


In this exclusive interview, we are honored to present Eleni Selleck, a paragon of beauty, intelligence, and advocacy. Crowned as Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024, Eleni’s remarkable journey from Queensland, Australia, to the global stage is truly inspiring. With her striking elegance and profound commitment to social justice, Eleni embodies the modern empowered woman.

Eleni’s achievements transcend her beauty. As a Licensed Attorney, she has leveraged her legal expertise to drive impactful change through her non-profit organization, She Advocates Society. This initiative is dedicated to empowering women, advocating for their rights, and fostering a community of support and solidarity.

Join us as we delve into the life of this extraordinary woman. From her early days in Queensland to her current role as a national icon, Eleni’s story is a testament to resilience, dedication, and the power of dreams. Discover how she balances her professional endeavors with her responsibilities as a beauty queen, and learn about her vision for a more equitable future.

Stay tuned for an engaging conversation with Eleni Selleck, where beauty meets purpose, and passion ignites change.




1. Eleni, tell me about the city where you were born and raised. What do you like about yourhometown? 

 I was born in Queensland, Australia! I grew up on the beautiful sunny Australia beaches and spent most of my time swimming in the ocean or building sandcastles. I love my hometowns connection to nature and its animals!


2. What are your hobbies? What makes you laugh a lot or gives you joy? 

I absolutely love sewing and I spend most of my time using my skills to give back to charities like Care Kits for Kids Qld (“CKKQ”), where I sew children’s clothing and bags. The volunteers at this charity often have me laughing. This charity also gives me a lot of joy as they provide care bags to children entering foster care or experiencing a crisis. Unfortunately, when I was younger, I experienced domestic and family violence which led me being placed into foster care. I only had my school uniform and school bag at this time, and I was provided with a care bag similar to the ones we provide to children from CKKQ.


3. International Model, Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024. When did you decide to take your first steps as a model and beauty pageants? What feeling do you have achieving your dreams, your passions and being a recognized influencer woman today? 

I’m relatively new to the pageant space and I decided to take my first steps into pageantry when I wanted something to increase my confidence. I entered the Australia Galaxy Pageant and never looked back! I won my title Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024 on my second attempt, and I am honoured to be representing such an incredible system.

I am big on manifestation so instead of saying “if” I say “when” this has really helped me to achieve my dreams and my goals in life and has had a major impact on the way I think about what I can achieve.


4.- What do you think is the distinctive, unique stamp of Eleni in each activity carried out as a beauty queen and model? 

My distinctive stamp is my authenticity, when I started in pageantry, I began telling my story of domestic and family violence, foster care and living with disabilities. I wanted to show women that despite our life’s circumstances, we can become leaders and Queens.


5.- What’s is the main virtue that any woman must have to be an international model? 

Hard work and consistency, each and every woman I have met in the pageant space, are all incredibly hard workers and are committed to making a difference in their communities.


6.- Are you aware of being an influential woman for thousands of girls who want to be models? How important is it to you to be an idol for many girls and teenagers? 

Yes, I take my role as Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024 very seriously. I hope to continue to provide women with a safe space to learn more about what they are capable of. This is something that I work on with my platform and business She Advocates Society where I teach women and young girls how to speak up for themselves by developing their advocacy skills.

For me being a role model is very important, I want to show women they can show up as their authentic selves!


7.- What was your feeling the first time you modelled in front of a video camera? What did you feel the first time at a beauty pageant? 

Coming from a dance background, I loved being on stage with my fellow sash sisters! I had so much fun and felt like I was really in my element.


8.- What do you think about the power of social media today? 

I think it can be an amazing source for good, I’ve been able to share my story as well as my community work through social media and highlight the amazing and positive impact we can make.

I acknowledge that there is a lot of negative influences that can make individuals feel as though they are not enough. However, on my pages my goal is to always uplift women.

I always ask myself before posting anything, does this uplift and inspire others? 


9.- How do you like to interact with your followers on social media? Whats your favorite social media? 

I use Instagram the most and I love using it to teach women how to show up as their most authentic selves and I also post advocacy tips and information!


10.- What would you advise young people who have talent but do not dare to take the next step? What would you advise parents who do not support their children’s talents? 

The first step is always the hardest, I often check in with how I’m feeling and if what I’m doing makes my heart sing, I do more of that!

Being young is such an incredible opportunity to explore and be curious! Allow your children the space to learn and enrich their minds!  


11.- What important lessons have you learned from the world of fashion and beauty pageants? 

Courage comes in many forms, but what is most important and what can often take the most courage, is to be yourself. 


12.- Eleni, being a model for you has been easy? Were there obstacles? How did you overcome obstacles? 

Due to my disabilities, the pageant walk was the most difficult for me to learn and perfect, I spent over a year with coaches and physiotherapists to achieve my goals. My hope is that I can inspire people to know that there often feels like so many boundaries and limits to what you can achieve. My goal is to show people that there are no limits, only the belief that limits exist. 


13.- Have you thought about being an actress? Do you like the entertainment industry? 

I use to love acting in plays in school but I often felt like I was better suited to the director role and directing the plays, as I have a keen eye and a lot of creativity!


14.- Worldwide, women have acquired a greater role even though there are societies where they are still abused. What is your opinion of the role of women in the future in these societies? 

With the challenges I have had to overcome in life, I can certainly attest that women still feel or are made to feel unsafe. Domestic and family violence is a major issue worldwide and as a part of my reign, my goal is to shed light on the impacts of DFV.

Women are natural born leaders; we are meant to take up space and have an impact in life. We have so many incredible and inspiring female leaders, but we do need more of them and higher levels of positions. My hope in the future is that women make up at least 50% of all leadership roles, then I believe we will see real change across the globe.


15.- Eleni, what is your motivation and what do you feel grateful for every day? 

 My family has always been my motivation, I have an amazing husband and the most adorable puppy! They support me in all my goals and cheer me on!


16.- Eleni, Do you like to travel? What countries do you know? What other countries would you like to know and which places do you recommend to visit from your country? 

I have been very fortunate and worked very hard to have travelled rather extensively. I have travelled to over 16 different countries and I also lived in the United Kingdom. I would absolutely love to visit Egypt one day as I have always been fascinated by ancient history.

Australia is also such a beautiful country; we are so fortunate to have so many beautiful landscapes. I would recommend a visit Tasmania! My husband and I spent our honeymoon there and it has such beautiful historic buildings and wildlife, where you can see kangaroos and wombats everywhere! 


17.- You and me (Jaime William) are going to play ping pong, I will tell you one word and you will answer with another word that comes to your mind. 


 – Marriage – Supportive

– Children – Future

– Love – Never-ending

– Travel  – Learning

– Abortion – Access

– Dance – Expression

– Sing – Soul

– Europe – Beautiful

– America – Friendship

– Sport – Exercise

– Money – Comfort

– Parents – Guide

– Dreams – Possible

– Passion – Enriching

– Madness Percentage – Mad-hatter

– Character – Perseverance


 18.- Eleni, your last words or final tips 

Be the woman who inspires leaders








Eleni Selleck

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Eleni Selleck – Australia

English language

Eleni Selleck Contact: Facebook – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Facebook – Email: Eleni Selleck – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Eleni Selleck – Perumira – Jaime William


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✅Mrs Galaxy Australia 2024
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Interviews with talents and professionals from around the world. The best profiles, experiences, tips and competitive opportunities. The secrets of beauty and personal image. Leading women in different sectors, industries and fields. Successful women.