Photo by Henrik Pfeifer


Author Dr Jana Nirvana

Dr. Jana Nirvana @drjananirvana

Dr. Jana Nirvana 

Dr. Jana Nirvana @dr..jana.nirvana

Dr. Jana Nirvana @jananirvana

Opensea: Dr. Jana Nirvana : drnirvana


Photo by Henrik Pfeifer


Dive into the mystical journey of Dr. Jana Nirvana, a international artist and #1 bestselling author celebrated across multiple countries. Hailing from Upper Silesia in the Czech Republic, Jana’s path as an artist has been deeply influenced by her early life experiences. In this exclusive interview, she shares the profound impact of her time in Germany and the transformative period she spent exhibiting her work in France, particularly on the vibrant Côte d’Azur.

With a doctorate in history from Leibniz University Hannover, Jana seamlessly blends academic rigor with artistic creativity, shaping her unique approach to High Vibration Energy Art. Her art, rooted in the principles of quantum healing, serves as a beacon of hope and transformation, inviting viewers to access higher vibrational levels.

During the global lockdown, Jana experienced a significant artistic awakening, which she describes as a pivotal moment in her journey. Her Spiritual Painting Sessions offer participants an immersive experience, providing insight into the healing power of art. As a contributor to the Global Conscious Entrepreneurs book, Jana emphasizes the importance of integrating spirituality into business and leadership.

Jana’s recognition with the Global Conscious Entrepreneurs Award and her collaboration with renowned figures like Marie Diamond highlight her influence in the world of spiritual art. Through her interview with the German TV channel NDR, the world class speaker and networker Harry Sardinas, the Good Vibes TV and City Glow magazine, she continues to inspire and educate a global audience.

In this conversation, Jana discusses the significance of her artwork “Royal Pink,” the challenges of contemporary art paradigms, and shares valuable advice for aspiring artists. Discover how she balances her roles as an artist, author, and healer while maintaining her own spiritual well-being. Join us as we explore Jana’s future projects and her mission to raise collective vibrations through her extraordinary art.


Cosmic Web, 180x140cm, Acrylic on Canvas.


1.- Could you tell us about your early life in Upper Silesia, Czech Republic

I was born in Czechoslovakia when it was under the Communist regime. The experiences of the “collective” during the Cold War in my early childhood and further more that there was “another” world as part of my family was living in West Germany have deeply marked my perception and the curse of life.


2.- And how it influenced your journey as a spiritual artist?

Experiencing such deep divisions even though out my family in my childhood certainly influenced my life journey in a way that probably enhanced my longing for belonging to a wholeness.


3.- What was it like studying and exhibiting your work in France, particularly on the Côte d’Azur?

Life on the Côte d’Azur was like a dream for me. The beauty of the nature there is truly uplifting and miraculous. However, I spent less time studying and was more interested in painting and exhibiting as my young self perceived life like there was so much time left.


4.- How did your time in Germany shape your artistic and spiritual practices?

In Germany, I love how effectively things are organized and I learned these practices and incorporated them so well that I can learn and execute any task with precision pretty fast. In art I found actually a way to liberate myself from these patterns tending to over-organizing and micro-managing life. My spiritual practice during the last 20 years helped me on my self-healing journey and it started with a German friend from whom I learned about self-hypnosis. Later art came on the top during the C-time but in the beginning I did not even think about reengaging in art seriously.


Photo by Henrik Pfeifer



5.- What inspired you to pursue a doctorate in history, and how has your academic background influenced your art?

Actually, I wrote my master thesis about the genesis of a poem of Franz Kafka and I also wanted to write my PhD thesis about Kafka’s manuscripts. Unfortunately, there was no funding but I was offered a chance to get funding for writing a doctoral thesis about the post-war history of restitution in Lower Saxony. Once I had familiarized myself with the subject, the funding was rejected by the Ministry of Culture and Science, but I could not just give the subject up, so I continued my research and funded it myself. It took me over ten years to complete it as I was working on other projects simultaneously and furthermore raised my daughter on my own. So I had to persevere and developed a special resilience ability and this quality is really helpful in my life as artist now.


6.- You mentioned that the first lockdown was a turning point for your artistic journey. Could you elaborate on how that period impacted your work and inspiration?

The first “lockdown” was a shock for me first. I noticed that the world was going crazy all around and I decided not to participate in this. So I profited of the extra time I gained in the lockdowns and worked through my whole PhD thesis to prepare it for the publication in book form and mucked everything out of my house that was not sparkling to me anymore. In my quarter in Hannover, there were artists painting in the street in front of a closed café on the weekends and I joined them with my daughter. We started painting there regularly and the contact with the artists deepened. I realized that in painting I found my salvation. Hence, there is no wrong or right on a canvas!


«Cosmic Law 1», 110x110cm, Mixed Media, 2023


7.- Can you explain the concept of quantum healing and how it is reflected in your High Vibration Energy Art?

This is a great question!

So first you have to understand that everything I mean all of our existence is made of energy and that there are no limitations to its possibilities unless we start limiting it. All possible outcomes and even those impossible ones are saved in a kind of an energetic for our eyes invisible web that is interconnecting everything and everybody. This cosmic web is holding all of the information on our existence. Once you realize this, you can intentionally “travel” within your mind to any place in this energetic field and by visiting that place, you pull it also into existence in your material life. I have noticed that it is miraculously easy for me to do such quantum travels while I paint because I get then very easily access to my subconscious. So I combined the teachings on self-healing that I have acquired during the last 20 years with my artistic practice. In my art works, the intention for energetic healing is literally saved in the painting itself and thus, when my art is displayed it is broadcasting that high energy vibration like a radio device in its surrounding.


