I created an account specified for me to get modeling jobs where I have put pictures of all my gigs which is @izziesmodelingportfolio. On my main account @izzie.ah2006x I have more followers and I am currently starting to make more content creation about my pageant journey and daily life. I am also trying to be more confident and post myself more. Personally to create content my favourite social media’s are Instagram and tiktok since most people in the younger generation use them, yet it is also very fun to interact on these apps.


10.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants?

A very important lesson I have learnt from the beauty and fashion industry is that it is not only looks but also contains alot of acting and showing who you are. You have to imagine and act like you are the best on the floor even though you are terrified on the inside. I have also learnt lots of different techniques since there is not only one kind of catwalk on the runway as most people think. Yet there are multiple different techniques; there can also be different music when you walk. Another important lesson I have learnt from different photographers and my agencies are that you have to exaggerate every pose and move so it looks more visible on camera. You have to enhance every possible facial and bodily expression. Because from the inside you may think it looks silly yet people perceive you very differently on the outside.


11.- Isabelle, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles?How did you overcome obstacles?

I was very lucky and privileged that I got scouted to model and did not face the harshest parts of the industry.
I am lucky that I live in a country where they took these laws in action, I am also lucky that I am 5’8 the minimum height of being a runway model and naturally have a slim figure. Unfortunately plenty of aspiring models get rejected, body shamed, exploited, sexually abused and even suffer from eating disorders just to be the soul breadwinners of their family. Even though I have been privileged to be a model and wouldn’t change this experience for anything I cannot say it has always been the easiest. It was a very difficult step to put myself out there. Furthermore I was also very insecure of myself. I did not always feel like I was attractive enough to model and it felt like people only wanted to work with me cause of pity. I also hated seeing my face on the pictures since I always see my imperfections. In contradiction of the photographers/managers loving the photos, I felt very uncomfortable having those photos being released on social media. I would even get more terrified on social media if my friends, love interests, people from my school or town that I live in would follow me on my modeling account and see those pictures. Even to this day I still keep overthinking what are they thinking of me. Another struggle I faced was the facial expressions in the camera. Since the agents and photographers always wanted to see a larger variety of how I pose. I would ask to smile a lot which I absolutely hate my smile or pose in a swimsuit which also was out of my comfort zone. Yet also accepting the fact that other people perceive me different comparing to how I perceive myself. Another struggle is since I do not have my drivers license yet and modeling is a career where you have to travel a lot. I always have to rely on public transport or someone driving me for my jobs. And also sometimes traveling hours and waiting forever in a que for a only 5 minute casting, which you are not even sure if you are selected. Wearing clothing and shoes that don’t fit you/ are uncomfortable while having to walk like nothing is hurting you is also something us models deal with on a daily basis. Having our sizes and measurements leaked on the internet as well is not the most comfortable feeling. Staying hours on heels at repetitions just walking and standing till they organise everything is also an exhausting part models face even at a point where they faint. However with all these struggles they will forever be an experience I will always cherish since this is the art I love. You also get to meet new people, try different things, make friends from all over the world which is the most important part.


12.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry?

I did have a phase where I wanted to be an actress especially during my childhood since I did theatre for a long time. I always loved different musicals learning different roles and how to add my own touch into them. Theatre also helped me learn how to cope with my autism. Because of my autism I struggled with expressing my emotions, would get a lot of stage fright, eye contact and I would also stutter a lot. Theatre helped me a lot with getting over these fears. Unfortunately when I was younger I did not know the ugly part of the entertainment industry. I always loved Disney and Nickelodeon and dreamed of being on one of their shows. I always wanted to live the famous Hollywood life like those celebrities.
And attend events such as the Oscar’s. Now since I am also a part of the entertainment industry I am not fully sure if I want to go into theatre or acting as my career. Yet I would definitely like to act in some films or shows. Since I always wanted to work behind the scenes my biggest dream since I was a little girl was to work in the fashion/entertainment industry more specifically in the part of creating the events and organising them.


13.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies?

Even though I am privileged to live in a country where we are closer to gender equality. We are all human and people cannot decide where they are from. A lot of times I think “What have I done that makes me more privileged than a girl the same age and has the same interests as me but lives in a third world country”. I personally believe the United Nations and other global organisations need to contribute much more for women and their rights. An organisation our pageantry (Miss universe) works with is Simavi. In lots of countries in Asia and Africa people do not have access to clean water. Where the daughters or mother of the family have to travel hours to get access to clean water. Unfortunately a majority of these women will get raped, cat called and sexually abused so that they get access to clean water. Lots of women even refuse to get clean water and drink dirty water because they are scared what will happen to them or their daughters. Simavi is a charity organisation where all the money donated and profited goes into investing that women throughout the whole world can get access to clean water without having to sell their body. Furthermore I believe since we are all human why do some women have more rights than others if the laws are determined by men.


14.- Isabelle, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day?

My motivation is to learn how to love myself and inspire others. The reason why I decided to participate in a pageant again is because I have recently not being doing great mentally the last months. I have lost myself not knowing what I am going. Furthermore I have also struggled with suicide for a long time of my life. Unfortunately my family never took me seriously and believes the struggles of mental illness is very taboo. I was always very ashamed of my suicidalness and my mental struggles as people told me I should be grateful for what I have because people can have it worse. Which yes it was true. Yet unfortunately due to this stigma losing myself and being ashamed of who I am. Kept continuing for me to be in this suicidal cycle. Participating in this beauty pageant motivates me to learn how to love myself inspire others. This also makes me believe that it is okay to not be okay and learn that I am not the only one struggling. Making other young women feel in a safe community also motivates me as I do not wish for anyone to ever feel suicidal unloved or alone. This beauty pageant teaches how to not judge others and their story and that you a never alone. Even if your family or people in your area make you feel that you will always find your people who appreciate you for who you are.


15.- Isabelle, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country?

I love traveling and it is one of my favourite activities to do. I have traveled to almost 50 countries which is a huge privilege at my age of only 18. Since plenty of families cannot even afford leaving their own country. Two of my dream destinations to visit are Greenland and Japan. From a young age I always had a special interest with Greenland. Since it is one of the most isolated places on earth, I made it a goal to visit it at one point. Furthermore I always wanted to see the aurora borealis and ride winter jets. And since global warming is starting to melt the ice I would love to cherish the beautiful nature that we still have. I also always wanted to visit Japan; what I love about Japan is the balance between urban culture. The beautiful city life of Tokyo, the food and even their new innocent in fashion. The rural areas and nature in Japan are also beautiful. I would love to go skiing there or visit Mount Fuji.
I am also planning to work with animals in Costa Rica this summer, since I saw an ad about it for students taking a gap year to helped endangered animals. I always felt more drawn to animals and believe it’s going to be an unforgettable experience. Furthermore here in my own country the Netherlands people tend to only think about the touristic Amsterdam and cheese. Which yes Amsterdam is a wonderful city and I love cheese however this country has much more than just Amsterdam and cheese. The rural areas of the Netherlands are also beautiful such as the Wadden islands above the north of the Netherlands where you can see seagulls and seals, we also have in the south west the province of Zeeland which is at the coast is very peaceful and you can collect pearls along with oysters. We have Keukenhof in the Northwest where you can see all the flowers and tulips. We have the city of The Hague with the beach and casino in Scheveningen (where I would always go surfing there in the summer). In the very north at Friesland you can go sailing in the summer. In the very south of the Netherlands they have this wonderful Christmas market in Valkenburg. And ofcourse in my own province of Noord-Brabant we have a very wonderful theme park called the Efteling (which actually fun fact Disneyland got inspired by it’s aesthetic).


16.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind.


Marriage=contract/lifelong commitment
Children= notstalgia
Love= supporting someone no matter what
Travel= therapy
Abortion= a women’s right of her uterus
Dance= self expression through movement
Sing= self expression through music
Europe= my culture
America= influential globally
Sport= therapy through movement
Money = the lifestyle you want to live
Parents = can make you or break you
Dreams = euphoria
Passion= determination
Character = personality


17.- Isabelle, your last words or final tips

My last words would be is try to find a place or community in this world where you can learn how to love ur self and be appreciated for who you are. And only you can determine in what environment you want to be :)))







Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with Isabelle-Alexandra – Netherlands

English language

Interview authorized : Isabelle-Alexandra – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Isabelle-Alexandra – Perumira – Jaime William

Jaime William - Perumira
Jaime William
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  • Miss Beauty of Groningen 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Limburg 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Noord-Brabant 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Beauty of Zeeland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Noord-Holland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Groningen 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen Limburg 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Flevoland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Noord-Brabant 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Utrecht 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Teen of Zuid-Holland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Gelderland 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Limburg 2025 Netherlands
  • Miss Universe Noord-Holland 2025 Netherlands
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