Photo by Henrik Pfeifer


8.- What does creating art mean to you, and how does it help you access higher vibrational levels?

Art is my salvation. It helps me to maintain a healthy mindset and a good vibrational state. When I paint I stop using my analytical mind and I open to higher realms of inspiration. I am addicted to it!


9.- How do you see your art as a tool for healing and transformation?

With my art works I help people activate their self-healing powers and access their higher self. Furthermore, in my spiritual painting sessions, I guide my clients while painting to ground themselves and get access to their soul with magical ease while painting. It’s a kind of transformative coaching and a method that I have developed myself according to my own needs in first place.


10.- Could you describe your Spiritual Painting Sessions and what participants can expect from these experiences?

In the spiritual painting sessions, everyone discovers healing inspiration. In small, personally guided groups at my art studio in Hannover or online via Zoom, we harness the power of art to embark on a journey into your heart’s energy. We start with a breathing exercise and a short meditation led by me, where you travel into your inner world and find your intention for the painting session. The goal is to learn to maintain the energy felt during the meditation and also while painting in the daily life and to free yourself from outer circumstances.


More information on Dr Jana’s spiritual painting sessions


Photo by Henrik Pfeifer


11.- What motivated you to write for the Global Conscious Entrepreneurs book, and what message do you hope to convey through your chapter?

It was a wonderful synchronicity that I was invited by Marie Diamond to co-author with her. Especially after the C-time it became evident that our way of living urgently requires changes and solely following the purpose to make money for a good living is not enough. I liked the concept of consciously contributing as a conscious CEO with your work to a better world we all want to live in. My chapter is about my own journey of self-healing and how art helped me and I hope to inspire others with it to live a more conscious life.


«The book on Amazon»


12.- How did it feel to receive the Global Conscious Entrepreneurs Award, and what does this recognition mean to you?

Oh, amazing! Of course I loved that experience and was really exited on that Speakers are Leaders Award Gala in London. Furthermore, I met some great entrepreneurs and developed new projects like an art and charity event in September 2024 in London where I will donate a painting for an art auction for a food bank in East London.


13.- Can you share more about your collaboration with Marie Diamond and other co-authors in the Global Conscious Entrepreneurs book?

Oh, sure. It was an incredible experience and I learned so much about promoting my art and stepping out in the world with my mission to raise the collective vibrations. All of the co-authors follow the same goal to create a more conscious world and aspire different approaches in their work. This variety allowed me to see many different angles of entrepreneurship. And of course, learning about Feng shui from a master like Marie Diamond changed my perception of my home place and how I arrange it forever. Most important rule is to clean out your place regularly and to see your home through the eyes of the universe like a 3D vision board.


14.- How do you see the connection between art, spirituality, and leadership in today’s world?

I love this question!

In today’s rapidly transforming world, artists became as important as never before. Their visions help uncover hidden truths and furthermore, in art works people can find inspiration how to transform themselves and their surroundings. Nowadays, we are in a time of a mental disease pandemic and thus the inner journey is probably more important than ever! People desperately look for healing and artistic visions can help them step into their true power.


Photo by Henrik Pfeifer


15.- What role do you believe your art plays in the current energetic transition into higher vibrational spheres?

This transition is an ongoing process that will require several decades or even centuries. My art can serve as an anchor helping ground the energies of higher vibrational spheres in a materialized form.


16.- Could you tell us about your experiences and insights shared in your recent interviews with various media outlets like Good Vibes TV and City Glow magazine?

So far, my experiences with the media are good and I can only underline the importance of publishing in the media and press about your work. This helps spread your message into the world and next to it, you make contacts to great influencers and connectors like I did in my last interview with Harry Sardinas and the German TV chanel NDR. Furthermore, when you have to present yourself and your work, you have to elaborate further your profile and this is really important continuous evolution process.



17.- What is the significance of the artwork «Royal Pink,» and why do you think it resonates with so many people?

“Royal Pink” is an art work that was commissioned especially for Marie Diamond according to her personal Feng Shui colors. This High Vibration piece enhances the flow of the energy in her home to promote success in all life areas.


18.- How do you counter the collapse of paradigm structures in contemporary art with your high-vibration creations?

The collapse of paradigm structures not only in the contemporary art but in our world in general is a given that allows the emergence of new structures. The aim of these new structures is that we can create a more healthy life style. In this sense, I work with the quantum field and support with my art pieces the flow of high vibration energy from 5D into 3D so there is more stabilization by light supporting the transition.


19.- What advice would you give to aspiring artists who want to incorporate spirituality into their work?

I would tell them to follow their heart and not to let themselves discourage by any outer circumstances.


20.- How do you balance your roles as an artist, author, and healer while maintaining your own spiritual well-being?

I love meditation and also practice Yoga and Pilates. I continuously work on myself and join retreats to recalibrate my energy. As I love what I do, it rather brings me more energy and is not draining me like my former jobs.


21.- What future projects or goals do you have for your art and your mission to raise collective vibrations?

I am going global with my art and will exhibit in Las Vegas, New York, London, Berlin and even Miami. My dream future projects are about collaborating with leading creators and curators all over the world and engage myself in charity projects much more!


Photo by Henrik Pfeifer


Dr. Jana Nirvana: Contact:

Interview conducted by Jaime William Mostacero Baca with – Dr. Jana Nirvana – Germany

Czech Republic – ex Czechoslovakia

English language

Dr. Jana Nirvana Contact: Instagram – Email

Interview authorized in writing by Instagram – Email: Dr. Jana Nirvana – Perumira – Jaime William

All Rights Reserved in the name of Dr. Jana Nirvana – Perumira – Jaime William


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